Programs by Campus
Medical Sciences
- ANAT-A 464 Human Tissue Biology (4 cr.) Lecture and lab course that examines the histology of human tissues.
- ANAT-A 505 Human Development (2 cr.) C: Not currently being offered P: Z315 or equivalent and consent of instructor Normal and abnormal human development. General considerations of development from embryonic through early neonatal period. Emphasis on understanding basis for morphological condition found in the adult.
- ANAT-A 512 Introduction to Research in Anatomy (1 cr.) Lectures and demonstrations in current research interests of faculty. Required of all new graduate students.
- ANAT-A 513 Introduction to Research Techniques (1 cr.) P: A512 Individual work on a research problem. Required of all new graduate students.
- ANAT-A 515 Basic Human Anatomy for Educators (5 cr.) P: permission of instructor. Systems-based human anatomy course designed for graduate students who will be teaching basic undergraduate human anatomy courses.
- ANAT-A 530 Special Topics (arr. cr.) P: Consent of instructor. **These courses are eligible for a deferred grade. Work in advanced areas in anatomy. May be repeated for credit.
- ANAT-A561 History of Anatomy (2 cr.) History of the anatomical sciences – gross anatomy, histology, neuroanatomy, and embryology – from antiquity to the present. Through assigned readings and discussions, students will explore the work of the great anatomists and their discoveries.
- ANAT-A 580 Human Anatomy for Medical Imaging Evaluation (3 cr.) This course provides a systematic study of human anatomy and how this anatomy may be examined with medical imaging. Lecture explores the anatomy and medical imaging of the following systems: skeletal, cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive. Lab uses models, skeletal materials, and computerized/digital medical imaging examples.
- ANAT-A 610 Comparative Neuroanatomy (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor; graduate standing; one neuroscience course or equivalent. C: Not currently being offered. A comparison of the central nervous system of mammalian and nonmammalian vertebrates, including a laboratory study of representative specimens.
- ANAT A620: Human Structure (9 cr.) consent of instructor. Explores developmental processes (embryology) and microscopic-to-macroscopic structural organization of the human body. Course is subdivided into didactic (lecture) and lab components. Cadaveric dissection and virtual microscopy, along with medical imaging, are utilized.
- ANAT-A 800 Research in Anatomy (arr. cr.) P: Must have consent of faculty member supervising research
- ANAT- A 850 Topical Seminar in Anatomy (1 cr.) Topics of current interest discussed in seminar format.
- ANAT-A 878 Anatomy Teaching Practicum (2 cr.) Supervised teaching in an upper-level undergraduate or graduate/medical anatomy-related course offered at IUSM-Bloomington. Teaching may involve being instructor of record, lecturing, and/or lab instruction.
- ANAT-A 800 Research in Anatomy (arr. cr.)**These courses are eligible for a deferred grade.
Medical Sciences
- MSCI-M 501 Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (3 cr.) This course provides a comprehensive study of clinical pharmacology for graduate students in a variety of health fields. Students will learn the mechanisms of action, clinical indications, adverse effects, and drug interactions of various medications used to treat disorders of major body systems.
- MSCI-M 508 Precision Medicine of Cancer (2 cr.) This course will highlight the scientific evidence for precision medicine approaches and discuss what is needed to move the concept of precision medicine into clinical practice. As oncology is the clear choice for enhancing the near-term impact of precision medicine, this course will focus on individualized, molecular approaches to cancer. In addition, the course will also incorporate how findings in the cancer field will provide a strong framework for accelerating the adoption of precision medicine in other disease.
- MSCI-M 509 Basics of Scientific Communication (1 cr.)This course will take students through a series of exercises that expose them to various forms of communication - from writing an abstract, to preparing figures for papers vs. posters vs. talks and to talking about their science both to a scientific audience and to the lay public.
- MSCI-M 510 Research Methods (2 cr.) This course will give students a strong fundamental understanding of proper experimental design and commonly used research methods. The course will be taught by critically evaluating common cellular and molecular biology techniques and by critiquing primary literature that utilizes these techniques. Recurring themes will include hypothesis development, appropriate controls, biological versus technical replicates, troubleshooting, analysis of data, statistics, and presentation of data. Students will learn how to evaluate and learn new protocols as well as evaluate experiments presented in primary literature.
