IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » Medicine » Course Descriptions » Graduate School


Course Descriptions

Graduate School
  • GRAD-G 704 Physiological Proteomics (1 cr.) This is a fundamentals-based course on theory and practice of contemporary proteomics techniques. Graduate students will learn to select and apply appropriate proteomic technologies in their research through exposure to protein analytical, quantitative, and informatic approaches to physiologically-relevant biomedical problems.
  • GRAD-G 505 Responsible Conduct of Research (1 cr.) The purpose of this course is to provide its students with a formal setting to learn about the basic rules and acceptable standards required for anyone conducting scientific research. It will help its students obtain knowledge and develop skills for dealing with potential ethical problems in the research laboratory on their own. This course is designed for all beginning graduate students working in the life sciences or related fields and other researchers who require basic training in the responsible conduct of research.
  • GRAD-G 510 MD/Ph.D. Special Options Course (0 cr.)
  • GRAD-G 620 Research Topics: Adolescent Health (3 cr.)
  • GRAD-G 707 Physiology of Smooth Muscle (1 cr.) Advanced study of the physiology of the smooth muscle tissues with focus on the normal physiology and pathophysiology of airway smooth muscle and the airways. Biochemical and physiologic mechanisms in the regulation of contraction, growth, and phenotypic expression in smooth muscle tissues will be explored. Focus will be on contemporary molecular and cellular and whole animal approaches for the study of muscle physiology, including tissue transfection and the genetic modification of smooth muscle tissues, organ culture, and methods for the measurement of contractility and contractile protein activation in intact and permeabilized tissues including confocal imaging, and in vivo measurement of airway function.
  • GRAD-G 660 Clinical Research Methods (3 cr.)
  • GRAD-G 667 Tools and Tehniques in Translational Research (3 cr.)
  • GRAD-G 708 Cardiac & Coronary Physiology of Exercise (1 cr.) Given the current epidemic and foreseeable continuing trend of obesity and diabetes in the U.S., emphasis will be placed on responses and adaptations of the heart and coronary circulation to exercise in the setting of obesity- and diabetes-induced coronary disease. Concepts of exercise stimulus, quantification of work, and in vivo responses and adaptations will be fundamental to studies of cellular and molecular mechanisms of myocardial and coronary artery responses and adaptations to exercise. The approach taken will be the use of current textbooks, select reviews, original research papers, interactive discussion, and laboratory demonstrations and projects.
  • GRAD-G 714 Development of the Vascular System (1 cr.) This advanced level course is offered to graduate students who have an interest in vascular biology. Concepts of vascular development will be explored with an emphasis on the experimental techniques used to unravel organ development. The course will provide an in-depth knowledge of the physiology, cell, and molecular biology of the development of the vascular system by means of introductory lectures, assigned reviews of current literature, group discussions, and laboratory demonstrations with an emphasis on the experimental techniques used to examine developmental systems. The course will comprise a mixture of didactic lecture, student reading, and presentation of original research and review articles, group discussions, and laboratory demonstrations. The course will comprise four one-hour sessions per week over a four-week session.
  • GRAD-G 761 Molecular and Cellular Physiology of Ion Transport (1 cr.) Advanced ion transport topics are selected by students from current areas of research on ion channels, pumps, and exchangers. Specific topics include transporter biophysical characteristics, long-term regulation, effects on cell and organ function, electrophysiological and optical methods for study. Format: textbooks, reviews, original research papers, interactive discussion, computer simulations, and laboratory demonstrations and projects.
  • GRAD-G 804 Cellular and Molecular Biology (3 cr.) Cellular and molecular biology for medical students that emphasizes the structural organization, biochemistry, and molecular biology of cells. Includes cellular processes, development, and differentiation and their relationship to medicine.
  • GRAD-G 831 Concepts & Controversies in Cardiovascular Science (2 cr.) P: Graduate level physiology course. The focus of this course is topical areas of advanced cardiovascular research, emphasizing modern approaches to study cardiovascular function. Topics will change each semester but may include: regulation of vascular tone, cardiovascular development, control of cardiac function, myopathies, atherosclerosis, and blood pressure. Format: Journal Club/Seminar and facilitated interactive student discussion.
