Programs by Campus


Informatics and Computing


  • INFO-I 500 Fundamental Computer Concepts for Informatics (3 cr.) An Introduction to fundamental principles of computer concepts for Informatics study, including an overview of computer architecture, computer algorithms, fundamentals of operating systems, data structure, file organization and database concepts. INFO I500 is expected to impart the required level of competency in computer science. This course may be waived in lieu of 6 undergraduate credit hours of computer science or informatics coursework, covering areas of programming, discrete structures, and data structures. Not currently offered.   
  • INFO-I 501 Introduction to Informatics (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. This course serves as an intensive introduction to the most central technical tools of Informatics, most importantly, probability and statistics, linear algebra, and numerical optimization. The course weaves in computation, using R, as a uniting theme, while including numerous examples and applications of the techniques presented.   
  • INFO-I 502 Human-centered Research Methods in Informatics (3 cr.) This course surveys a broad range of research methods employed in Informatics, exploring their meta-theoretical underpinnings and exemplifying their application to specific research questions. This course is intended only for Ph.D. students in Informatics and is a required course. Previously listed as Topics Course INFO I590, with titled topic, credit given for only one (either INFO I590 with this titled topic, or INFO I502).
  • INFO-I 504 Social Dimensions of Science Informatics (3 cr.) Examines ethical, legal, and social issues surrounding contemporary research and practice in science informatics. Topics include the nature of science and technology, the ramifications of recent advances in science informatics, and relevant science policy and research ethics. General knowledge of science informatics is assumed.  Not currently being offered.  
  • INFO-I 506 Globalization and Information (3 cr.) Explores the processes that promote and impede movement of human action and informational activities to the most general levels, e.g., the level of the world as a whole. Surveys diverse theories of globalization to identify the best approaches for professional informatics career planning and making information globally accessible.  Not currently being offered.  
  • INFO-B 519 Introduction to Bioinformatics (3 cr.) P: One semester programming course or equivalent. Sequence alignment and assembly; RNA structure, protein and molecular modeling; genomics and protenomics; gene prediction; phylogenic analysis; information and machine learning; visual and graphical analysis bioinformatics; worldwide biologic databases; experimental design and data collection techniques; scientific and statistical data analysis; database and data mining methods; and network and Internet methods.
  • INFO-I 520 Security for Networked Systems (3 cr.) This course is an extensive survey of system and network security. Course materials cover the threats to information confidentiality, integrity and availability and the defense mechanisms that control such threats. The course provides the foundation for more advanced security courses and hands-on experiences through course projects.
  • INFO-I 521 Malware Epidemic: Threat and Defense (3 cr.) This course is designed to be research and hands-on oriented. Students are required to read and present research papers that reflect the state of the art in malware-related research and participate in course projects that expose them to the cutting-edge technologies on malware defense.  Not currently being offered.
  • INFO-I 525 Organizational Informatics and Economic Security (3 cr.) Security technologies make explicit organizational choices that allocate power. Security implementations allocate risk, determine authority, reify or alter relationships, and determine trust extended to organizational participants. The course begins with an introduction to relevant definitions (security, privacy, trust) and then moves to a series of timely case studies of security technologies.  Not currently being offered.
  • INFO-B 529 Machine Learning in Bioinformatics (3 cr.) P: INFO I519, or equivalent knowledge. The course covers advanced topics in Bioinformatics with a focus on machine learning. The course will review existing techniques such as hidden Markov models, artificial neural networks, decision trees, stochastic grammars, and kernel methods. Examine application of these techniques to current bioinformatics problems including: genome annotation and comparison, gene finding, RNA secondary structure prediction, protein structure prediction, gene expression analysis, proteonmics, and integrative functional genomics.
  • INFO-B 530 Seminar in Health Informatics Applications (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. This course examines the basic concepts of the design, evaluation, and use of interactive applications in health informatics.
  • INFO-I 531 Seminar in Health Informatics (1-3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. Variable topic. Emphasis is on advanced topics and research in health informatics. Can be repeated once with a different topic, subject to approval of the program director.
  • INFO-I 532 Seminar in Bioinformatics (1-3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. Variable topic. Emphasis is on advanced topics and research in bioinformatics. Can be repeated with different topics, subject to approval of the Dean.
