Licensure Programs
Teacher Licensure Programs
Additions to Initial Teacher Licenses
License additions at the graduate level are available both for graduate students seeking initial licensure and for experienced teachers. If you want to teach in a different area or desire to expand your career opportunities, a license addition is a good way to accomplish your goal. Admission to the license addition programs at the graduate level is competitive, and each program determines its minimum GPA in the subject field. All course work must be completed with a "C" or higher.
NOTE: The State of Indiana has made available Additions by Praxis II Testing for certain subject areas. Not all areas may be added by testing.
- Computer Education
- English as a Second Language (ESL) / English as a New Language (ENL)
- High Ability
- Kindergarten (for Rules 46-47 licensed teachers)
- Library and Media
- Middle School Mathematics
- Reading Addition (IUB)
- Reading Addition (IUPUI)
- Special Education Mild/Moderate Intervention (IUB and IUPUI)
- Special Education Mild/Intense Intervention (IUPUI)
- Other secondary subject areas: Health Education, Journalism, Physical Education, Sciences, and Theater Arts. For more information, you can view detailed program sheets for each of these programs here or contact a certification advisor in the Office of Teacher Education at (812) 856-8500 or
Computer Educator License Program
The Computer Educator License for Practicing Teachers (CEL-T) Program is a 15 credit hour curriculum at the graduate level resulting in an Indiana Computer Education license. In this program, courses are heavily focused on helping students learn how to be a technology using professional in the best way possible - by using technology in classrooms and fieldwork in area K-12 schools. Throughout the program, you will create an ePortfolio, which demonstrates to faculty and future employers your strengths, what you have learned and done, and why you are a strong candidate for a position requiring technological knowledge. A grade of "C" or higher in each education course and a minimum 2.5 GPA in the license addition are required.
At this time, the State of Indiana has not approved any license assignment codes for classes at the elementary or middle-school level specifically focusing on technology and/or computer applications. The Computer Educator License does not apply to K-8 grade levels. Additionally, the license does not provide a teacher with credentials to teach classes specifically focused on computer keyboarding, document formatting, or digital communication tools.
Required (12 cr.)
- R505 Workshop: Computer-Based Teaching Methods (3 cr.)
- P505 Workshop: Leadership Issues in Educational Technology (3 cr.)
- R511 Instructional Technology Foundations (3 cr.)
- R586 Practicum in Instructional Systems Technology (3 cr.)
- R546 Instructional Strategies (3 cr.)
- R547 Computer Mediated Learning (3 cr.)
Alternative CEL-T Certification Requirement
If you already have an Indiana computer endorsement added to your license, you have another option to receive a Computer Educator License. You may complete one course: R505 Workshop: Leadership Issues in Educational Technology.
English as a Second Language (ESL) / English as a New Language (ENL)
The English as a Second Language (ESL) / English as a New Language (ENL) licensure program provides the profesional preparation necessary to help English language learners from pre-K through Grade 12.
This program is designed for teachers who have completed an initial license. To earn an additional teaching area in English as a Second Language, you must apply to the program to be enrolled. You will be licensed for ESL teaching at the same school setting or developmental level as those indicated on your initial license.
If you are a native speaker of English, you must present competence in a foreign language equivalent to two (2) semesters of university foreign language work or two years of high school foreign language. If you do not have such coursework, then you must pass an examination in foreign language at an equivalent level to the above. Credit earned by examination and records on your college transcript may be used toward fulfillment of these requirements.
If you are non-native speaker of English, then you must achieve oral proficiency in English equivalent to the ACTFL/ETS Oral Proficiency Examination at the level of at least Intermediate High (1+). It is preferable that you achieve the Advanced (2) level on the examination. You must also score a minimum of 550 on the TOEFL Examination.
Certification and professional development programs are aligned with the requirements for the master's program in the department although a separate application for the master's program is necessary. Asterisked (*) courses are recommended.
