Programs by Campus


Speech and Hearing Sciences


  • SPHS-S 680 Independent Study (1-6 cr.) This course is eligible for a deferred grade.
  • SPHS-S 780 M.A. Thesis (1-6 cr.) This course is eligible for a deferred grade.
  • SPHS-S 880 Ph.D. Thesis (1-6 cr.) This course is eligible for a deferred grade.
American Sign Language
  • SPHS-A 500 ASL Level One for Graduate Students (3 cr.) Introductory sign language for graduate students with no previous experi­ence. Builds a good basic vocabulary of signs, teaches finger spelling, introduces basic aspects of grammar and the proper use of facial expression in sign language conversation. Students are also exposed to deaf culture.
  • SPHS-A 550 ASL Level Two for Graduate Students (3 cr.) P: A500 Con­tinues building receptive and expressive abilities. Puts empha­sis on the use of signing space, facial grammar, body postures, fluent finger spelling, and continued vocabulary development. More complex grammatical structures are introduced. Deaf culture component included.
  • SPHS-A 600 ASL Level Three for Graduate Students (2 cr.) P: A550 Emphasizes the development of conversational ability. Examines more complex grammatical structures, with emphasis on ability to use these structures in conversation. Readings, videos, and dis­cussion cover characteristics of the deaf population and their cultural values.
  • SPHS-A 700 ASL Level Four for Graduate Students (2 cr.) P: A600 Continues to develop knowledge of American Sign Language and deaf culture. Students will experience the language outside the classroom through interaction with the deaf community.
Speech and Hearing Sciences
  • SPHS-S 461 Introduction to Supervised Clinical Practice (2 cr.) This course is not currently offered.
  • SPHS-S 501 Biological Foundations of Speech and Hearing (3 cr.) This course will introduce students to the anatomical and physiological basis of human communication. Topics will include neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the central and peripheral nervous systems; neural substrates of speech and language; respiratory, phonatory, articulatory, and swallowing physiology; and current theories of motor control.
  • SPHS-S 505 Clinical Application of Linguistic Theory (4 cr.) Currently not being offered. Application of models of language structure and use of the clinical process of diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of phonological, lexical, morphological, and syntactic impairments of language acquisi­tion.
  • SPHS-S 506 Counseling (2 cr.) Provides information about the coun­seling purview of audiologists and speech pathologists. Topics such as theories of counseling, lifespan issues, emotional re­sponses to communication disorders, family dynamics, support groups, and multicultural issues will be presented. Students will learn basic counseling techniques and the application of these techniques for specific disorders.
  • SPHS-S 508 Physiological Models for Perception and Production of Speech and Voice (3 cr.) Currently not being offered. Provides students with understand­ing of the physiological bases for production and perception of speech and voice in humans. Covers the dynamic functioning of structures of the organs of speech production and percep­tion, and the relations of their parts. This knowledge will form the basis for subsequent understanding of disorders of speech production and perception.
  • SPHS-S 509 Speech and Language Diagnostics (2 cr.) Theoretical bases of speech-language assessment, including concepts of testing and measurement, formal and informal evaluation techniques, and normative and non-normative approaches. Required accompanying laboratory provides observation and experience with specific assessment procedures.
  • SPHS-S 511 Phonetics of American Speech (2 cr.) Scientific study of American pronunciation based on International Phonetic Alphabet. Exercises in transcription.
  • SPHS-S 513 Speech Anatomy and Physiology (2 cr.) Anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism; contemporary views of speech physiology; subsystems of the speech mechanism—re­spiratory, laryngeal, and supraglottal—integrated with a model of speech production. Laboratory experiences.
  • SPHS-S 515 Topical Seminar in Speech Pathology or Audiology (1-6 cr.) Topics of current interest; literature on fundamental behavior related to speech or hearing.
  • SPHS-S 516 Introduction to Audiological Testing (3-4 cr.) Rationale and basic procedures in the evaluation of hearing loss.
  • SPHS-S 517 Cognitive and Communicative Aspects of Aging (2 cr.) Review of cognitive and communicative changes associated with normal aging as well as with diseases and conditions that are prevalent in the aging population. Includes discussion of methodological issues in research on aging as well as principles for maximizing communication with the elderly population.
  • SPHS-S 518 Auditory Disorders (3 cr.)

