
Foundations of Education (F)

  • EDUC–F 110 Windows on Education (2–3 cr.) B-I First-year seminar to support incoming freshmen interested in teaching as a career. The course will facilitate students’ efforts to navigate university life while making an informed decision regarding career choices. The F110 will serve as the First Year Seminar; they may be linked to EDUC F200: Examining Self as a Teacher.
  • EDUC–F 200 Examining Self as a Teacher (3 cr.) B-I Designed to help a student make a career decision, better conceptualize the kind of teacher the student wishes to become, and reconcile any preliminary concerns that may be hampering a personal examination of self as teacher. Students will design a major portion of their work.
  • EDUC–F 203 Topical Exploration in Education (1–3 cr.) B A one-semester course on a particular topic, established at the request of a faculty member and by the approval of the Academic Affairs Committee. Applies only as elective credit.
  • EDUC–F 205 Study of Education and the Practice of Teaching (1–3 cr.) B A review of the literature on various approaches to education as a discipline and a field of inquiry, and an exploration of several approaches to teacher education. Integrates scholarship and inquiry with the development of educational possibilities. Students will begin the process of constructing a set of personal and social commitments that will guide their future teaching activities.
  • EDUC–F 400 Honors Seminar (1–3 cr.) B Content varies, but always involves the investigation in depth of significant topics in education. An interdisciplinary approach is taken.
  • EDUC–F 401 Topical Exploration in Education (0–3 cr.) Explores various topics of relevance to education, both in the United States and abroad.

Academic Bulletins

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