Programs by Campus
Arts Administration
Elective Courses
- AADM-L 575 Legal Issues in the Arts (3 cr.) Examines legal interests and rights of composers, writers, performing artists, visual artists, and arts organizations. Explores a broad range of legal considerations pertaining to relationships between parties in arts-oriented contexts. Topics addressed include: copyright, trademark, and right of publicity law; defamation and invasion of privacy law; advertising law; First Amendment issues for artists and arts administrators; contract law as applied to arts-related agreements; personal property law; and legal issues associated with differing forms of arts organizations.
- AADM-V 525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.) The course is designed to provide current and future nonprofit managers and leaders with an overview of a range of nonprofit management concerns and practices. Course projects and discussions expand students’ management skills, analytical tools, and knowledge. Students take the perspectives of nonprofit managers, volunteers, board members, policy makers, donors, and clients.
- AADM-V 558 Fund Development for Nonprofits (3 cr.) This course examines important aspects of the fundraising process for nonprofit organizations—key theoretical foundations and general fundraising principles as well as a variety of fundraising techniques, sources of donations, and aspects of managing the fundraising process. The course combines applied and conceptual readings and provides students with opportunities to apply concepts and techniques through a series of service-learning portfolio assignments in collaboration with area nonprofit organizations. The assignments are designed to cover initial efforts to develop a comprehensive fund-development plan for a nonprofit organization.
- AADM-Y 412 Opera Management (3 cr.) Course focuses on the business aspects of running an opera company, from contracting artists to marketing and promotion. Course also covers repertoire selection, casting, coaching, directing, rehearsing, design and execution of scenery, costumes, properties, lighting, technical production. A graduate-level elective for the AADM core.
- AADM-Y 500 Topics in Arts Administration (1-6 cr.) Selected research and discussion topics organized on a semester-by-semester basis.
- AADM-Y 505 Programming the Performing Arts (3 cr.) The course examines how programming relates to marketing and public relations; the role of programming in the public and professional identity of artists and arts organizations; the external factors that condition program choice; and how programming affects relationships with society and the arts community on local, national, and international levels.
- AADM-Y 511 Performing Arts Center Management (3 cr.) This course focuses on the aspects of managing a performing arts program and facility. Indiana University Auditorium and other performing arts facilities will serve as laboratories to provide you with a balance between academic and real-world issues.
- AADM-Y 515 Financial Management for the Arts (3 cr.) The course introduces students to the role of financial management in the modern not-for-profit organization. This course covers applications of budgeting, financial and managerial accounting principles, and procedures and financial analysis for nonprofit organizations. Materials covered should be considered required knowledge for the mid-to-senior-level arts administrator.
- AADM-Y 520 Cultural Property Management (3 cr.) The course examines cultural property management issues such as the missions, policies, and procedures of institutions large and small, public and private. Field trips, lectures, and discussions will provide an understanding of museums, cultural foundations, and the commercial art world.
- AADM-Y 525 Museum Management (3 cr.) Course addresses general management of museums. The museum, its legal status, the building, management and staff, goals and objectives, fundraising and budgeting, collection and exhibitions, education and community outreach.
- AADM-Y 530 Audience Development and Marketing the Arts (3 cr.) Course includes basic marketing principles as well as audience development and marketing strategy. In addition to introducing the fundamentals of marketing, it fosters and encourages the thought processes necessary to market the products/services that are creative arts.
- AADM-Y 535 Arts Administration and the Cultural Sector (3 cr.) In this course students learn about the market structure of the cultural sector. Among the many questions we try to answer are: What makes the arts different from other goods and services in the marketplace? What do we know about consumers of the arts, and how they become informed about different books, films, or performances? What is the system that determines which works of art are exhibited or published and which fall by the wayside? Who bears the burden of the risk in a new venture?
- AADM-Y 540 Computer Applications for the Arts (1.5 cr.) Computer applications concentrates on acquiring usable skills with applications found in the Microsoft Office XP suite. Course offers the general management professional an overview of technology itself and the technology management issues likely to be encountered in professional practice
- AADM-Y 550 Practicum in Arts Administration (3 cr.) Provides hands-on managerial and administration experiences in three different community and campus arts organizations including: Musical Arts Center, Department of Theatre and Drama, IU Auditorium, IU Foundation, IU Art Museum, Mathers Museum of World Cultures, IU School of Music, African American Arts Institute, Bloomington Area Arts Council, Bloomington Playwrights Project, School of Fine Arts Gallery, Lotus World Music and Arts Festival, and the Buskirk-Chumley Theater.
- AADM-Y 559 Public Policy and the Arts (3 cr.) This course considers the principal aspects of cultural policy in the U.S. and elsewhere. Topics include arts education, the ends and means of government funding for the arts, multiculturalism, freedom of expression, copyright, other legal rights of artists, international trade in cultural goods, and international treatises on cultural diversity.
- AADM-Y 564 Economics and Administration of Artistic OrĀganizations (3 cr.) In this course students analyze the unique challenges facing arts organizations in the public, nonprofit, and for-profit sectors. Among other topics, the course deals with the multiple and often conflicting goals faced by arts organizations, consumer demand and price setting, experimentation and innovation, and setting the rules for decision-making and oversight.
- AADM-Y 626 Desktop Computer Communications (1.5 cr.) Instructs the arts administration professional in using desktop computer applications to create printed and Web-based materials that promote effective communications. The course provides instruction in design theory, page layout, Web design, digital photo editing, graphics, desktop publishing, and Web publishing as used in creating promotional materials.
- AADM-Y 650 Seminar in Arts Administration (3 cr.) The seminar provides a capstone experience for students finishing the Master’s Degree in Arts Administration. The emphasis is on the application of the concepts covered throughout the program with a detailed look at leadership issues facing the arts administrator. The seminar/workshop involves the promotion of the arts: planning, management, labor relations, fundraising, funding sources, communications, and similar topics in relation to arts centers, museums, and performing arts organizations. Special emphasis is placed on strategic planning. Course includes a few guest speakers from major arts organizations.
- AADM-Y 680 Readings in Arts Administration (arr. cr.) P: Consent of instructor and departmental chairperson. Supervised readings in arts administration.
- AADM-Y 690 Independent Study in Arts Administration (arr. cr.) P: Consent of instructor and department chairperson.
- AADM-Y 750 Internship in Arts Administration (3 cr.) A minimum 280 hours of field work or internship in a managerial office of a museum, theatrical or musical organization, or community, state, reĀgional, or national arts council is required. The internship is ordinarily taken after the first academic year in the summer or after the third semester of coursework during the spring semester.