Programs by Campus
Computer Science
Robert Schnabel*
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research
Geoffrey C. Fox*
Executive Associate Dean
David Leake*
Chair of Computer Science Program
Christopher Raphael*
Director of Graduate Admissions, Computer Science
Minaxi Gupta*
Director of Ph.D. Studies, Computer Science
Yuqing Wu*
Director of Master's Studies, Computer Science
Amr A. Sabry*
Director of Graduate Administration
Patricia Reyes-Cooksey
Graduate Faculty
(An asterisk [*] denotes membership in the University Graduate School faculty with the endorsement to direct doctoral dissertations.)
Randall Beer*, Randall Bramley*, Volker Brendel*, Geoffrey Brown*, J. Michael Dunn* (Emeritus), Daniel P. Friedman*, Stanley Hagstrom* (Emeritus), Andrew J. Hanson* (Emeritus), Steven D. Johnson*, David B. Leake*, Daniel M. Leivant*, Andrew Lumsdaine*, Franklin Prosser* (Emeritus), Beth A. Plale*, Paul W. Purdom*, Edward L. Robertson* (Emeritus), Christopher Raphael*, Amr A. Sabry*, George Springer* (Emeritus), Thomas Sterling*, Dirk Van Gucht*, David E. Winkel* (Emeritus), David S. Wise* (Emeritus)
Associate Professors
Kay Connelly*, Michael Gasser*, Mehmet Dalkilic*, Minaxi Gupta*, Esfandiar Haghverdi, Christopher T. Haynes* (Emeritus), Matthew Hahn*, Raquel Hill*, Jonathan Mills*, Steven Myers*, Predrag Radivojac*, Gregory J. E. Rawlins*, Martin Swany*, Haixu Tang*, Xiaofeng Wang*, Yuqing Wu*
Assistant Professors
Arun Chauhan*, David Crandall*, Kris Hauser*, Apu Kapadia, Ryan Newton*, Judy Qiu*, Yuzhen Ye*
Adjunct Professors
Fred Cate* (Law), Peter T. Cherbas* (Biology), David E. Clemmer* (Chemistry), Marc Gyssens, Michael Lynch* (Biology), Lawrence S. Moss* (Mathematics), Gerardo Ortiz* (Physics), Michael Trosset* (Statistics), Larry Yaeger
Adjunct Associate Professors
Sandra Claudia Kuebler* (Linguistics), Matthias Scheutz, Craig Alan Stewart, Chen Yu* (Psychology)
Adjunct Assistant Professors
Markus Dickinson* (Linguistics), Torsten Hoefler, Marlon Pierce, Eric A. Wernert