  • INFO-I 533 Systems & Protocol Security & Information Assurance (3 cr.) This course looks at systems and protocols, how to design threat models for them and how to use a large number of current security technologies and concepts to block specific vulnerabilities. Students will use a large number of systems and programming security tools in the laboratories.
  • INFO-H 534 Seminar in Human-Computer Interaction (1-3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. Variable topic. Emphasis is on advanced topics and research in human-computer interaction. Can be repeated once with a different topic, subject to approval of the program director.
  • INFO-I 536 Foundational Mathematics of Cybersecurity (3 cr.) P: Knowledge of undergraduate level probability, lined algebra or calculus. Students will learn mathematical tools necessary to understand modern cyber security. The course will cover introductory mathematical material from a number of disparate fields, including probability theory, computational theory, complexity theory, group theory, and information theory. Not currently offered.
  • INFO-I 537 Legal and Social Informatics of Security (3 cr.) This is a case-based course on privacy and security in social contexts. Cases will particularly address the specific designs of technologies (e.g., P3P, PICS) and discuss how different technically feasible design choices would result in distinct regulatory regimes, business strategies, or support different forms of social interaction. This course will focus on specific security and privacy technologies as socio-technical systems.
  • INFO-H 538 Introduction to Cryptography (3 cr.) Introduction to the foundational primitives of cryptography and implementations. A primary goal of this course will be to understand the security definitions for each primitive, and how they are used in cryptographic protocols. The ethics of insecure or on-the-fly protocol design will be discussed.
  • INFO-H 539 Cryptographic Protocols (3 cr.) Provides a basic understanding of computer security by looking at how things go wrong and how people abuse the system. Once it is understood how computer systems are attacked, it is possible to propose ways to make the system secure.
  • INFO-H 541 Interaction Design Practice (6 cr.) Human-Computer Interaction Design (HCID) describes the way a person or group accomplishes tasks with a computer - what the individual or group does and how the computer responds; what the computer does and how the individual or group responds. Sometimes known as “interface design,” HCID becomes increasingly important as computing intelligence and connectivity spread ubiquitously to home, work, and play environments. This course will be organized around a collection of readings and three design projects concerned with applying human-computer interaction principles to the design, selection, and evaluation of interactive systems.
  • INFO-I 542 Foundations of Human Computer Interaction (3 cr.) Offers a survey overview of the field of Human-Computer Interaction Design. It introduces the main themes of HCI set generally in a historical context. Themes include interaction design, cognitive modeling, distributed cognition, computer-supported cooperative work, data, visualization, ubiquitous computing, affective computing, and domestic computing, among others.
  • INFO-H 543 Interaction Design Methods (3 cr.) Students will learn basic concepts and methods for usability studies and evaluation of interactive systems as well as apply those methods to actual system design evaluations. This course is not only for understanding the basics and traditional approaches in this area, but also for exploring new ways of evaluating the usability of state-of-the-art technology-based systems such as systems in ubiquitous computing, CSCW, tangible and social computing areas.
  • INFO-I 545 Music Information Representation, Search, and Retrieval (3 cr.) P: Major, minor, or outside area standing in music informatics or music information technology. A comprehensive, comparative study of computer-based representation schemes for music, including those oriented toward music notation, music performance, and music analysis. Overview of musical metadata. Techniques and tools for search and retrieval of music information. Credit not given for both INFO I545 and MUS N564. Not currently offered.
  • INFO-I 546 Music Information Processing: Symbolic (3 cr.) This course deals with both methodology and specific applications that attempt to algorithmically annotate, understand, recognize, and categorize music in symbolic (score like) form. Particular applications will include key finding, harmonic analysis, note spelling, rhythm recognition, meter induction, piano fingering, and various classification problems such as genre or composer identification. The methodology we will employ will be probabilistic and will include ideas from Machine Learning such as optimal classifiers, hidden Markov models, and Bayesian Networks. Students will have computing assignments, present papers, and be expected to implement solutions to problems using a high-level language such as R or Matlab. Not currently offered.
