Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

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International Studies

Rhea EenigenburgPictured | Rhea Eenigenburg | Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice / Minors in Sociology and Women's and Gender Studies | Demotte, Indiana (hometown)
Volunteer Activity | Boy Scouts of America
Club Affiliations | Criminal Justice Student Organization; Gamers Guild
Photo provided by Rhea Eenigenburg | taken on International Studies trip to Costa Rica

Minor in International Studies

The Office of International Programs promotes international education at IU South Bend and strives to foster international understanding and awareness on campus and within the community. The objective of this interdisciplinary minor is to provide IU South Bend students an opportunity to develop a broad understanding of important global issues and, thereby, prepare them to live and work in the twenty-first century.

Evidence of focused international study is looked upon as a key distinction by employers in business, government, education, the arts, human services, and other areas, as well as by graduate and professional schools.

International studies is the cross-national interdisciplinary study of contemporary global issues and world regions. It combines the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and professional fields to create an interdisciplinary approach to understanding our increasingly interconnected world.

The minor consists of a minimum of 15 credit hours in at least three different disciplines. The 15 credit hours are distributed as follows:

  • 100– or 200–level core courses with broad international content (3-6 cr.)
  • 300–400 level core courses with broad international content (6-9 cr.)
  • All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise noted.

Requirements (15 cr.)

Courses may be chosen from three of the following disciplines. Additional courses may be approved by the faculty committee based on content relevant to international studies.

