Special Opportunities
Preparing Future Faculty
A number of graduate programs have established Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) programs, which are designed to introduce graduate students to the full range of professional responsibilities in research, teaching, and service they will encounter in academia. These programs typically include more advanced courses in pedagogy, the opportunity to work closely with teaching mentors and to construct teaching portfolios, workshops on specialized topics, and expanded teaching possibilities, often in cooperation with other campuses of Indiana University or other institutions.
For information about these programs, contact the individual departments. Further information for IUB students can be obtained from the IUB Preparing Future Faculty webpage or from the University Graduate School, Wells Library E546, 1320 E. 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405 (812-855-5697; grdschl@indiana.edu; graduate.indiana.edu). Further information about the Preparing Future Faculty and Professionals (PFFP) program at IUPUI can be obtained from the IUPUI Preparting Future Faculty and Professionals webpage or by contacting pffp@iupui.edu.