Foundations in Language (3 cr.) (Choose one of the following)
NOTE: You may take one of these courses before admission to the Teacher Education Program or the ESL License Program.
- L539 Language Foundations for ESL/EFL (offered online) *
- LING L503 Introduction to Linguistic Analysis
- SLST T510 Modern English Grammar
- SLST T532 Models of Second Language Acquisition
- SPHS S539 Language Acquisition & Bilingualism in Children
Literacy Foundations (3 cr.) (Choose one of the following)
- L501 Critical Reading in the Content Area (3 cr.)
- L502 Socio-Psycholinguistics Applications to Reading Instruction (3 cr.) *
Foundations in Socio-Cultural Issues (3 cr.)
- L524 Language Issues in Bilingual & Multicultural Education (3 cr.)
ESL Literacy Methods (3 cr.) (Choose one of the following)
- L504 Identifying & Working with Learner Literacy Difficulties (3 cr.)
- L517 Advanced Study of Content REading and Literacy (3 cr.)
- L530 Reading Instruction for ESL Teachers (3 cr.)
- L541 Writing Instruction for ESL/EFL Teachers (3 cr.)
NOTE: You must complete all requirements above before enrolling in the practicum courses.
Methods Classroom Application (7-9 cr.)
- L520 Advanced Study of Second/Foreign Language Teaching (3 cr.)*
- M501 Field Experience: ESL/ ENL (1cr.)
- Choose one of the following
- L530 Teaching ESL/EFL to Young Learners (3 cr.)
- L530 Materials Development for ESL/EFL (3 cr.)
- L540 ESL/EFL Approaches to Instruction & Assessment (3 cr.)
Student Teaching /Practicum and Portfolio (1-8 cr.) (Choose one of the following)
- L525 Student Teaching Practicum (1-4 cr.), licensed teachers
- M550 Practicum (Variable Title) (1-8 cr.), taken with program in initial license
High Ability
The School of Education in Bloomington offers a unique, integrated, 12 hour gifted and talented academic and art license program for K-12 teachers, administrators, graduate students and counselors. Courses are delivered in a blended format. You will meet on the Bloomington campus for one intensive week followed by online completion of assignments. The 12 credit-hour program offers two courses each summer in an alternating pattern. Four courses are applicable for an Indiana license in High Ability.
Required (12 cr.)
- W551 Educational Foundations for Gifted and Talented Students (3 cr.)
- W552 Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted and Talented Students (3 cr.)
- W595 Practicum for Gifted and Talented Students (3 cr.)
- Z510 Creativity for Gifted and Talented Students (3 cr.)
Kindergarten (License Rules 46-47 only) - Indianapolis
In order to qualify to add a kindergarten endorsement to your teaching license, a candidate must hold either the early childhood standard or professional license or the elementary school standard or professional license under the Indiana Teacher Licensing Rules 46 and 47 and complete the following 15 hours.
Students in the Graudate Kindergraten Endorsement Program can start the program either in the Fall or Summer I semester of every year.
Required (15 cr.)
Please contact Jacqueline Blackwell (317) 274-6830 (Delivery by Breeze—online live intensive class with special Internet assignments)
- E506 Curriculum in Early Childhood Education (3 cr.) Fall
- E508 Seminar in Early Childhood Education (3 cr.) Summer I
- E509 Internship in Early Childhood Education (3 cr.) Summer I
- Prerequisites: E506, E508, and E525
- E525 Advanced Curriculum in Early Childhood Ed (3 cr.) Spring
- Prerequisite: EDUC E506 or consent of instructor
- T524 Diverse Perspectives on Families (3 cr.) Summer I
- Note: The course is held via Adobe Connect. This course is an online, live intensive course with special web-based assignments.
