Programs by Campus
Microbiology and Immunology
- MICR-J 510 Infectious Microbes and Host Interactions (3 cr.) P: Graduate-level biochemistry. Emphasis on the molecular and cellular events which permit pathogenic bacteria and viruses to enter human cells and disrupt cell function while evading the host’s immune system.
- MICR-J 610 Medical Immunology (2 cr.) Introduction to natural and acquired immune mechanisms, with consideration of their significance to medicine. Topics will include both normal and abnormal immune processes, including recovery from and prevention of disease, immune-mediated pathological processes, tumor immunology, immunodeficiency, and auto-immunity. Designed to precede and complement J602 Medical Microbiology.
- MICR-J 800 Advanced Microbiology (arr cr.) P: Consent of instructor. The approach to problems in microbiology, including the application of techniques of bacteriology, genetics, immunology, mycology, parasitology, virology, and zoology.
- MICR-J 802 Introduction to Research (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Laboratory research instruction in microbiology and immunology. Purpose is to introduce students to three different research programs in microbiology and/or immunology.
- MICR-J 805 Molecular Immunology (3 cr.) P: B500 or equivalent; consent of instructor. Characterization of immunologically relevant molecules in terms of molecular genetics, synthesis and assembly, structure-function and evolutionary relationships, and functional roles in immune responses. Entities to be considered include members of the immunoglobulin superfamily and functionally associated molecules. Department is not currently offering this course.
- MICR-J 806 Immunochemistry: Laboratory (arr cr.) P: J805. C. Antigen preparation; separation and purification of antibodies; modern methods of antibody determination and analysis. Department is not currently offering this course.
- MICR-J 807 Current Topics in Immunology (2 cr.) P: Graduate standing, J805 or J840 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Discussion and review of current literature in selected topics in immunology. Emphasis on molecular and cellular events in lymphocyte activation and regulation. Topic varies from year to year. May be repeated for credit.
- MICR-J 810 Research in Microbiology (arr cr.) P: Consent of instructor. **Data obtained in this course may be used to meet the thesis requirements for graduate degrees.
**These courses are eligible for a deferred grade.
- MICR-J 821 Microbial Pathogenicity (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. This course will consider in detail the determinants of microbial virulence and the mechanisms of host responses to infection and how these two factors interact in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. Department is not currently offering this course.
- MICR-J 822 General and Medical Microbiology (3 cr.) Lectures covering the biology of various pathogenic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, their role in human disease with emphasis on determinants of microbial virulence, the mechanisms of host responses to infection, and the role of these factors in the pathogenesis of disease.
- MICR-J 826 Bacteriology (3 cr.) P: J601 or J822 or their equivalent and consent of instructor. General concepts of bacteriology. Department is not currently offering this course.
- MICR-J 828 Virology: Lecture (3 cr.) P: BIOC B500 or equivalent and consent of instructor. Basic biological principles of viruses; agents causing diseases in animals, including humans; interactions of animal viruses with their host cells in tissue culture. Department is not currently offering this course.
- MICR-J 829 Current Topics in Molecular Genetics of Microorganisms (2 cr.) P: Graduate standing, J821, J828 or G865, consent of instructor. In-depth study of a specific topic in contemporary molecular genetics of microorganisms. Topic varies; may be taken for credit more than once.
- MICR-J 830 Seminar in Microbiology (1 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Provides students with background and practical experience in communication of their research. Department is not currently offering this course.
- MICR-J 840 Mechanisms of Immune Regulation (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. A current overview of the cellular mechanisms which regulate immune responses. Topics include cells and cytokines involved in antigen presentation, lymphocyte activation and function, development, and tolerance. Department is not currently offering this course.
- MICR-J 842 Neoplastic Determinants (2 cr.) P: G865, G817 or equivalent and consent of instructor. Focus on the genetic basis of the cancer phenotype. Consider effects of DNA sequence mutations; chromosomal rearrangements, and/or introduction of new genetic information on DNA repair, oncogene products and tumor suppressors. Intra- and intercellular consequences of these discrete alteractions will be included.
- MICR-J 854 Hematopoiesis (2 cr.) P: G817, G865, and consent of the instructor. Principles of blood cell formation, including the regulation of production, biologic function, and cell culture and recombinant DNA technologies that contribute to our understanding. Stem cells, growth factors, cytokine involvement, gene transfer/gene therapy, and clinical applications. Department is not currently offering this course.
- GRAD-G 504 Introduction to Research Ethics (2 cr.) Introduction to the basic concepts of research ethics. The course will cover historical development of concern with ethics in science as well as practical information needed by students working in the science today. Format will be lecture and discussion.
- GRAD-G 505 Responsible Conduct of Research (1 cr.) An overview of the rules and standards required for anyone conducting responsible scientific research.
- GRAD-G 720 Stem Cell Biology (2 cr.) This course will cover the self-renewal, proliferation, survival, differentiation, and migration/homing characteristics of hematopoietic and embryonic stem cells, how these functions are regulated by cytokines/chemokines and other external stimuliparticulary within stem cell niches, and what their clinical capabilities are and might be.
- GRAD-G 728 Fundamentals of Infection and Pathogenesis (1 cr.) This course will cover concepts of host-pathogen interactions, ranging from pathogen entry, growth, and spread in the host to pathogen-mediated injury, immune evasion, pathogen survival strategies, and transmission to new hosts. Basics of bacterial, viral, and parasitic structures will be considered as they relate to pathogenesis.
- GRAD-G 729 Immunology I: Introduction to the Immune System (1 cr.) An introductory biomedical science, lecture-based, core course intended for all incoming basic science graduate doctoral students in the School of Medicine programs or other interested graduate students. The course will cover components of the immune system, development of the immune system, the immune response to pathogens, and immunological disease.
- GRAD-G 817 Molecular Basis of Cell Structure and Function (2 cr.) Organization and function of subcellular structures. Intracellular coordination of cell activities including: protein and RNA processing/trafficking/quality control, chromatin dynamics, and cell division.
- GRAD-G 837 Mammalian DNA Repair and Disease (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. The molecular biology of genetic repair and mutation; emphasis on human systems and human disease states related to DNA repair; mechanisms of DNA repair and regulation of DNA repair in mammalian cells.
- GRAD-G 852 Concepts of Cancer Biology: Signaling Gone Awry (2 cr.) P: Completion of the BioMed I, II, and III courses (G715, G716, G717) or consent of instructor. Fundamentals of cancer biology; the signaling of events that regulate cell growth, survival and differentiation; how mutation/dysregulation of signaling molecules leads to cancer and might be exploited for treatment. Department is not currently offering this course.
- GRAD-G 865 Fundamental Molecular Biology (3 cr.) P: B800 or equivalent. Principles of molecular structure, function, and biosynthesis; core information regarding prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene continuity and metabolic coordination; introduction to multicellular systems and problems.