  • INFO-I 547 Music Information Processing: Audio (3 cr.) This course deals with various music analysis and processing problems that use sampled audio as the primary data representation. Discusses digital signal processing, including filtering and its relationship to Fourier techniques. Topics include synthesis, effects processing, score following, blind music recognition, and accompaniment systems. Not currently offered.
  • INFO-I 548 Introduction to Music Informatics (3 cr.) P: Solid understanding of music fundamentals; music theory background recommended. History, issues, and applications in music information technology. Survey of various types of musical information. Introduction to digital musical media, including data standards and processing; database structure and organization standards and processing; database structure and organization of audio-, score-, and text file objects; and discussion of copyright issues. Not currently offered.
  • INFO-B 561 Meaning and Form in HCI (3 cr.) As a continuation of HCI 1 (I541), students will learn methodologies and principles for two types of core activities in human-computer interaction design: a) requirements analysis, contextual inquiry and ethnography as applied to the design of interactive systems in the social context b) conceptual design for the modeling of the interactive structure of the web, hypermedia and software applications.
  • INFO-I 571 Chemical Information Technology (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Overview of chemical informatics techniques, including chemical structure coding, chemical data representation, chemical database and search systems, molecular visualization and modeling techniques, and the development of chemical informatics software.
  • INFO-I 572 Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling (3 cr.) P: INFO I571. Computer models of molecules and their behavior in gas and condensed phases; implicit and explicit solvation models; quantum and molecular mechanics; search strategies for conformational analysis, geometry optimization methods; information content from Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations; QSAR; CoMFA; docking.
  • INFO-B 573 Programming for Science Informatics (3 cr.) Students will receive a thorough understanding of software development for chem- and bioinformatics, and broaden experience of working in a scientific computing group. Topics include programming for the web, depiction of chemical and biological structures in 2D and 3D, science informatics tool kits, software APIS, AI and machine-learning algorithm development, high performance computing, database management, managing a small software development group, and design and usability of science informatics software.
  • INFO-I 585 Bioinspired Computing (3 cr.) Biologically-inspired computing is an interdisciplinary field devoted to computational methods modeled after natural design principles. The goal is to produce informatics tools with enhanced robustness, scalability, flexibility and natural human-machine interaction. Topics include: Self-organization, Evolutionary Systems, Cellular Automata, Boolean Networks, L-Systems, Collective and Swarm Behavior, Artificial Immune Systems, Complex Networks.  Not currently being offered.
  • INFO-I 586 Artificial Life (3 cr.) Artificial life is a broad discipline encompassing the origins, modeling, and synthesis of natural and artificial living entities and systems. Artificial intelligence, as a discipline, tries to model and understand intelligent systems and behavior, typically at the human level.  Not currently being offered.
  • INFO-I 590 Topics in Informatics (1-3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. Variable topic. Emphasis is on new developments and research in informatics. Can be repeated with different topics, subject to approval of the student’s academic advisor.
  • INFO-I 591 Graduate Internship (0-6 cr.) P: Approval required. Students gain professional work experience in an industry or research organization setting, using skills and knowledge acquired in Informatics course work. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
  • INFO-I 601 Introduction to Complex System (3 cr.) P: MATH M118, INFO I201, or equivalent course. The course will cover fractals, emergent behavior, chaos theory, cooperative phenomena, and complex networks. Students will learn how to think differently about complex realities, finding ways to understand their complexity and addressing the problems they pose.
  • INFO-I 602 Music Information Processing: Audio (3 cr.) This course deals with various music analysis and processing problems that use sampled audio as the primary data representation. Digital signal processing including filtering and its relationship to Fourier techniques. Focus on applications including score following, automatic music transcription and annotation from audio, musical accompaniment systems, as well as some useful audio effects.  Not currently being offered.
  • INFO-H 604 Human Computer Interaction Design Theory (3 cr.) The course will explore, analyze and criticize underlying assumptions and the rationale behind some of the most influential theoretical attempts in HCI and related fields. The purpose of the course is to make students aware of how theories can influence practice and to develop critical thinking around the role, purpose, and function for theories.
  • INFO-B 605 Social Foundations of Informatics (3 cr.) Topics include the economics of information businesses and information societies, legal and regulatory factors that shape information and information technology use, the relationship between organization cultures and their use of information and information technology, and ownership of intellectual property.  Not currently being offered.