    Study of auditory pathology and the associated audiological test findings. Focus placed on etiology and the auditory and non-auditory manifestations of the disorders.

  • SPHS-S 520 Phonological Disorders (3 cr.) Assessment and treatment of phonological disorders in children; procedures are equally applicable to other populations. Case-based approach to analyses of phonetic, phonemic, syllabic structure in clinical diagnosis and identification of treatment goals. Corresponding treatment methods are  evaluated relative to evidence-based practice.
  • SPHS-S 524 Survey of Children’s Language Development (2 cr.) Theories and research relating to normal development of phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics in children from birth through age four. Investigation of cognition and various environmental factors as contributors to language develop­ment. Emphasizes learning of elementary skills in language sample analysis.
  • SPHS-S 525 Childhood Dysarthria and Apraxia of Speech (3 cr.) Currently not being offered. The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic corre­lates of children’s motor speech disorders including issues of underlying pathology, physiological development, assessment procedures, and treatment alternatives.
  • SPHS-S 531 Cognitive-Communication Disorders in Brain Injury and Disease (3 cr.) This course reviews disorders of perception, cognition, communication, and behavior associated with brain injury and disease in adults. Procedures and issues pertaining to assessment and treatment in the acute and chronic stages of recovery or across disease progression will also be addressed.
  • SPHS-S 532 Language Disorders in Children (3 cr.) The focus of this course will be on the identification, etiology, and clinical treatment of children who are classified having autism spectrum disorder, mental retardation, specific language impairment, and other language disorders.
  • SPHS-S 534 Language Development in School-Age Children (3 cr.) P: S333. Currently not being offered. Survey of theoretical perspectives and research find­ings related to language development in children aged five through twelve. Particular attention to relationships between oral language skills, reading, and writing. Consideration of language and context, including differences between language demands of home and school.
  • SPHS-S 536 Language Diversity and Clinical Practice (3 cr.) Currently not being offered. Examines the effects on current clinical practice in speech-language pathology of the linked issues of racial, cultural, and linguis­tic diversity. Both assessment and intervention issues will be considered.
  • SPHS-S 537 Aphasia (3 cr.) P: S501. In-depth study of diagnosis and management of adult aphasia and related disorders.
  • SPHS-S 538 Language Development in Atypical Populations: Learn­ing Disabilities, Autism, and Mental Retardation (3 cr.) P: S333 and S436 or consent of instructor. Currently not being offered. An introduction to three clinical populations likely to have difficulties with language learning. Aspects of perceptual, cognitive, and social growth as they influence language acquisition; patterns of language development and use; issues related to intervention.
  • SPHS-S 539 Child Dual Language Learners; Development, Assessment and Intervention (3 cr.) Focuses on how children acquire two languages. Topics concerning variables that impact dual-language acqui­sition children and patterns of acquisition will be discussed. Issues and strategies for evaluating language skills in this popu­lation, and for providing clinical services are presented.
  • SPHS-S 540 Voice Disorders (3 cr.) This course focuses on facilitating clinical skills related to assessment and management of children and adults with voice disorders. The relevant anatomy and physiology of the vocal mechanism and voice production will be presented. Pathophysiology causes, prevention, assessment, treatment (behavioral, surgical, and medical) of various voice disorders will be addressed.
