Programs by Campus
Psychological and Brain Sciences
Graduate Faculty
(An asterisk [*] denotes membership in the University Graduate School faculty with the endorsement to direct doctoral dissertations.)
William P. Hetrick*
Associate Chair
Amanda Diekman*
Director of Graduate Studies
Amy Holtzworth-Munroe
Director of Undergraduate Instruction
Rick Hullinger
Director of Pedagogy
Ed Hirt*
Director of Undergraduate Engagement
Lisa Thomassen
Distinguished Professors
Jerome Busemeyer*, Robert Goldstone*, Ken Mackie*, Robert Nosofsky*, David B. Pisoni*, Richard M. Shiffrin*, Linda B. Smith*, Olaf Sporns*
Linda and Jack Gill Chairs
Andrea Hohmann*, Hui-Chen Lu*, Kenneth Mackie*, Norbert Hajos*
Naus Family Chair of Addiction Research
Istvan Katona*
Robert H. Shaffer Chair
Olaf Sporns*
Eleanor Cox Riggs Professor
Aina Puce*
Luther Dana Waterman Professor
Richard M. Shiffrin*
Rudy Professor
Bennett Bertenthal*
Sharon Stephens Brehm Endowed Professor
Brian D’Onofrio*
W.K. Estes Professor
Michael Jones*
Chancellors’ Professors
Robert L. Goldstone*, Robert Nosofsky*, David B. Pisoni*, Linda B. Smith*
Provost Professors
Jerome R. Busemeyer*, Jonathon Crystal*, Peter Finn*, John Kruschke, Olaf Sporns*, Peter Todd*
Jeffrey R. Alberts*, John E. Bates*, Geoffrey Bingham*, Heather Bradshaw*, Joshua Brown*, Thomas A. Busey*, Amanda Diekman*, Joseph Farley*, Preston Evans Garraghty*, Jason Gold*, Karin Harman James*, William Hetrick*, Edward R. Hirt*, Amy Holtzworth-Munroe*, Kurt Hugenberg*, Thomas W. James*, John K. Kruschke*, Cary Lai*, Mary Murphy*, Dale R. Sengelaub*, Richard Viken*, Cara L. Wellman*
Associate Professors
Daniel Kennedy*, Anne Krendl*, Ehren Newman, Anne Prieto*, Robert Rydell*
Assistant Professors
Richard Betzel*, Emily Fyfe*, Dorainne Green, Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces*, Krista Wisner
Teaching Professor
Lisa Thomassen
Senior Lecturers
Richard Hullinger, Benjamin Motz, Cynthia Patton, Alan Roberts, Irene Vlachos-Weber
Kendra Bunner, Krista DeBoeuf, Jonathan Ledbetter, Heather Scherschel
Clinical Assistant Professor
Ke Anne Zhang, Spencer Dawson
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Eliot Hearst*, James T. Townsend*
Chancellors’ Professors Emeritus
Steven J. Sherman*, George V. Rebec*, Meredith West*
Rudy Professor Emeritus
James T. Townsend*, Stanley Wasserman*
Professors Emeritus/Emerita
James Allison*, Alexander Buchwald*, Jerome Chertkoff*, James C. Craig*, S. Lee Guth*, Susan S. Jones*, Julia R. Heiman*, Kenneth Heller*, *, Richard McFall*, Brian F. O’Donnell*, Richard Rose*, Eliot R. Smith*, Alfred Strickholm Associate Professor Emeritus
Harold Lindman*
Professor of Practice Emeritus
Jeffrey Huber