Programs by Campus


Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design


  • AMID-H 413 Apparel Merchandise Planning and Analysis (3 cr.) Es­sentials of merchandise buying and planning: consumer trends, market resources and trade practices, seasonal plans, assort­ment planning and analytic tools for inventory evaluations.
  • AMID-H 415 Readings in Textiles and Apparel (arr. cr.)
  • AMID-H 504 International Textiles and Apparel Trade (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. Research and analysis of economic is­sues that affect the development of textiles and apparel at the global level. Critical analysis of labor and development theories and international relations will be included. Global sourcing, production, and import/export strategies will be addressed.
  • AMID-H 506 Dress Studies: Theory and Analysis (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. In-depth study and critical analysis of classic and modern fashion theories, with emphasis placed on postmodern fashion theory development. Students are expected to make signifi­cant progress toward new theoretical development of fashion theory.
  • AMID-H 510 Apparel Entrepreneurship (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing, AMID H413 or equivalent. R: Accounting and research methods. Research and development of individualized plans for decision making, problem solving, and opening a small apparel-related retail business. Developing, implementing, and analyzing entrepreneurial strategies; financial goals; methods of accounting and control; and merchandising, operation, and management skills.
  • AMID-H 511 Dress Studies: Behavioral Analysis (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing, Theories from social psychology will be employed in research examining clothing and appearance and their effects on the self and others.
  • AMID-H 512 Recent Developments in Textiles (3 cr.) New develop­ments in textiles; analysis of quality control and production standards; evaluation of current problems.
  • AMID-H 519 Special Problems: Textiles and Apparel (1-3 cr.) P: Con­sent of department. Independent work in analysis and interpre­tation of various aspects of textiles and apparel field. Topic may vary. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
  • AMID-H 550 Research Methods in Apparel Merchandising and Inte­rior Design (3 cr.) Evaluating and understanding of research; identifying needed research; planning a research problem.
  • AMID-H 567 Trends in Interior Design (3 cr.) P: H475 or H476 or equivalent, or consent of department. Changing patterns in inte­rior design.
  • AMID-H 568 Contemporary Issues in Design (3 cr.) P: Graduate stand­ing. Contrast between traditional and emerging views in interior design.
  • AMID-H 573 Special Problems: Interior Design (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of department. Independent work in advanced interior design problems. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
  • AMID-H 575 Diverse Problems in Design I (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. Research and design of nonresidential interior environments.
  • AMID-H 576 Diverse Problems in Design II (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. Design of interior spaces that enhance individual needs and lifestyles.
  • AMID-H 580 Seminar in Consumer Issues (3 cr.) P: Consent of de­partment. Varying topics dealing with consumer interests and family economics.
  • AMID-H 590 Workshop in Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of de­partment. Workshop in current issues, trends, programs. Emphasis varies and is announced in work­shop title. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
  • AMID-H 597 Projects (1-4 cr.) P: H550 and consent of department. In­dividual application of student's area of study to the solution of a problem under supervision of an approved advisor; not open to students who select a thesis program.
  • AMID-H 598 Research (1-3 cr.) P: H550, a course in statistics, and consent of department. Independent investigation in area of interest under supervision of advisor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
  • AMID-H 599 Thesis (1-6 cr.) P: H550 or equivalent; one course in statistics. Individual research under supervision of an approved advisor.

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