Library and Media
This program is available on both the Bloomington and Indianapolis campus. Individuals who hold a valid teaching license may add the Certification for Teacher of Library and Media with emphasis in school media information technology by successful completion of the following 52 credits. The student must meet the graduate admission requirements for the Department of Information and Library Science at either Bloomington or Indianapolis. Specific information about the requirements of this degree may be obtained by contacting:
Kym Kramer
Director of School Library Media Programs or
(317) 278-2093 or toll free (866) 758-6254
Courses completed at a B or higher for the 27 credits for library media may also count toward the 36 credit hour Master of Library Science, accredited by the American Library Association.
An addition to another teacher's license is available and requires the 27 cr. of ILS courses below.
Information and Library Science required courses (18 cr.):
- ILS Z501 Reference (3 cr.)
- ILS Z504 Cataloging (3 cr.)
- ILS Z571 Materials for Youth (3 cr.)
- ILS Z574 Information Inquiry for School Teachers (3 cr.)
- ILS Z605 Internship in Library and Information Science (3 cr.)
- ILS Z671 School Media (3 cr.)
Application of Technology to Instruction courses (9 cr.) (Choose from the following)
- ILS Z516 Human-Computer Interaction (3 cr.)
- ILS Z532 Information Architecture for the Web (3 cr.)
- ILS Z533 Online Searching (3 cr.)
- ILS Z554 Library Systems (3 cr.)
- ILS Z573 Education of Information Users (3 cr.)
- ILS Z603 Workshops (Such as Electronic Materials for Children, or Technology Rich Learning, or Video Production, or Grant Writing)
- ILS Z621 Audio and Video Sources (3 cr.)
- ISL Z622 Resources and Technologies for People with Disabilities (3 cr.)
- ILS Z652 Digital Libraries (3 cr.)
- Other technology courses as approved by an advisor
Middle School Mathematics
The Middle School Mathematics License Addition can be added to an Elementary or Secondary License. This program is only available to teacher candidates who are in the process of completing an initial license in a recognized Teacher Education Program or in-service teachers who hold a current teaching license.
Required (14 cr.)
- MATH-M211 Calculus and Analytical Geometry I (4 cr.)
- MATH-M212 Calculus and Analytical Geometry II (4 cr.)
- N443 Teaching Elementary School Math Problem-Solving (3 cr.)
- Prerequisite: E343
- N510 Topics in Middle Grades Math (3 cr.)
Electives (9 cr.)
Choose one of the first two courses
- MATH-K310 Statistical Techniques (3 cr.)
- Prerequisite: M119 or an equivalent
- Math-M365 Introduction to Probability & Statistics (3 cr.)
- Prerequisite: M212
Choose two of the following courses
- MATH-M330 Exploring Math Ideas (3 cr.) (Offered in Spring only.)
- Prerequisite: M211
- MATH-M380 History of Mathematics (3 cr.) (Offered in Fall only.)
- Prerequisite: M212
- MATH-T336 Euclidean Geometry (3 cr.) (Offered in Fall only.)
- Prerequisite: M212
Professional Education (9 cr.)
If adding to an Elementary License
- P516 Adolescent Psychology (3 cr.)
- S500 Field-Based Seminar (3 cr.)
- S505 The Junior High/Middle School (3 cr.)
If adding to a Secondary License
- MATH-M118 Finite Mathematics (3 cr.)
- MATH-N101 Math for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.) OR MATH-T101 Math for Elementary Teachers I (3 cr.)
- N103 Math for Elementary Teachers III (3 cr.) OR MATH-T103 Math for Elementary Teachers III (3 cr.)
Reading Addition - Bloomington
The Department of Literacy, Culture & Language Education offers courses that qualify pre-service and in-service teachers for the addition in reading with a focus at the elementary or secondary level. Students may be able to use appropriate courses from an undergraduate program to apply toward this addition. This program is only available to teacher candidates who are in the process of completing an initial license through a recognized Teacher Education Program.
