Programs by Campus


Comparative Literature


Cross-Listed Courses

Courses Required for M.A. and Ph.D. Programs
  • CMLT-C 501 Introduction to Contemporary Literary Studies (3 cr.) Introduces major questions and ideas about the nature of literature and the principles and methods of its study. 
  • CMLT-C 502 Fields and Methods of Comparative Literature (1 cr.) Explores the various disciplines and approaches that constitute the practice of comparative literature at Indiana University and introduces their methods and bibliographical resources. Faculty members will lecture on their specialties.
Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Courses
  • CMLT-C 503 Topics in World Criticism and Theory I (4 cr.) Selections from critics, theorists, and critical and theoretical movements before 1750 from an intercultural perspective. As topics vary, may be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 504 Topics in World Criticism and Theory II (4 cr.) Selections from critics, theorists, and critical and theoretical movements after 1750 from an intercultural perspective. As topics vary, may be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 545 The Bible and Western Literature (4 cr.) Questions of authority, unity, canonicity, and interpretive license studied with reference to selected texts from the Western tradition and their biblical source. May be repeated for credit when topic differs.
  • CMLT-C 546 Sexuality and the Arts (4 cr.) Beginning with a general in­troduction to methodology, examines human sexuality as mani­fested in various cultures, literatures, and areas of the arts.
  • CMLT-C 555 Theory and Methods of Interarts Studies (4 cr.) The inter­relations of literature, music, dance, and the visual arts, with an emphasis on questions of representation, symbolic structure, intersemiotic transposition, illustration, period, style, hybrid and multi-media forms, and general method. Topics may vary.
  • CMLT-C 601 Studies in the History of Theory and Criticism (4 cr.) Topic varies. May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 602 Contemporary Theoretical Issues and Approaches (4 cr.) Topic varies. May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 641 Literature in Its Intellectual and Cultural Contexts (4 cr.) Topic varies. May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 643 Literary Studies and the Social Sciences (4 cr.) Topic var­ies: e.g., politics and the novel, new historicism, the theory of ideology. May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 644 Literary Studies and Psychoanalysis (4 cr.) Topic varies: e.g., Freud and literature, Lacan and literary theory. May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 645 Literary Studies and Religion (4 cr.) Topic varies. May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 647 Literary Studies and Philosophy (4 cr.) Topic varies. May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 649 Literary Studies and the Natural Sciences (4 cr.) Topic varies: e.g., science and the theory of interpretation; the aes­thetics of evolution. May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 655 Topics in Interarts Studies (4 cr.) Topic varies. May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 692 Comedy in Film and Literature (4 cr.) Styles and tech­niques of film comedy from the beginnings of cinema to the present. Theories of comedy and humor; relationship to com­edy in fiction, drama, pantomime, circus, and vaudeville.
  • CMLT-C 693 Film Adaptations of Literature (4 cr.) Analysis of the processes and problems involved in turning a literary work (novel, play, or poem) into a screenplay and then into a film. Close study of literary and film techniques and short exercises in adaptation.
  • CMLT-C 790 Studies in Film and Literature (4 cr.) Topic varies: e.g., cinema and the theory of narrative; literary adaptation in cinema; relation of cinematic and literary movements (e.g., sur­realism, expressionism). May be repeated for credit.
Period Courses
  • CMLT-C 505 Western Literary and Intellectual Traditions to 1500 (4 cr.) Classical, biblical, and medieval texts. 
  • CMLT-C 506 Western Literary and Intellectual Traditions After 1500 (4 cr.) An historical overview, discussing a wide range of texts. 
  • CMLT-C 521 Ancient Greek and Roman Literature (4 cr.) 
  • CMLT-C 523 Medieval Literature (4 cr.) 
  • CMLT-C 525 The Renaissance and Seventeenth Century (4 cr.) 
  • CMLT-C 529 The Eighteenth Century (4 cr.) 
  • CMLT-C 533 Romanticism (4 cr.) 
  • CMLT-C 535 The Later Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (4 cr.) 
  • CMLT-C 537 The Twentieth Century I (4 cr.) Early and middle twenti­eth century.
  • CMLT-C 538 The Twentieth Century II (4 cr.) Late twentieth century to the present.
  • CMLT-C 630 Studies in Literary History (4 cr.) May be repeated for credit.
Genre Courses
  • CMLT-C 511 Drama (4 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 513 Narrative (4 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 515 Lyric (4 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 516 Non-Narrative Prose (4 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 610 Studies in the Theory of Genres (4 cr.) May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 611 Topics in Literary Genres, Modes, and Forms (4 cr.) May be repeated for credit.
Cross-Cultural Studies
  • CMLT-C 571 Africa in the History of Ideas (4 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 572 Modern African Letters (4 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 573 Comparative Topics in Middle Eastern and Western Literatures (4 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 575 Topics in East-West Comparative Studies (4 cr.) Topic varies. May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 576 Comparative Approaches to Chinese Literature (4 cr.) May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 670 Topics in Cross-Cultural Studies (4 cr.) May be repeated for credit.
Translation Studies
  • CMLT-C 580 History and Theory of Translation (4 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 581 Workshop in Literary Translation (4 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 680 Topics in Translation Studies (4 cr.) May be repeated for credit.
Research, Teaching, and General Topics
  • CMLT-C 507 Teaching Methods in Comparative Literature (3 cr.) The presuppositions, methods, and goals of teaching literature. Topics include literature and composition, cross-cultural ap­proaches, translation studies, comparative arts, literary theory, and technological resources. Practice in developing courses, assignments, and classroom strategies.
  • CMLT-C 508 Teaching Literature and Composition (1 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 509 Teaching Internship in Comparative Literature (1 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 603 Topics in Comparative Literature (4 cr.) May be repeated for credit.
  • CMLT-C 604 Individual Readings in Literature (1-4 cr.) Arranged with an individual member of the department. Faculty authorization is required.
  • CMLT-C 801 Research (arr. cr.) This course is eligible for a deferred grade.
  • CMLT-C 805 Master’s Thesis (arr. cr.) This course is eligible for a deferred grade.
  • CMLT-C 810 Ph.D. Thesis (arr. cr.) This course is eligible for a deferred grade.

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