  • GRAD-G 819 Basic Bone Biology (3 cr.) P: One semester of introductory biology. An introduction to basic bone biology, including bone morphology, composition and physiology; cell biology of bone cells; measurement techniques; adaptation to the mechanical and metabolic environments; regulatory factors and mineral homeostasis; and growth and development.
  • GRAD-G 825 Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology (2 cr.) The course will highlight selected topics adjusted each year to reflect the most current advancements in molecular biology and will include lectures and paper discussions on: chromatin structure and regulation; transcriptional control; RNA structure and processing; RNAi and miRNA; RNA decay; translational control and its integration in gene expression.
  • GRAD-G 664 Mentored Clinical Research (1-9 cr.) This is an organized research project in the form of an organized scientific contribu­tion or comprehensive analysis conducted under the mentor­ship of a faculty scientist from the individual CITE enrollee’s core discipline. The capstone experience is submission of an abstract to a scientific meeting, defense of one’s research be­fore an advisory committee, and completion of a first-authored paper deemed suitable for publication in a scientific journal.
  • GRAD-G 651 Introduction to Biostatistics I (3 cr.) P: One year undergraduate mathematics is required. Working knowledge on linear algebra and elementary calculus is expected. Students with insufficient mathematics preparation are expected to remedy the deficiency on their own. G651 is an introductory level biostatistics course designed for healthcare professionals. It is the first in the G651 and G652 series on biostatistics methodology. The course covers topics such as data description and presentation techniques, probability and probability distributions, sampling distributions, statistical inferences from small and large samples, analysis of categorical data, analysis of variance, correlation and simple linear regression analysis. Upon completion of the course, students will achieve a basic understanding of the concepts and techniques of data description and statistical inferences. Students will also acquire a working knowledge of SPSS, a commonly used statistical computation program. Students will be able to understand and interpret the statistical analyses in research articles published in medical journals. Students that complete the course with grade B or better will have adequate preparation for G652.
  • GRAD-G 652 Introduction to Biostatistics II (3 cr.) P: G651 or equivalent to G651. G652 is an advanced applied biostatistics course designed for students with an interest in the health sciences. Students are expected to have completed at least one semester course of basic biostatistics. Knowledge of probability and probability distributions, concepts of estimation and hypothesis testing are assumed. Topics covered in this course include multiple linear regression, multi-factor analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, analysis of repeated measures, logistic regression model, and survival analyses. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to understand the appropriate statistical models for various outcomes and be able to interpret results using statistical techniques covered in this course. Students are also expected to conduct simple analyses using SPSS on personal computers.
  • GRAD-G 715 Biomedical Science I (3 cr.) One of three biomedical science courses intended for incoming doctoral graduate students in the School of Medicine or other graduate students. Covers molecular and metabolic aspects of cellular function. The course will explore topics in the biochemical basis of biological systems, including biological macromolecules, protein ligand interactions, cell-signaling, and metabolic processes.
  • GRAD-G 716 Biomedical Science II (3 cr.) Second of three biomedical science courses intended for incoming doctoral graduate students in the School of Medicine or other graduate students. Topics covered include DNA structure and replication, recombination and repair, genomics and processes of inheritance, gene expression, eukaryotic systems, and molecular genetics and disease.
  • GRAD-G 717 Biomedical Science III (3 cr.) Third of a group of three biomedical science core courses intended for incoming doctoral graduate students in the School of Medicine or other graduate students. Organization and function of cells, tissues and physiologic systems using disease examples. Topics include neurophysiology, musculoskeletal, renal, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine and pulmonary systems, and cancer.
  • GRAD-G 718 Research in Biomedical Science (1-4 cr.) A laboratory research rotation course. Allows incoming basic science doctoral graduate students in the School of Medicine programs to take research rotations in laboratories affiliated with all of the school graduate programs.
  • GRAD-G 855 Experimental Design and Research Biostatistics (1 cr.) This course will provide students with a functional understanding of experimental design and statistical testing in the biological sciences. Students will learn why a thoughtful approach to the design of their experiments and a rigorous, unbiased testing of their results are both important to their work and future careers. Students will receive an introduction to basic statistical theory with a practical focus on interpreting printouts from a variety of statistical programs(rather than a focus on students carrying out their own calculations). Practical examples of experimental design and statistical testing-both good examples and bad-will be worked through for a variety of real situations in biomedical research.