Programs by Campus
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
John N. Eble*
Graduate Faculty
(An asterisk [*] denotes membership in the University Graduate School faculty with the endorsement to direct doctoral dissertations.)
Distinguished Professor and Chancellor’s Professor
Bernardino Ghetti* (Medical and Molecular Genetics, Neurobiology, Psychiatry)
Nordschow Professor of Laboratory Medicine
John N. Eble*
Clyde Culbertson Professor of Pathology
Thomas E. Davis, Jr.*
James Warren Smith Professor of Clinical Microbiology
Stephen D. Allen*
Lawrence M. Roth Professor of Pathology
Thomas M. Ulbright
Centennial Professor of Pathology
David J. Grignon*
Louis Y. Mazzini Professor of Pathology
Xiao-Ming Yin*
Stephen D. Allen*, Sunil Badve*, Merrill D. Benson*, Liang Cheng*, Oscar W. Cummings, Thomas E. Davis Jr.*, John N. Eble*, Kenneth Fife* (Microbiology and Immunology, Medicine), Roy Geib* (Microbiology and Immunology), Richard Gregory* (Oral Microbiology), David J. Grignon*, Dean Hawley*, Meredith Hull, Richard Kohler (Medicine), Chao-Hung Lee*, Diane Leland*, Helen E.B. Michael*, Bernadette F. Rodak, Lawrence Roth* (Emeritus), Kenneth W. Ryder*, Daniel S. Smith, James Smith* (Emeritus), Thomas M. Ulbright
Associate Professors
John Baenziger, William N. Crabtree, Harvey M. Cramer*, Magdalena B. Czader*, Taihung Duong*, Robert Emerson, Eyas M. Hattab*, Barbara Kluve-Beckerman*, Raymond Lloyd Konger*, Linda Marler, Jill R. Murrell*, Carrie L. Phillips*, Romil Saxena, Ruben G. Vidal*
Assistant Professors
Jey-Hsin Chen, Rong Fan, Muhammad Idrees, Mehdi Nassiri, Xiaoyan Wang
Graduate Advisors
M.S. Programs: Professor Diane Leland*, IU Health Pathology Laboratory Building, Room 6027F, (317) 491-6646.
Ph.D. Program: Associate Professor Jill Murrell*, Medical Science Building, Room A135, (317) 274-1757