  • INFO-I 609 Advanced Seminar I in Informatics (3 cr.) P: Advanced graduate standing or consent of instructor. Ph.D. student introduction to major historical and emerging theories, methods, technologies, and applications in Informatics. Provides students with opportunities to explore relevant research literature, results, and applications. Students will develop a profound understanding of leading research approaches and paradigms in their research area.
  • INFO-I 611 Mathematical and Logical Foundations of Informatics (3 cr.) P: Basic Discrete Mathematics equivalent to MATH M 118, or consent of instructor. An introduction to mathematical methods for information modeling, analysis and manipulation. Topics include proof methods in mathematics, models of computation, counting techniques and discrete probability, optimization, statistical inference and more advanced topics that include but are not limited to Markov chains and random walks, random graphs, and Fourier analysis.  Not currently being offered.
  • INFO-B 617 Informatics In Life Sciences and Chemistry (3 cr.) Introduces the fundamental notions in genome and proteome informatics and chemical informatics, focusing on the design and organizing issues in information systems used in those areas. The course is designed for students with no biology or chemistry background, but some knowledge in informatics, who want to learn basic topics in bioinformatics and chemical informatics.
  • INFO-B 619 Structural Bioinformatics (3 cr.) Informatics approaches addressing the sequence and 3D structure of biological macromolecules (DNA, RNA, Protein), with the objective of improving understanding of the function of these molecules. Topics will include molecular visualization; structure determination, alignment, and databases; and prediction of protein structure, interactions, and function.  Not currently being offered.
  • INFO-B 621 Computational Techniques in Comparative Genomics (3 cr.) Summarizes computational techniques for comparing genomes on the DNA and protein sequence levels. Topics include state of the art computational techniques and their applications: understanding of hereditary diseases and cancer, genetic mobile elements, genome rearrangements, genome evolution, and the identification of potential drug targets in microbial genomes.  Not currently being offered.
  • INFO-H 651 The Ethnography of Information (3 cr.)   Not currently being offered.
  • INFO-B 667 Seminar in Interprofessional Collaboration (1 cr.) This seminar will provide graduate students with in-depth experiences in interprofessional thinking and collaboration. Several Indiana University Schools at the Indianapolis campus have developed an interprofessional learning laboratory rooted in real-life innovation, discovery and collaboration related to health and wellbeing. (May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit).
  • INFO-I 690 Topics in Informatics (1-3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. Variable topic. Emphasis is on new developments and research in informatics. (May be repeated with different topics, subject to approval of the Dean.)
  • INFO-B/ INFO-H 698 Research in Informatics (1-12 cr.) Research not dissertation related under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. May be repeated for a maximum of 30 credits.
  • INFO-I 699 Independent Study in Informatics (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Independent readings and research for Ph.D. students under the direction of a faculty member, culminating in a written report.  More than 12 credit hours requires approval of Academic Advisor, and Director of Graduate Studies. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.
  • INFO-I 709 Advanced Seminar II in Informatics (3 cr.) P: Advanced graduate standing or consent of instructor. Ph.D. student introduction to major historical and emerging theories, methods, technologies, and applications in Informatics and its sub-areas.Provides students with opportunities to explore relevant research literature, results, and applications. Seminar II, unlike Seminar I, focuses on recent advances in sub-areas of Informatics.
  • INFO-I 790 Informatics Research Rotation (3 cr.) Working with faculty to investigate research opportunities. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
  • INFO-I 798 Professional Practicum/Internship (0 cr.) P: Current enrollment in graduate degree program in Informatics. Participation in graduate level professional training and internship experience.
  • INFO-I 890 Thesis Readings and Research (1-12 cr.) Research under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty leading to a Ph.D. dissertation. May be repeated for a maximum of 30 credits.
  • INFO-G 901 Advanced Research (3 cr.) Available to graduate students who have completed all course requirements for their doctorates, have passed doctoral qualifying examinations, and have the requisite number of degree credit hours. This course provides the advanced research students with a forum for sharing ideas and problems under the supervision of a senior researcher.

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