  • SPHS-S 541 Management of Tracheostomy and Laryngectomy (2 cr.) Currently not being offered. Aerodigestive tract dynamics and disorders, including assess­ment and treatment. Rehabilitation options associated with tracheostomy, laryngectomy, and dysphagia.
  • SPHS-S 542 Care of the Professional Voice (3 cr.) Currently not being offered. Physiological, psy­chosocial, and occupational aspects of professional voice use. A multidisciplinary perspective on research and practice in the ar­eas of otolaryngology, social psychology, vocal pedagogy, voice science, and communication disorders. Examines historical and current approaches to preventing, assessing, and treating voice breakdown in singers and other professional voice users.
  • SPHS-S 543 Childhood Dysphagia: Diagnosis and Treatment of Swallowing Disorders (2 cr.)  Currently not being offered. Anatomy and physiology of child swallowing and respiration is reviewed. Evaluation and treatment of child dysphagia emphasizing instrumental and non-instrumental assessment procedures and the development of efficacious treatment plans. Experience in analysis of child videofluroscopic studies of swallowing.
  • SPHS-S 544 Dysphagia (3 cr.) This course focuses on facilitating clinical skills related to assessment and management of dysphagia in children and adults, including those with tracheostomy and ventilator-dependent. The relevant anatomy and physiology of the swallowing mechanism will be discussed. Pathophysiology, causes, assessment, treatment of various conditions resulting in dysphagia will be addressed.
  • SPHS-S 546 Medical Speech-Language Pathology (2 cr.) Currently not being offered. Roles and responsibilities of speech-language pathologists in the medi­cal arena with clients ranging the lifespan will be reviewed and discussed. Topics to be investigated will include continuum of care, interdisciplinary approach, pharmacology, terminology, client advocacy and accreditations, among others. Class format will include lecture, didactic discussion, student project presen­tations and guest speakers.
  • SPHS-S 550 Stuttering (3 cr.) This course will focus on the nature and etiology of developmental stuttering, diagnostic procedures, and approaches to treatment in children and adults. Other disorders of fluency, such as acquired stuttering and cluttering will also be discussed.
  • SPHS-S 555 Motor Speech Disorders (4 cr.) This course will focus on the basic correlates of motor speech disorders in children and adults. Normal development, anatomy, and physiology of the speech production mechanism will be reviewed. Characteristics, pathophysiology, etiology, assessment, and treatment of various motor speech disorders will also be addressed.
  • SPHS-S 560 Craniofacial Anomalies (3 cr.) P: S201. Currently not being offered. Orofacial clefts and other genetically based craniofacial disorders are considered in relation to speech production and swallowing. Assessment protocols include auditory-perceptual evaluation, vocal tract imaging (nasendoscopy and fluoroscopy), and speech aerody­namics. Introduction to therapy procedures.
  • SPHS-S 561 Clinical Methods and Practice (1-3 cr.) Current topics related to clinical practice in speech/language pathology.
  • SPHS-S 562 Practicum in Supervision (1 cr.) P: S510, S561. Practicum in the supervision of clinical practice in speech-language pa­thology and audiology.
  • SPHS-S 563 Medical Externship (6 cr.) P: S561. Intensive participation in the clinical activities of community agencies, hospitals, or other service providers. Available only to advanced students in clinical program.
  • SPHS-S 570 Clinical Practicum in Audiology I (1-3 cr.) P: S561 or S570. Supervised on-site clinical work in diagnostic and rehabilitative clinical audiology. Intended for students in the first year of the Au.D. program.
  • SPHS-S 571 Auditory Anatomy and Physiology (3 cr.) Structure and function of the mammalian auditory system, including aspects of both cellular and systems physiology.
  • SPHS-S 572 Clinical Electrophysiology (2 cr.)

