Programs by Campus




Interim University Dean

Professor Michael T. Weaver*

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

Associate Professor Patricia R. Ebright*

Graduate Faculty

(An asterisk [*] denotes membership in the University Graduate School faculty with the endorsement to direct doctoral disser­tations.)

Distinguished Professors

Victoria L. Champion*

Emily Holmquist Professor

Joan E. Haase*

McBride Professor

Claire B. Draucker

Sally Reahard Endowed Chair

Janet S. Carpenter*


Tamilyn Bakas, Donna Bowles (SE), Janet S. Carpenter*, Victoria L. Champion*, Debo­rah Cullen, Linda Delunas (NW), Claire Draucker*, Janet S. Fulton*, Joan E. Haase*, Judith A. Halstead*, Pamela Ironside*, Joyce S. Krothe* (B),  Angela M. McNelis*, Susan M. Rawl*, Jacquelyn C. Reid (SE), Michael Weaver*, Janet L. Welch*

Associate Professors

Mary Bourke (KO), Karen Clark (E), Teresa M. Dobryzkowski (SB), Patricia R. Ebright*, Susan Hendricks, Patricia R. Henry (SB), Susan Hickman*, Yvonne Yueh-Feng Lu*, Laura McIlvoy (SE), Marian McKay (SE), Susan McLennon, Jody Meyers (SE), Deanna L. Reising* (B), Mary Beth Riner, Sheri Robb*, Susan Rouse (NW), Carol Shieh*, Deborah Stiffler*, Cynthia D. Sofhauser (SB), Diane Von Ah*, Linda Susan Wallace (KO)

Assistant Professors

Sue Anderson (SB), Paula Baumann (E), Tonya Breymier (E), Cheryl Crisp (C), Sharron Crowder, Kimberly DeSantis (E), Kristina Dreifuerst*, Rebecca Ellis, Rebecca Feather (B), Sharon Jones (SB), Debbie Judge (C), Marlene Greskamp (KO), Desiree Hensel (B), Sue Lasiter*, Mikyoung Lee, Tracy Magee, Peggy McLaughlin, Wendy Miller (B), April Mouser (KO), Ukamaka Oruche, Julie Otte*, Danielle Perkins, Celeste Phillips-Salimi, Bridget Robinson, Rhonda Schwindt, Crystal Shannon (NW), Lucy Tormoehlen (KO), Carolyn Townsend (KO), Amy Wonder (B)

Clinical Associate Professors

Barbara Friesth*, Julie Meek

Clinical Assistant Professors

Cathy Fulton
Note: B after a faculty member’s name indicates that the person teaches at the Bloomington campus; C, at Columbus; E, at East; KO, at Kokomo; NW, at Northwest; SB, at South Bend; and SE, at Southeast.

Academic Bulletins

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