Programs by Campus


Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance




Linda Pisano

Graduate Faculty

(An asterisk [*] denotes membership in the University Graduate School faculty with the endorsement to direct doctoral disser­tations.)


Jonathan R. Michaelsen, Linda Pisano,

Associate Professors

Ray Fellman, , Allen Hahn, Andrew Hopson, Nancy Lipschultz, Murray McGibbon, Tanya Palmer, Elizabeth Limons Shea, Ansley Valentine

Assistant Professors

Leraldo Anzaldua, Selene Carter, Peter Gil-Sheridan, Reuben Lucas, Eleanor Owicki, Richard Roland

Visiting Assistant Professors

DJ Gray, Stephanie Nugent, Jason Orlenko,

Professors of Practice

Stafford C. Berry, Terry LaBolt, Jenny McKnight, Heather Milam, Kenneth L. Roberson

Faculty Emeriti

Leon Brauner*, Winona Fletcher*, Roger W. Herzel*,  Dale McFadden, Marion Bankert Michael, R. Keith Michael*, Wesley Peters, George Pinney, Dennis Joseph Reardon, Robert A. Shakespeare, Frank Silberstein, Rakesh H. Solomon*, Ronald H. Wainscott

Director of Graduate Studies

Jonathan Michaelsen, Theatre Building A300

Academic Bulletins

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