    Focuses on current appli­cations of electrophysiologic testing, including auditory evoked potentials, otoacoustic emissions, and electronystagmography. Will address role of each of these test procedures in the diag­nostic audiologic test battery.

  • SPHS-S 573 Laboratory in Amplification (1 cr.) Laboratory exercises in hearing aid selection, fitting and evaluation; earmold acoustics; hearing aid construction; and electroacoustic evaluation of instruments. To be taken concurrently with S576
  • SPHS-S 574 The Central Auditory Nervous System (3 cr.) Course covers the anatomy and physiology of the central auditory system. Emphasis is on neural processing mechanisms in mammalian auditory brain areas found in the medulla to the auditory cortex.
  • SPHS-S 575 Human Hearing and Communication (2 cr.) Development of the auditory system and landmarks of auditory behavior, types of hearing loss, intake and exit interviewing techniques, audiometric standards, pure tone audiometry, acoustics im­pedance measurements, screening for auditory disorders and speech audiometry, effect of age and aging on oral communica­tion, counseling the hearing impaired, strategies in selecting hearing aids, recommending auditory training, speech reading, and manual communication.
  • SPHS-S 576 Amplification for the Hearing Impaired (3 cr.) Types and components of electroacoustic hearing aids, earmold acous­tics, and procedures for the selection, evaluation, and fitting of hearing aids.
  • SPHS-S 577 Industrial Audiology (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. The role of audiology, emphasizing identification audiometry, damage-risk criteria, measurement and control of noise, con­servation procedures, and medico-legal problems.
  • SPHS-S 578 Audiological Instrumentation and Calibration (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Fundamentals of acoustics and acoustical measurements including waveform measurements, spectral analysis, and noise analysis. Calibration techniques and standards for clinical audi­ology are also reviewed.
  • SPHS-S 579 Children with Hearing Loss (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Introduction to the assessment of communication skills in children with hearing loss. Topics covered include early iden­tification of hearing loss, assessment of hearing in very young children, speech and language development in children with hearing loss, and management strategies for hearing-impaired children.
  • SPHS-S 580 Critical Thinking About Research in Communication Disorders (3 cr.) This course will provide students with the tools and skills to think critically, solve problems, and make ethical and responsible decisions about clinical assessment and treatment. Emphasis will be placed on the role of research in evidence-based practice and the interpretation of scientific literature.
  • SPHS-S 601 Experimental Phonetics II (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Speech acoustics. Examination of theories of vocal-tract transmission through a historical perspective. Consideration of literature in acoustic phonetics, with emphasis on research that models speech acoustics relative to articulatory configuration. Laboratory experiences.
  • SPHS-S 670 Clinical Practicum in Audiology II (1-3 cr.) Supervised on-site clinical work in diagnostic and rehabilitative clinical au­diology. Intended for students in the second year of the Au.D. program.
  • SPHS-S 671 Auditory Evoked Potentials (2 cr.) This course consid­ers the theory and application of Auditory Evoked Potentials, emphasizing Electrocochleography and Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry.
  • SPHS-S 672 Clinical Externship in Audiology I (1-3 cr.) Supervised off-site clinical work in diagnostic and rehabilitative clinical au­diology. Intended for students in the second year of the Au.D. program.
  • SPHS-S 673 Clinical Externship in Audiology II (1-5 cr.) Supervised off-site clinical work in diagnostic and rehabilitative clinical audiology. Intended for students in the third year of the Au.D. program.
  • SPHS-S 674 Speech, Language and Hearing Science Seminar (3 cr.)

    This course will rotate topics through speech, language, and hearing. Students are required to take one course on each topic. S686 and S696 may substitute for a speech or language seminar.