If you have a bachelor's degree, you may pursue the Reading license addition in conjunction with a Master's program (strongly encouraged to apply to the Language Education master's program, as the reading addition courses can count towards the degree) or with the Elementary Certification Master's Program (ECMP).
Graduate students (including in-service teachers and pre-service graduate students) should contact the Graduate Certification Advisor in the Office of Teacher Education at (812) 856-8500 or for information about this program.
Reading Methods (12 cr. for licensed teachers; 15 cr. if you are pursuing the ECMP)
- L545 Advanced Study in Teaching Reading (3 cr.)
- L504 Diagnosis in Language Difficulties (3 cr.)
- L549 Advanced Study in Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School (3 cr.)
- L517 Advanced Study of Content Reading and Literacy for Secondary Education (3 cr.)
- L525 Practicum in Reading (3 cr.) (For licensed teachers only)
- L525 Practicum in Reading (6 cr.) (For ECMP and others pursuing initial licensure)
Literature (3 cr.) (Choose one of the following)
- L508 Young Adult Literature for a Diverse Society (3 cr.)
- L535 Young Adult Literature (3 cr.) (For secondary licensed teachers only)
- L559 Trade Books in the Elementary Classroom (3 cr.)
Linguistics (3 cr.) (Choose one of the following)
- L502 Socio-psycholinguistic Applications to Reading Instruction (3 cr.)
- L507 Instructional Issues in Language Learning for English Teachers (3 cr.)
Professionalism (3 cr.)
- L509 Critical Issues for the Reading Professional (3 cr.)
Reading Addition - Indianapolis
Individuals who have a teaching license or who are in a teacher education program can add an additional content area to their license by successfully completing a dual license. Students should complete the reading certification program at Indianapolis at the grade levels of their initial teaching license.
This program prepares teachers to meet the standards established by the Indiana Professional Standards Board (IPSB) for teaching in this area of content, but do not specifically develop a teacher's performance beyond their existing developmental area. For this reason, a dual license adds only a content area to a teacher's license. It does not add or change the developmental level(s) of the license.
Elementary (21 cr.)
Required (18 cr.)
- L500 Instructional Issues in Language Learning (3 cr.)
- L502 Socio-psycholinguistics of Reading (3 cr.)
- L504 Identifying and Working with Learner Literacy Difficulties (3 cr.)
- This class is waived for IUPUI graduates who have successfully completed EDUC-E 341 within the last 10 years.
- L524 Bilingual Education: Introduction (3 cr.) OR L532 Second Language Acquisition (3 cr.)
- L525 Practicum in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (3 cr.)
- Arranged with the help of your advisor at the conclusion of the program.
- L559 Trade Books in the Classroom (3 cr.)
- This class is waived for IUPUI graduates who have successfully completed EDUC-E 341 within the last 10 years.
Elective (3 cr.) (Choose one of the following)
- L511 Advanced Study in Teaching Writing in Elementary Schools (3 cr.)
- L530 Topics Course in Literacy (with advisor's approval) (3 cr.)
- L545 Advanced Study in Teaching Reading in Elementary Schools (3 cr.)
- L549 Advanced Study in Teaching Language Arts in Elementary Schools (3 cr.)
- HERR R511 Integrating the Arts and Literacy (3 cr.)
Secondary (21 cr.)
Required (18 cr.)
- L500 Instructional Issues in Language Learning (3 cr.)
- L501 Critical Reading in the Content Areas (3 cr.)
- L502 Socio-psycholinguistics of Reading (3 cr.)
- L504 Identifying and Working with Learner Literacy Difficulties (3 cr.)
- L525 Practicum in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (3 cr.)
- L535 Adolescent/Young Adult Literature (3 cr.)
Elective (3 cr.) (Choose one of the following)
- L517 Advanced Study of Teaching Reading in Junior High and Secondary Schools (3 cr.)
- L524 Bilingual Education: Instroduction (3 cr.)
