Programs by Campus


Applied Statistics
School of Science
Contact Information

Department of Mathematical Sciences, LD 270, IUPUI, (317) 274-6918

Program Email: grad-program [at] math [dot] iupui [dot] edu

Program URL:

(Please note that when conferring University Graduate School degrees, minors, certificates, and sub-plans, The University Graduate School’s staff use those requirements contained only in The University Graduate School Bulletin. Requirements may or may not be reflected identically in departmental URLs.)



Ph.D. Minor in Applied Statistics

The Department of Mathematical Sciences in the School of Science at IUPUI offers a master's degree program in math­ematical sciences with a specialization in applied statistics. Accordingly, some doctoral students on the IUPUI campus may find it useful to have a minor in applied statistics as an ad­ditional option in their program of study.

Course Requirements

Twelve credit hours in courses approved for the minor in applied statistics, including STAT 51100, STAT 51200, and six additional credit hours chosen in consultation with the minor representative. For students in medical and molecular genet­ics, a common option would be to take two of the courses from 52300, 52400, 52500 and 53300. Statistical Quality Control (51300) might be a desirable elective for students in pharmacology and toxicology. Students who have successfully completed GRAD G651 Introduction to Biostatistics I and GRAD G652 Introduc­tion to Biostatistics II in the School of Medicine will be exempt­ed from STAT 51100.


The exact requirements for the minor and the examination procedure prior to admittance to candidacy are determined by the student's minor representative on his or her advisory com­mittee from the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

Academic Bulletins

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