Programs by Campus


Political Science
School of Liberal Arts

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Degrees Offered

Master of Arts

Special Departmental Requirements

(See also general University Graduate School requirements.)

Admission Requirements

Applications will be considered all year round. Admission re­quirements include an undergraduate major in political science, or its equivalent, with a GPA of 3.0 or better, the Graduate Record Examination, with average scores on the General Test of 500 with at least one score of 550 or better, a personal state­ment and three letters of support.

Foreign Language Requirement

There is no foreign language requirement.


Students must maintain a 3.0 (B) grade point average, and receive minimum course grades of 2.8 (B-).

Master of Arts Degree

Course Requirements

A minimum of 33 credit hours made up of the core courses (12 credit hours). All students must complete the following:

  • POLS Y570 Introduction to the Study of Politics (3 cr.)*
  • POLS Y580 Research Methods in Political Science (3 cr.)*
  • POLS Y620 State Politics (3 cr.)
  • POLS Y622 Urban Politics (3 cr.)

Electives (9-12 hours). Approved electives may be taken from any department. Approved Political Science courses currently include the following:

  • POLS Y624 Indiana Politics (3 cr.)
  • POLS Y630 State Executive Politics (3 cr.)
  • POLS Y640 State Parties and Interest Groups (3 cr.)
  • POLS Y642 Comparative Federalism (3 cr.)
  • POLS Y661 American Politics (3 cr.)*
  • POLS Y680 Readings in Political Science (1-6 cr.)

An internship (3-6 hours) with a state, local, or government institution, or with a body having operational ties with such an institution. Students must enroll in POLS Y881*, Internship in Political Science. A thesis (6 hours) exploring some aspect of state, local or urban politics. Students must enroll in POLS Y880, M.A. Thesis. Students are strongly advised to allow at least one year for the preparation, completion and defense of a thesis.
(An asterisk* after a course denotes final approval is pending.)

Final Examination

There is no final examination.

Academic Bulletins

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