  • SPHS-S 675 Assessment of Middle Ear Function (2 cr.) Examination of the theory and practice of clinical assessment of middle ear function. Course will include standard measures of middle ear function, multi-frequency tympanometry, and power reflec­tance.
  • SPHS-S 676 Advanced Clinical Concepts in Amplification (3 cr.) This seminar presents advanced material on conventional amplifica­tion, assistive listening devices, and classroom amplification systems. Students will develop models for selection, fitting, evaluation, and management of devices for patients with hear­ing loss. This includes integrating research content into clinical activities leading to appropriate, defendable rationales for a comprehensive hearing program.
  • SPHS-S 677 Implantable Auditory Prostheses (3 cr.) This course exam­ines various surgically implantable devices used to ameliorate the effects of hearing loss, with particular emphasis on co­chlear implants, including considerations for implantation and expected outcomes.
  • SPHS-S 678 Introduction to Psychoacoustics (3 cr.) Perception of sound by normal and hearing-impaired listeners. Topics covered include masking, pitch, loudness, and other auditory phenomena.
  • SPHS-S 679 Otoacoustic Emissions (2 cr.) Otoacoustic emissions pro­vide a noninvasive measure of cochlear mechanical function. This course considers our current understanding of the origin of otoacoustic emissions and their clinical application.
  • SPHS-S 681 First Year Research Project (3 cr.) Collaborative research with PhD advisor. Students must give a short oral presentation to the department for satisfactory completion of this course.
  • SPHS-S 682 Second Year Research Project (3 cr.) Students engage in a semi-independent research project in their major area of focus. Students must present at a departmental colloquium to meet course requirements.
  • SPHS-S 683 Research Forum in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (0-1 cr.) Research presentations by students, faculty in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, and guest speakers. Normally taken each semester by doctoral students in speech and hearing sciences without credit, but may be taken for four consecutive semesters for 1 credit hour per semester.
  • SPHS-S 685 Research and Ethics in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (3 cr.) Selected topics in research design, analysis, and report­ing (articles and talks); ethics; and preparation of grant propos­als, as appropriate to speech, language and hearing sciences, and disorders.
  • SPHS-S 686 Physiological Research in Speech, Language, and Hear­ing Sciences (3 cr.) Course topics vary according to student interests, including: neuroscience research in speech, language, cognition, and hearing; imaging; videostroboscopy; and motor control.
  • SPHS-S 696 Language Research in Speech, Language, and Hear­ing Sciences (3 cr.) Topics vary according to student interests, including advances in linguistic theory, language and phonologi­cal acquisition theory, neurolinguistics, language intervention, etiological research, cognition and language (including memory and attention), and reading and language. Lab components include computer software for both linguistic analyses and experimental presentation.
  • SPHS-S 702 Instrumentation in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (3 cr.) Introduction to current methodology used in investigations of speech, language and hearing sciences.
  • SPHS-S 771 Diagnostics and Pathologies (3 cr.) This course examines diagnostic audiology and auditory disorders within the scope of practice of clinical audiology. Attention will be given to theory, administration, and application of various clinical tests and measures used in assessment and treatment of children and adults.
  • SPHS-S 772 Amplification and Rehabilitation (3 cr.) This course examines an array of topics within the scope of practice of clini­cal audiology, with particular emphasis on matters germane to amplification and rehabilitation. Attention will be given to theory, administration, and application of various clinical tests and measures used for both assessment and treatment.
  • SPHS-S 773 Pediatrics and Special Populations (2 cr.) This course examines an array of topics within the scope of practice of clini­cal audiology, with particular emphasis on matters germane to pediatrics and special test populations. Amplification, business issues, and ethical considerations may also be discussed. Atten­tion will be given to theory, administration, and application of various clinical tests and measures used for both assessment and treatment.
  • SPHS-S 774 Recent Advances in Audiology (2 cr.) This course exam­ines an array of topics within the scope of practice of clinical audiology, with particular emphasis on examining the most re­cent literature from refereed journals. Attention will be given to theory, administration, and application of various clinical tests and measures used for both assessment and treatment.
  • SPHS-S 775 Vestibular Diagnosis and Rehabilitation (3 cr.) Vestibular system anatomy & physiology examined. Clinical tests and mea­sures used to assess balance function are covered, including electronystagmography (ENG), videonystagmography (VNG), rotational chair, & dynamic posturography. Emphasis on clinical assessment, treatment & rehabilitation.
  • SPHS-S 777 Speech Communication, Aging, and Hearing Impairment (2 cr.) No prerequisites; this course focuses on whether hearing aids can help the elderly with impaired hearing understand speech, and if so, under what conditions and with what limita­tions.
  • SPHS-S 778 Educational Audiology (2 cr.) Combined lecture, classroom discussion, guest presentations, and case studies examining an array of topics within the scope of edu­cational audiology. Particular emphasis on early intervention, educational law, and auditory access to language for cognitive development.
  • SPHS-S 779 Business Practices (2 cr.) This course aims to provide students with the tools necessary to create a framework for practicing audiology in a business setting.

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