Programs by Campus





  • BIOT-T 500 Project Lab in Biotechnology (1-3 cr.) Students explore different stages of scientific investigation by performing research using the techniques of biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and cell biology on problems related to biotechnology. Students design and execute research projects under supervision of the Instructor in a teaching laboratory setting on problems chosen in consultation with the Instructor.
  • BIOT-T 501 Biochemical Instrumentation (2 cr.) This laboratory course is focused on the biotechnology instrumentation used to characterize proteins. Students will learn theory as well as gain hands-on training in mass spectrometry, spectroscopic analysis of protein-ligand interactions, and capillary electrophoresis. Data generated will be used to develop lab reports.
  • BIOT-T 502 Mammalian Tissue Culture (2 cr.) This laboratory course is designed to guide students through culturing and manipulations of different mammalian cell lines. Students will gain hands-on experience culturing cells, performing cell-based assays, and data interpretation.
  • BIOT-T 508 Theory and Application of Biotechnology Lecture (3 cr.) This course teaches concepts of molecular and cellualar biology and biochemistry to help understand recent advances made in biotechnology.
  • BIOT-T 515 Theory and Application of Biotechnology Lab (3 cr.) Students will learn advanced laboratory techniques currently used in biotechnology with a focus on the application of molecular genetics and recombinant DNA technology.
  • BIOT-T 521 Research Design in Ethics (2 cr.) This course focuses on proper design and validation of experimentation and means of ethical treatment of subjects, materials, and reporting of experimental data. Case studies involving data mismanagement will be covered.
  • BIOT-T 525 Protein Expression, Purification, and Characterization Lab (3 cr.) This is a laboratory course focused on the expression of proteins in a variety of systems ranging from E. coli, yeast, and tissue culture. The students are involved in optimizing protein expression, affinity protein isolation, and biophysical characterization of their isolated proteins.
  • BIOT-T 540 Structure and Function of Biomolecules (3 cr.) This applied biochemistry course provides mechanistic and applied analysis of proteins, enzymes and nucleic acids. Students also critique scientific papers and write ideas, as well as research the mechanism of action of specific drugs and present their findings.
  • BIOT-T 680 Specialized Topics in Biotechnology (1-3 cr.) This is a specialized topics course. The content of which will vary from one semester to the next depending on the interest of the instructor. The course content is meant to be specialized to offer a wide variety of topics of interest to Biotechnology graduate students and students minoring in Biotechnology. Instructors will include faculty in the Biotechnology program, other faculty whose research include Biotechnology, as well as visiting researches from Biotechnology industries that will offer unique insights to research topics in the Biotechnology field.

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