- MSCI-M 512 Special Topics in Cell, Molecular and Cancer Biology (1.5-3 cr.)
- MSCI-M 535 Biopsychosocial Medicine: A Case Study Approach (3 cr.) Hybrid course that looks at why some people get sick and others stay well by introducing the interconnections between biological, social, psychological and behavior sciences as they relate to health and disease.
- MSCI-M 550 Seminar in Cell, Molecular and Cancer Biology (1 cr.)
In this Journal Club course, students will take turns presenting new and significant findings relating to molecular, cellular and cancer biology. Students are encouraged to present high impact articles relevant to their thesis research and integrate their own findings into the presentation.
- MSCI-M 565Medicine and Well Being (3 cr.) Students will investigate the social determinants of health by studying the pathophysiology of selected diseases and by participating in service-learning in community agencies in order to promote well-being at the individual and community level.
- MSCI-M 570 Mechanisms of Human Disease (1-6 cr.) C: Not currently being offered. Intensive study of selected topics of human disease and pathological processes.
- MSCI-M 575 Human Diseases (5 cr.) This course explores and details the basic elements of human disease. The fundamental pathology of all organ systems of the human body are covered as are the basic elements of bodily response to a variety of forms of injury.
- MSCI-M 580 Molecular Biology of Cancer (3 cr.) Cancers are genetic diseases produced by mutations in the genes that control cell signaling and cell fate. This class will provide an in-depth study of cell signaling and mechanisms by which cell fate is regulated. These concepts will be used to develop a comprehensive understanding of how tumor cells develop, recruit the support from normal cells, modulate the immune system, metastasize and are treated.
- MSCI-M 620 Pedagogical Methods in the Health Sciences (3 cr.) This course is for biomedical sciences graduate students who want to be excellent instructors and classroom researchers. Students will learn about pedagogical methods, student learning styles and methods of instructional delivery. Students also will learn about the scholarship of teaching and develop a foundation for implementing classroom research and assessment.
- MSCI-M 630 Molecules to Cells to Tissues (7 cr.) Permission of Instructor. Course emphasizes underpinning of concepts integral to the disciplines of biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, histology, and medical genetics – especially how they relate to the practice of medicine. Course consists of lecture, small group sessions, and labs.
- MSCI-M 660 Neuroscience and Behavior (6 cr.) Permission of instructor. Provides a comprehensive introduction to the structure, function, and disorders of the human nervous system. Using an organ system-based approach, this highly multidisciplinary course integrates a strong foundational basic science framework with clinical neurology and psychiatry.
- PATH-C 800 Advanced Pathology (6 cr.) C: Not currently being offered. P: C603. Subject material and hours arranged to conform to needs of student.
- PATH-C 858 Experimental Pathology (5 cr.) C: Not currently being offered. Review and performance of selected experiments in pathology illustrating the types of pathologic processes.
- PATH-C 859 Research in Pathology (arr. cr.) C: Not currently being offered **These courses are eligible for a deferred grade. Supervised initiation of a research project in pathology, and counseling in the completion of a thesis.
- PHAR-F 605 Principles of Pharmacology I (4 cr.)C: Not currently being offered P: Chemistry C483, Medical Sciences P531-P532, or consent of instructor. Basic principles and clinical aspects of modern pharmacology presented in lectures. Physicochemical properties of drugs. Drugs that affect the autonomic nervous system. Drugs that act on cardiovascular and renal systems. Chemotherapy of cancer, infections, and parasites.
- PHAR-F 606 Principles of Pharmacology II (4 cr.)C: Not currently being offered P: F605. Drugs that influence the central nervous system. Drugs that influence gastrointestinal and endocrine systems. Immunopharmacology and the pharmacology of allergy and inflammation. Toxicology.
- PHAR-F 611 Methods of Pharmacology I (3 cr.)C: Not currently being offered P: Consent of instructor. Chemical and biological procedures used in pharmacological research. Lectures and demonstrations of techniques used for the determination of specific substances in biological material.
- PHAR-F 612 Methods of Pharmacology II (3 cr.)C: Not currently being offered P: F611. Laboratory application of principles and techniques presented in F611 to practical problems in pharmacological research. Introduction to data handling.
