Programs by Campus


Cross-Listed Courses

  • NEUS-N 500 Neural Science I (3 cr.) Basic introduction and current trends in cellular neurophysiology, neurocytology, synaptic processes, and neuroanatomy. 
  • NEUS-N 501 Neural Science II (3 cr.) Continuation of Neural Science I emphasizing higher integrative processes such as per­ception, cognition, and memory. Special emphasis will be placed on timely topics and topics of particular relevance to members of the class. 
  • NEUS-N 510 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (3 cr.) Examines the properties and behavior of neurons and glia, the principal cells of the nervous system. The function of neural cells, the molecules involved in these functions, and the organization of molecular components required to generate cellular activity will be considered. 
  • NEUS-N 550 Seminar on Sensorimotor Neuroplasticity (2-3 cr.) P: Graduate status and consent of instructor. This course is intended to introduce students to the research methodologies and experimental findings of studies addressing sensorimotor brain plasticity. While the specific content of the course may vary across semesters, the overarching goal is to provide stu­dents with a firm grounding in the primary literature represent­ing this area of research so that they become familiar with the mechanisms of neural plasticity from systemwide to molecular levels. 
  • NEUS-N 566 Developmental and Cellular Neuroscience (3 cr.) P: Knowledge in basic neuroscience and biology. This course examines the vertebrate nervous system from a cellular and molecular perspective. It covers the unique structural and functional properties of both neurons and glia, explores in depth the development of the nervous system, and covers at a molecular level the biological basis for learning and memory.
  • NEUS-N 611 Neural Bases of Visual Sensation, Perception, and Cogni­tion (3 cr.) Basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the visual system. Correlations will be made with current, biologi­cally-based cognitive models of vision. The goal of this course is to integrate neural and cognitive approaches to the problems of vision. 
  • NEUS-N 612 Ion Channels and Receptors (3 cr.) P: Graduate status and consent of instructor. Molecular, biophysical, and bio­chemical analysis of the major molecules responsible for neural excitability and synaptic transmission: receptor-coupled ion channels, voltage-dependent ion channels, G-protein coupled receptors, transporters, signal transduction pathways, synaptic vesicle-associated proteins, cytoskeletal proteins, classical and novel neurotransmitters and modulators. 
  • NEUS-N 613 Neural Mechanisms of Hearing (3 cr.) P: Graduate status and consent of instructor. Review of anatomy and physiology of inner ear and central auditory pathways. Special attention to current research on the neural basis of auditory discrimination.
  • NEUS-N 650 Neuroscience Colloquium Series (1 cr.) P: Graduate status and consent of instructor. Colloquia in this series cover a broad range of topics in neuroscience research.
  • NEUS-N 700 Readings-Nervous System (arr. cr.) Reading in special topics with guidance from a member of the faculty. 
  • NEUS-N 800 Research (arr. cr.)

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