Programs by Campus


Political Science


  • POLS-Y 570 Introduction to the Study of Politics (3 cr.) * Problems of graduate study and professional scholarship; central organizing concepts and the use of theory in political science and related disciplines; specialized areas of research and scholarship in political science; conditions of scientific inquiry and method­ological problems in the study of political phenomena; central importance of theory in explanation.
  • POLS-Y 580 Research Methods in Political Science (1-3 cr.) *
  • POLS-Y 620 State Politics (3 cr.) An examination of the institutions and processes by which state governments carry out their responsibilities. Includes the study of executives, legislatures, parties, and elections at the state level.
  • POLS-Y 622 Urban Politics (3 cr.) An examination of—and the prob­lems faced and challenges faced by—the governments of cities and metropolitan areas. Includes study of leadership, citizen participation, intergovernmental relations, and urban policy.
  • POLS-Y 624 Indiana Politics (3 cr.) This seminar reviews contempo­rary scholarship on the development, context, structure, and operation of Indiana Government and politics. It places Indiana politics into both a historical and comparative perspective to see how Indiana politics have changed over time and how they compare to politics in other states.
  • POLS-Y 630 State Executive Politics (3 cr.) A course that examines the role of governors in state politics. Includes the study of lead­ership and the relationship between the executive and other elements of government at the subnational level.
  • POLS-Y 640 State Parties and Interest Groups (3 cr.) An examination of political parties and interest groups, their roles in govern­ment, and their structure and organization.
  • POLS-Y 642 Comparative Federalism (3 cr.) A course that places federalism in its comparative context.  Assessing theories and models of federalism in North American, Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world.
  • POLS-Y 661 American Politics (3 cr.) * Illustrative topics: the presi­dency, legislative process, political behavior, political parties and representation, political socialization, comparative state politics, urban politics, bureaucratic politics.
  • POLS-Y 680 Readings in Political Science (1-6 cr.) This course allows a student and faculty member to craft a course of study to suit the student’s particular academic needs.
  • POLS-Y 880 M.A. Thesis (1-6 cr.)
  • POLS-Y 881 Internship in Political Science (1-6 cr.) *  A course in which students complete an internship for credit with a government (or related) institution. It will be arranged between the student and the instructor (requirements will vary depending on stu­dent/instructor agreement).

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