Programs by Campus
Robert Schnabel*
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research
Geoffrey C. Fox*
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
David Leake*
Director of Graduate Studies, Informatics
Martin Siegel*
Director of Graduate Administration
Patricia Reyes-Cooksey
Graduate Faculty
(An asterisk [*] denotes membership in the University Graduate School faculty with the endorsement to direct doctoral dissertations.)
Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Physics, and Information
Geoffrey Fox*
Randall Beer*, Volker Brendel*, J. Michael Dunn* (Emeritus), David James Hakken*, Michael McRobbie*, Filippo Menczer*, Christine Ogan* (Emerita), Christopher Raphael*, Edward Robertson* (Emeritus), Amr A. Sabry*, Martin Siegel*, Thomas Sterling*, Erik Stolterman*, Peter Todd*, Haixu Tang*, Alessandro Vespignani*, Larry Steven Yaeger*
Associate Professors
Eli B. Blevis*, L. Jean Camp*, Jeffrey Bardzell*, Johan Bollen*, Mehmet M. Dalkilic*, Alessandro Flammini*, Dennis P. Groth*, Esfan Haghverdi, Matthew Hahn*, Jonathan Mills*, Steve Myers*, John Paolillo*, Predrag Radivojac*, Christopher S. Raphael*, Luis M. Rocha*, Martin Swany*, XiaoFeng Wang*, Yuqing (Melanie) Wu*
Assistant Professors
Yong-Yeol Ahn, Shaowen Bardzell, David Crandall, Matthew Hahn*, Raquel Hill*, Apu Kapadia, Eden Medina*, Judy Quin, Selma Sabanovic*, Haixu Tang*, David Wild*, Yuzhen Ye
Adjunct Professors
John Barnard, Curtis Bonk*(Education), Kathy Borner*, Fred Cate*(Law), Peter Cherbas*(Biology, Robert Clark, David Clemmer*(Chemistry), Johann Gasteiger, Marc Gyssens, James Hughes, Michael Lajiness, Michael Lynch*(Biology), David McCarty*(Philosophy), Larry Moss*(Mathematics), Gerardo Ortiz*(Physics), Peter Ortoleva*(Chemistry), Robert Port*(Emeritus, Linguistics), Yvonne Rogers, Olaf Sporns*(Psychological and Brain Sciences), Michael Trosset*(Statistics)
Adjunct Associate Professors
Mu-Hyun Baik*(Chemistry), John Beggs*(Physics), Donald Byrd, Thompson Doman, Vincenzo D'Andrea, Eric Issacson, Thomas C. Mitchell, Craig Stewart, Chen Yu*(Psychological and Brain Sciences)
Adjunct Assistant Professors
Markus Dickinson*(Linguistics), Rajarshi Guha, Markus Jakobsson, Sandra Kuebler*(Linguistics), Lawrence Moss*(Mathematics), Eric Werner