- PHAR-F 613 Graduate Pharmacology I (3 cr.)C: Not currently being offered P: F605-F606 or consent of instructor. Molecular mechanisms of drug action, drug-receptor interactions, drug metabolism, and pharmacokinetics.
- PHAR-F 614 Graduate Pharmacology II (3 cr.)C: Not currently being offered P: F613 or consent of instructor. Continuation of F613. Molecular mechanisms of drug action, drug-receptor interactions, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics.
- PHAR-F 615 Chemotherapeutic Pharmacology (3 cr.)C: Not currently being offered P: F605-F606 or consent of instructor. C: Not currently being offered. Basic principles of use of drugs as selectively toxic agents and of chemotherapy of bacterial, parasitic, or viral diseases and malignancies.
- PHAR-F 616 Molecular Pharmacology (3 cr.)C: Not currently being offered P: F605-F606 or consent of instructor. C: Not currently being offered. Molecular mechanisms as they relate to drug action. Biological transducers, receptor mechanisms, subcellular phenomena in the actions of drugs on mammalian systems.
- PHAR-F 617 Pharmacology of Drug Metabolism (3 cr.)C: Not currently being offered P: F605-F606 or consent of instructor. C: Not currently being offered. Physicochemical principles involved in the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs and other foreign compounds in the mammalian organism.
- PHAR-F 618 Pharmacokinetics (3 cr.)P: F617. C: Not currently being offered. Kinetic aspects of the absorption, distribution, and excretion of drugs in the mammalian organism. Compartmentalization, multiphasic decay curves, and computerized treatments.
- PHAR-F 619 Endocrine Pharmacology (3 cr.)P: F605-F606 or consent of instructor. C: Not currently being offered. The pharmacology of hormones. Biosyntheses, structures, actions, and degradations of hormones endogenous to mammalian species. Structure and pharmacological activity of synthetic analogs and antagonists of naturally occurring hormones.
- PHAR-F 620 Special Topics in Pharmacology (3 cr.)P: F605-F606 or consent of instructor. Special topics of current interest in pharmacology. May be repeated.
- PHAR-F 621 Readings in Pharmacology (1-3 cr.)Supplementary readings and tutorial discussions in aspects of pharmacology to fit the needs of individual students or for specialized areas. May be repeated.
- PHAR-F 625 Research in Pharmacology (arr. cr.) Original research as approved.
- PHAR-F 630 Seminar in Pharmacology (1 cr.)C: Not currently being offered Research reports by students, faculty, and invited guests.
- PHSL-P 416 Comparative Animal Physiology (3 cr.)P: Introductory physiology or permission of instructor.
- PHSL-P 512 Introduction to Research in Physiology (1 cr.)Introduction to areas and methods of current faculty research. Required of all new graduate students.
- PHSL-P 513 Introduction to Research Techniques (1 cr.)P: P512. Individual work on a research problem.
- PHSL-P 515 Basic Human Physiology for Educators (5 cr.) P; permission of instructor. Systems-based human physiology course designed for graduate students who will be teaching basic undergraduate human physiology courses.
- PHSL-P 530 Special Topics (arr. cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Work in advanced areas in physiology.
- PHSL-P 531 Human Physiology I (3 cr.) C: Not currently being offered Basic principles of homeostasis; muscle, cardiovascular, and renal physiology and metabolism relevant to humans. Sem I
- PHSL-P 532 Human Physiology II (5 cr.)C: Not currently being offered Basic physiological principles of temperature regulation, respiration, digestion, and endocrinology relevant to humans. Sem II
- PHSL-P537 Topics in Clinical Physiology (3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. Graduate-level course for students intending to gain specific and advanced clinical physiology knowledge across a range of topics in Medical Sciences.
- PHSL-P 550 Seminar in Physiology (1 cr.) P: Graduate standing in physiology. Biomedical colloquium/seminar series on current topics of interest in medical sciences.
- PSHL P 640 Fundamentals of Health and Disease (6 cr.) Permission of instructor. Students’ knowledge of physiological, pathophysiological and pharmacological principles will enable them to describe maintenance of normal physiologic functions and discuss disease states and drug treatments in terms of altered cellular and tissue function.
- PHSL-P 800 Research in Physiology (arr. cr.)** This course is eligible for a deferred grade.