Programs by Campus
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Cross-Listed Courses
- PHAR-F 598 Drugs, Diseases, and Poisons (3 cr.) P: A course in basic biology or physiology equivalent to BIOL K324 or BIOL 501. Introductory course in pharmacology and toxicology primarily for senior undergraduate students. The course provides an overview of the molecular basis of drug action and pharmacological properties of several of the major drug groups used in medical science.
- PHAR-F 602 Pharmacology: Lecture (5 cr.) P: BIOC B800, PHSL F613, F614. Mode of action of drugs as a basis for therapy.
- PHAR-F 801 Introduction to Research in Pharmacology and ToxicolÂogy (1-3 cr.) Application of basic laboratory methods to pharmacological problems. Consideration of theoretical principles, instrumentation, and applications.
- PHAR-F 804 Introduction to Pharmacology and Toxicology I (3 cr.) Not currently being offered. This course will teach the fundamental principles of pharmacology and toxicology for the beginning graduate student, as an introduction to the discipline.
- PHAR-F 809 Neuropharmacology (3 cr.) P: F598 or F602 and BIOC B835, or permission of instructor. Not currently being offered. Drugs which affect the nervous system, with particular emphasis on their central action. Although neurochemical effects will be stressed, evidence from neurophysiology and behavior will also be considered.
- PHAR-F 812 Research in Toxicology (1-12 cr.) Independent laboratory research to fulfill dissertation requirements for either a master’s or a doctorate degree in toxicology. Students must be enrolled in graduate studies in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology to register for this course.
- PHAR-F 813 Clinical Pharmacokinetics (3 cr.) Offered Spring of even numbered years. Design and complete mathematical analysis of pharmacokinetic studies in humans. The clinical utility of pharmacokinetics will be stressed, but the course will also have definite value for those involved with drug studies in animals.
- PHAR-F 816 Clinical Toxicology (3-5 cr.) P: P598 or F602. Signs and symptoms resulting from common poisons and drugs. Chemical analyses as aids in diagnosis.
- PHAR-F 819 Chemical Carcinogenesis (3 cr.) This course examines the biochemical and molecular mechanisms by which chemicals cause cancer. Emphasis will be on the uptake, metabolism, cellular targets and specific stage(s) of the cancer process that are affected by chemical carcinogens. Discussions will expand on the basic principles of carcinogenesis as they apply to the latest advances in the field.
- PHAR-F 820 Cancer Chemoprevention (3 cr.) Not currently being offered. This course will examine the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of natural and synthetic cancer chemopreventive agents.
- PHAR-F 825 Research in Pharmacology (1-12 cr.) Independent laboratory research for fulfilling dissertation requirements.
- PHAR-F 826 Seminar in Toxicology (1 cr.) Literature and research reports by students and staff.
- PHAR-F 830 Sem in Pharmacology (1 cr.) Literature and research reports by students and staff.
- PHAR-F 835 Molecular Mechanisms of Drug Action (3 cr.) Not currently being offered. Biochemical mechanisms underlying drug actions and reactions including toxicologic effects of drugs will be covered, with emphasis on molecular mechanisms involving drug receptor interaction, the actions of drugs and hormones on regulatory mechanisms in various disease states.
- PHAR-F 836 Physiological Disposition of Drugs (3 cr.) Factors affecting the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs will be discussed in terms of environmental, biochemical, and physiochemical parameters. Pertinent literature will be reviewed and special problems discussed.
- PHAR-F 838 Cellular and Molecular Toxicology (3 cr.) This course examines the cellular mechanisms that mediate xenobiotic toxicity at the cellular, biochemical and molecular level. The course emphasizes mechanisms through which toxic chemicals act to evoke cell injury and cell death.
- PHAR-F 840 Advanced Topics Pharmacology (2-5 cr.) P: F598 or F602. Advanced studies of pharmacodynamic mechanisms in cardiovascular, central nervous system, and renal pharmacology and toxicology. Experimental design related to recent advances and current hypotheses concerning drug action and toxicity. May be repeated three times for credit.
- PHAR-F 841 Advanced Topics in Toxicology (1-3 cr.) This course will involve a series of lectures and discussions on new advances in toxicology. The course will focus on metabolic, cellular, and molecular mechanism by which toxic agents produce injury.
- PHAR-F 850 Experimental Design Analysis/Grant Writing (1 cr.) P: F598 or F602. This course presents experimental methods and data analysis used in pharmacological and toxicological experimentation. Emphasis will be on experimental design.
- GRAD-G 743 Fundamentals of Electrical Signaling and Ion Channel Biology (1 cr.) Experimental basis for cellular and molecular concepts of electrical excitability and membrane transport through ion channels. The goals are to foster an understanding of how we accumulate information and to provide students with tools to evaluate hypotheses and to define unanswered questions, rather than provide current “facts” to memorize.
- GRAD-G 747 Principles of Pharmacology (1 cr.) This course is intended for incoming basic science doctoral graduate students in the School of Medicine Pharmacology & Toxicology programs or other interested graduate students. This course covers the basics of drug-receptor interactions, drug metabolism, pharmacogenetics, and pharmacokinetics. This course will include PowerPoint presentations and student presentations.
- GRAD-G 748 Principles of Toxicology 1 (1 cr.) This course will present the fundamental concepts of toxicology necessary to understand the effects of chemicals on human health. Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in toxic responses elicited by pharmaceutical and environmental agents, activation and detoxification of drugs and chemicals, and the principles of carcinogenesis and mutagenesis will be presented.
- GRAD-G 754 Principles of Toxicology 2 (1 cr.) Xenobiotic-induced target organ toxicity will be discussed with respect to the biological and/or chemical factors that influence toxicity at a tissue site, the modes of action for producing damage, and the methodology used to measure injury. This course is designed to provide a foundation for understanding the complex interactions between toxicants and biological systems from a basic science approach.
- GRAD-G 755 Principles of Toxicology 3 (1 cr.) The effects associated with specific classes of chemicals, including chemical agents that either demonstrate a great chance for injury and/or pose significant potential for human exposure will be presented. The chemical classes covered will include selective metals, solvents and alcohols, pesticides, plastics, and gases.
- PHAR-F 808 Myocardial Biology (3 cr.) The cellular biology of muscle, with emphasis on the regulation of the internal ionic milieu and its effect on function of cardiac cells. The contractile proteins and the ion transport systems, Na+, K+ -ATPase, sarcoplasmic retuculum, and mitochondria will be considered in detail.