Programs by Campus
Philanthropic Studies
- PHST-P 501 The Philanthropic Tradition I (3 cr.) This interdisciplinary courses will examine the core values of philanthropy and the principal patterns of philanthropic behavior and organization with particular emphasis on the Western tradition and the American adaptation of it. Permission of the instructor required.
- PHST-P 502 The Philanthropic Tradition II (3 cr.) This interdisciplinary courses will examine the core values of philanthropy and the principal patterns of philanthropic behavior and organization with particular emphasis on the Western tradition and the American adaptation of it. Permission of the instructor required.
- PHST-P 521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.) The theory, size, scope and functions of the nonprofit and voluntary sector are covered from multiple disciplinary perspectives including historical, political, economic and social. Same as SPEA V521.
- PHST-P 523 Civil Society and Philanthropy (3 cr.) The course explores the relationship of civil society to the state, how the nonprofit sector affects the state and how the state regulates the sector. A continuing theme will be how and whether the state and philanthropic institutions make investments in strengthening civil society.
- PHST-P 530 Topics in Philanthropic Studies (3 cr.) In-depth study of selected topics and issues in philanthropic studies. Specific topics vary from semester to semester. Course may be repeated once for credit, provided that the topic is different. Variable title approval requested.
- PHST-P 535 Law of Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) This seminar examines major aspects of the legal regulation of nonprofit organizations and other legal issues affecting them. Topics include the formation, operation, and governance of nonprofit organizations, the duties and liability of officers and directors, charitable solicitation, tax-exempt status for public benefit and mutual benefit organizations, charitable contributions, lobbying, and other related topics.
- PHST-P 555 Readings in Philanthropic Studies (1-4 cr.) A tutorial course involving in-depth study and analysis of a specific topic in philanthropic studies, by arrangement with instructor. Permission of director required.
- PHST-P 590 Internship in Philanthropic Studies (3 cr.) A course for the advanced student of philanthropy. Students work 10 hours per week for a voluntary association, applying knowledge gained in earlier courses to practical situations. Requirements include a journal and a substantial term paper.
- PHST-P 600 M.A. Thesis in Philanthropic Studies (1-6 cr.)
- PHST-P 602 Qualitative Methods for Third Sector Research (3 cr.) This course will examine the organization, design, and execution of multi-method, qualitative research with a special emphasis on third sector contexts. Specific tools for research, such as observation, interview, case study design, and document analysis will be examined through course readings, discussion, and the conduct of student projects.
- PHST-P 660 Ethical, Moral, and Religious Aspects of Philanthropy (3 cr.) This doctoral seminar focuses on the major ethical and moral texts that explain and justify philanthropy. Emphasis is placed on the philosophy of philanthropy in comparative perspective, world traditions of social and religious conditions, and moral issues raised in philanthropy practice.
- PHST-P 662 Historical and Cultural Perspectives of Philanthropy (3 cr.) This doctoral seminar focuses on the history of Philanthropy from earliest to contemporary times. Cross-cultural perspectives are considered as socially and historically conditioned. Ethnic and gender philanthropy are examined across geographic, cultural, and chronological periods.
- PHST-P 664 Philanthropy and Nonprofit Organizations in Society (3 cr.) Social, psychological, political, and economic theories are used to explain philanthropy and the practice of philanthropy through organizations in society. Major theoretical concepts such as contract failure, social origins theory, voluntary failure, and serial reciprocity presented along with other.
- PHST-P 690 Research in Philanthropic Studies (1-3 cr.) P: One seĀmester of M.A. course work. Students will research specialized topics related to philanthropic studies agreed upon with the instructor from and in their chosen disciplinary perspective. In some instances, team research may be carried out. The course may be repeated once with approval by the chair of philanthropic studies.
- PHST-P 790 Advanced Research Seminar in Philanthropic Studies (3 cr.) This doctoral seminar examines epistemological issues and tools, synthesizes the ways of knowing, and assesses forces that affect the conduct and use of knowledge in philanthropic studies. Multiple disciplinary perspectives and contemporary theoretical foundations of philanthropic studies are used to design and critique potential dissertation projects.
- PHST-P 890 Dissertation (arr. cr.) Research and writing dissertation.
- PHST-G 901 Advanced Research (6 cr.)
- PHST-P 524 Civil Society in Comparative Perspective (3 cr.)
An exploration of state-society relationships in a variety of regimes and time periods. Focuses on ways regimes’ policies affect the existence and organizations that stand between the individual
and the state and how nonprofit organizations shape the policy agenda of a regime.
- PHST-P 527 Cross Cultural Dimensions of Philanthropy (3 cr.)
The complexity of cross-cultural research and practice of philanthropy is explored. Through case studies, ethnographic films, readings, and class discussions, students develop a greater appreciation for the diverse systems of giving and serving and a deeper understanding of the differential effects of ecological, historical, and social processes that influence these traditions in contemporary societies.
- PHST-P 558 Fund Development for Nonprofits (3 cr.)
Important aspects of the fundraising process in nonprofit organizations are covered, including techniques and strategies for assessing potential sources of support, effective use of human resources, process management, theory to underlay practice, analysis of current practices, practice standards, and discussion of ethical problems.