IUPUI 2014-2016 » Schools » purdue-enginer-tech » Departments & Centers » Music & Arts Technology (MAT) » Other Information
IUPUI Music Academy

The IUPUI Music Academy is a non-profit community music school committed to providing high quality, professional music instruction to area residents of all ages and levels of ability. The academy serves over 500 people each year, ages 18 months through adulthood, by offering music classes for children and adults, ensembles, and private lessons. The academy is a member of the National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts.

Music at the Center for Young Children

Children attending the IUPUI Center for Young Children (CYC) can participate in preschool music classes during the weekday. Classes are held at the CYC after lunch, so students do not miss any instruction time from the CYC program.

For more information, contact:

E.J. Choe, Director
IUPUI Music Academy
535 W. Michigan Street, Room 378
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: (317) 278-4139
Fax: (317) 278-2590
Web: www.musicacademy.iupui.edu

International Music Technology Conference and Workshop

The Annual International Music Technology Conference and Workshop is hosted in Indianapolis during the latter part of June. Participants may register for graduate credit. During the International Computer Music Technology Conference, they will be able to see and experiment with the latest technology. There is a technology facility and three labs to which they may have access.

The IUPUI Computer Music Technology Facility includes two fully-networked computer music technology laboratories with video-streaming equipment for Internet-based participants. Eachworkstation is equipped with a multimedia computer and an Axiom 61keyboard. The Digital Keyboard Lab is equipped with 16Roland keyboards, a Roland controller audio system, Dell XPS-one computers, and a Teacher Station.

The Graduate Multimedia Lab has full production capabilities, including a digital flatbedscanner, video and photographic digital cameras, sound- and video-editing software, multimedia authoring tools and CD/DVD-ROM burner hardware and software. Both PC and Macintosh computers are available.

The Digital Sound Design Lab provides capabilities for all aspects of digital audio and MIDI-based production for sound tracks, multimedia design, sound sampling, sound design, and collaborative composition over the Internet.

Participants have the opportunity to work with both Macintosh and Windows applications. Topics include the following:

  • Multimedia applications
  • CD/DVD technology
  • Music notation, sequencing and sampling
  • Internet resources and Web design
  • Computer-based music instruction
  • Music workstation design and construction
  • Grant writing and fundraising for technology support
  • Computer-based music curriculum design
  • Special topics (e.g., podcasting, wikis, distance learning, new music software products)