CASE Designations

The College of Arts and Sciences has replaced conventional course lists and appendices in its Bulletin with two search tools that allow users to filter course lists by department and degree requirement.

  1. CASE Course Designations Provides a comprehensive list of courses that are approved for CASE (College of Arts and Sciences Education) designations.
  2. Upcoming Course Offerings Allows the user to search for courses offered in current and upcoming semesters, including courses that carry user-specified CASE designation(s).
  • General Education Approved Courses Although this is not a search tool, this link is provided for the convenience of students who need to complete requirements in the General Education curriculum.
Students should note the examples below prior to using the College search tools.

Example 1: Course level approval

  • AAAD-A 112 Black Music of Two Worlds A&H GCC

All versions of AAAD-A 112 are approved for A&H and GCC.

Example 2: Topic level approval

  • ANTH-E 300 Culture Areas and Ethnic Groups Islam in and out of Africa S&H GCC (for this topic only)

Only the topic “Islam in and out of Africa” is approved for S&H and GCC. Other topics of ANTH-E 300 are not approved for these designations.


The search tools employ the abbreviations and requirement terminology in use throughout the Bulletin. For more information about abbreviations, see Abbreviations.