- LING L532 Second Language Acquisition (3 cr.)
- HERR R511 Integrating the Arts and Literacy (3 cr.)
Special Education Mild/Moderate Intervention - Bloomington
The Special Education Mild/Moderate Intervention license can be added to a Secondary License and provides the preparation necessary to teach students with exceptional needs. This program is based on special education professional standards and addresses the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for special education teachers working in today's classrooms. This program is offered primarily online and prepares teachers to work in inclusive school and community settings.
The mild/moderate intervention certification is limited to a K-6 or 7-12 license. You must focus your coursework on a particular level of education. Student teaching is required for those seeking an initial license in special education. This program incorporates an ongoing practicum with a mentor teacher. Courses are designed to be completed in a practicum setting with the support of an experienced teacher. During the first semester, you will focus attention on identifying a mentor teacher and practicum site. If you wish to complete an initial license, you should make arrangements to teach at the completion of the program in your mentor's classroom.
Students interested in this program should contact:
Special Education Program Office
Education 3130
Bloomington, IN 47405-1006
(812) 856-8123
Mild Intervention (33 cr.)
Year One
Prerequisite Course
- K505 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3 cr.)
First Semester (8 cr.)
- K510 Assistive Technology in Special Education (3 cr.)
- K565 Collaboration and Service Delivery (3 cr.)
- S500 Field-Based Seminar in Teacher Education (Special Education Orientation Seminar) (2 cr.)
Second Semester (7 cr.)
- K535 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped (3 cr.)
- K553 Classroom Management (3 cr.)
- K590 Portfolio Seminar (1 cr.)
Summer Semester (3 cr. plus Language Education)
- K548 Family, School and Society (3 cr.)
- L504 Identifying and Working with Learner Literacy Difficulties (3 cr.) (Elementary and Secondary teachers)
- L517 Advanced Study of the Teaching of Secondary School Reading (3 cr.) (Secondary teachers only)
- L545 Advanced Study of the Teaching of Reading in Elementary Schools (3 cr.) (Elementary teachers only)
Year Two
Third Semester (6 cr.)
- K536 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped II (Instructional Strategies) (3 cr.)
- K590 Portfolio Seminar (1 cr.)
Fourth Semester (1 cr. if needed)
K590 Portfolio Seminar (1 cr.) (The seminar is taken until all portfolio requirements are met.)
Special Education Mild and Intense Intervention - Indianapolis
The Graduate Special Education Certification program leads to mild and intense special education certification for certified teachers who already have a standard teaching license in another area. This program will lead to special education certification at the same developmental level as the teacher's initial license. For intense certification, the student must complete the requirements for mild and intense.
Students interested in this program should contact:
IU School of Education-Indianapolis
Office of Student Services
Education/Social Work 3131
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5155
(317) 274-0045.
Mild and Intense Intervention - Merged Program in Special Education (33 cr.)
Prerequisite (3 cr.)
- K505 Introduction to Special Education (3 cr.)
Mild Intervention (Required)
- Seminar 1: K548 Families in School and Society (3 cr.)
- Seminar 2: K553 Classroom Management and Behavior Support (3 cr.)
- Seminar 3: K565 Collaboration and Consultation (3 cr.)
- Seminar 4: K510 Technology Applications (3 cr.)
- Seminar 5: K525 Assessment and Instruction I—Mild (3 cr.)
- Seminar 6: K541 Transition across the Lifespan (3 cr.)
Intense Intervention (Required)
To receive the Intense Intervention certification, students must complete the courses for BOTH the Mild Intervention and Intense Intervention certification.
- Seminar 7: K561 Assessment and Instruction II—Intense (3 cr.)
- Seminar 8: K529 Interagency Collaborative and Behavioral Support (3 cr.)
- Practicum 1: K595 Mild Intervention (3 cr.)
- Practicum 2: K595 Intense Intervention: Significant Disabilities (3 cr.)