  • AHLT-R 277 Global Experience in Radiologic and Imaging Sciences
  • ANTH A 250 Anthropology in the Modern World
  • ANTH-E 105 Culture and Society
  • ANTH-E 310 Introduction to Cultures of Africa
  • ANTH-E 321 Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica
  • ANTH-E 391 Women in Developing Countries
  • ANTH-E 397 Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East
  • ANTH-E 402 Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective
  • ANTH-E 420 Economic Anthropology
  • ANTH-L 300 Culture and Language
  • ANTH-P 304 Fundamentals of Archaeological Anthropology
  • ANTH-P 398 Rise of Civilization
  • BIOL-L 342 Tropical Marine Biology Field Course
  • BUS-D 300 International Businesss: Operations of International Enterprises
  • BUS-D 304 International Business Environment
  • BUS-M 401 Interntional Marketing
  • CJUS-P 379 International Topics: Terrorism and Political Violence
  • CJUS-P 471 Comparative Study of Criminal Justice Systems
  • CMCL-C 203 Gender Sexuality and the Media
  • CMLT-C 253 Third World and Black American Films
  • DHYG-H 412 Global Health
  • EALC-E 271 Modern and Contemporary Japanese Culture
  • EALC-E 350 Studies in East Asian Society
  • EALC-J 4XX All 400–level EALC courses
  • ECON-E 430 International Economics
  • EDUC-E 201 Multicultural Education and Global Awareness
  • ENG-E 301 Literatures in English to 1600
  • ENG-E 302 Literatures in English 1600-1800
  • ENG-E 303 Literatures in English 1800-1900
  • ENG-E 304 Literatures in English 1900-Present
  • ENG-L 207 Women and Literature
  • ENG-L 220 Introduction to Shakespeare
  • ENG-L 305 Chaucer
  • ENG-L 306 Middle English Literature
  • ENG-L 313 Early Plays of Shakespeare
  • ENG-L 314 Late Plays of Shakespeare
  • ENG-L 315 Major Plays of Shakespeare
  • ENG-L 327 Later Eighteenth Century Literature
  • ENG-L 332 Romantic Literature
  • ENG-L 336 Victorian Literature
  • ENG-L 347 British Fiction to 1800
  • ENG-L 348 Nineteenth Century British Fiction
  • ENG-L 365 Modern Drama Continental
  • ENG-L 369 British and American Authors
  • ENG-L 382 Fiction of the Non-Western World
  • ENG-L 388 Irish Literature and Culture
  • ENG-L 450 Seminar: British and American Authors
  • ENG-T 191 World Literary and Intellectual Traditions
  • FINA-A 101 Ancient and Medieval Art
  • FINA-A 300 Topics in Art History
  • FINA-A 303 Art Since 1945
  • FINA-A 306 Women in the Visual Arts
  • FINA-A 307 Intoduction to Non-Western Art
  • FINA-A 308 Modern Art 1900-1945
  • FINA-A 340 Topics in Modern Art
  • FINA-A 409 Capstone Course
  • FINA-T 390 Literary and Intellectual Traditions
  • FREN-F 300 Lectures et Analyses Litteraire
  • FREN-F 305 Chefs-d'oeuvre de la Literature French 1
  • FREN-F 306 Chefs-d'oeuvre de la Literature French 2
  • FREN-F 311 Contemporary French Civilization
  • FREN-F 312 Readings in French Literature in Translation
  • FREN-F 330 Introduction to Translating French and English
  • FREN-F 361 Introduction Historique À la Civilization Française I
  • FREN-F 363 Introduction a la France Moderne
  • FREN-F 391 Studies in French Film
  • FREN-F 4XX All 400&Ndash;level FREN courses
  • GEOG-G 110 Introdution to Human Geography
  • GEOG-G 120 Regions of the World
  • GEOG-G 201 World Regional Geography
  • GEOG-G 213 Introduction to Economic Geography
  • GEOG-G 306 Current Issues in Globalization, Development and Justice
  • GEOG-G 313 Place and Politics
  • GEOG-G 315 Environmental Conservation
  • GEOG-G 320 Population Geography
  • GEOL-G 190 The Evolving Earth
  • GEOL-N 190 The Natural World
  • GER-G 305 Introdution to German Literature: Types
  • GER-G 306 Introdution to German Literature: Themes
  • GER-G 307 Selected Works of Contemporary German Literature
  • GER-G 363 Introdution to German Cultural History
  • GER-G 370 German Cinema
  • GER-G 396 German Language Abroad
  • GER-G 4XX All 400–level GER courses
  • GER-T 390 Democracy,Dictatorship,Dissent:Berlin in the Short Twentieth Century
  • HSC-B 399 Exploring Intl Health Care Systems-Sweden
  • HSC-H 412 Global Health
  • HSC-N 378 Global Nutrition
  • HSC H350 Global Health Gender and Sexuality
  • HIST-B 260 Women, Men, and Society in Modern Europe
  • HIST-B 300 Issues in Western European History
  • HIST-B 342 Women in Medieval Society
  • HIST-B 346 The Crusades
  • HIST-B 352 Western Europe in the High and Later Middle Ages
  • HIST-B 355 Europe:Louis XIV to French Revolution
  • HIST-B 356 French Revolution and Napoleon
  • HIST-B 361 Europe in the Twentieth Century I
  • HIST-B 362 Europe in the Twentieth Century II
  • HIST-B 378 History of Germany since 1648 II
  • HIST-B 391 Themes in World History
  • HIST-C 386 Greek History from the Minoans to Alexander
  • HIST-C 388 Roman History
  • HIST-C 392 History of Modern Near East
  • HIST-D 308 Empire of the Tsars
  • HIST-D 310 Russian Revolution and Soviet Regime
  • HIST-E 300 Issues in Latin American History
  • HIST-F 300 Issues in Latin American History
  • HIST-G 358 Early Modern Japan
  • HIST-G 369 Modern Japan
  • HIST-G 385 Modern China
  • HIST-G 387 Contemporary China
  • HIST-G 410 China, Japan and the United States in the 20th and 21st Century
  • HIST-G 465 Chinese Revolutions and the Communist Regime
  • HIST-G 485 Modern China
  • HIST-H 101 The World in the Twentieth Century I
  • HIST-H 102 The World in the Twentieth Century II
  • HIST-H 113 History of Western Civilization I
  • HIST-H 114 History of Western Civilization II
  • HIST-H 201 History of Russia I
  • HIST-H 202 History of Russia II
  • HIST-H 205 Ancient Civilization
  • HIST-H 206 Medieval Civilization
  • HIST-H 207 Modern East Asian Civilization
  • HIST-H 211 Latin American Culture and Civilization 1
  • HIST-H 212 Latin American Culture and Civilization 2
  • HIST-H 225 Special Topics in History
  • HIST-H 226 Origins and History of the Cold War
  • HIST-H 237 Traditional East Asian Civilization
  • HIST-H 425 Topics in History
  • HIST-H 495 Undergraduate Readings in History
  • HIST-J 495 Proseminar for History Majors
  • HIST-T 190 World Literary and Intellectual Traditions
  • HIST-T 390 Literary and Intellectual Traditions
  • HIST-W 300 Issues in World History
  • HPSC-X 336 Religion and Science International Studies
  • INTL-I 490 International Studies Capstone Seminar
  • MUS-M 111 Music Literature I
  • MUS-M 202 Music Literature 2
  • MUS-M 375 Ethnic and Pop Music of the World
  • MUS-M 403 History of Music I
  • MUS-M 404 History of Music II
  • MUS-M 431 Song Literature
  • MUS-M 434 Survey of Guitar Literature
  • MUS-M 443 Survey of Keyboard Literature I
  • MUS-M 443 Survey of Keyboard Literature II
  • NURS-K 414 Chinese Medicine in the Western World
  • NURSK 434 Global Health Issues in Nursing
  • OVST All OVST courses
  • PHIL-P 110 Introdution to Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 135 Introdution to Existentialism
  • PHIL-P 201 Ancient Greek Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 202 Medieval to Modern Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 214 Modern Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 283 Non-Western Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 303 The British Empiricists and Kant
  • PHIL-P 304 Nineteenth Century Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 335 Phenomenology and Existentialism
  • PHIL-P 340 Classics in Ethics
  • PHIL-P 341 Ethical Classics 2
  • PHIL-P 343 Classics in Social and Political Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 344 Classics in Social and Political Philosophy 2
  • PHIL-P 346 Classics in Philosophy of Art
  • PHIL-P 374 Early Chinese Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 383 Topics in Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 401 History of Philosophy: Special Topics
  • PHIL-P 490 Readings in Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 495 Senior Proseminar in Philosophy Political Science
  • POLS-Y 107 Introdution to Comparative Politics
  • POLS-Y 109 Introdution to International Relations
  • POLS-Y 330 Central American Politics
  • POLS-Y 335 West European Politics
  • POLS-Y 337 Latin American Politics
  • POLS-Y 340 East European Politics
  • POLS-Y 343 The Politics of International Development
  • POLS-Y 350 Politics of the European Union
  • POLS-Y 362 International Politics in Selected Regions
  • POLS-Y 371 Workshop in International Topics
  • POLS-Y 376 International Political Economy
  • POLS-Y 381 Classical Political Thought
  • POLS-Y 382 Modern Political Thought
  • POLS-Y 480 Undergraduate Readings in Political Science
  • POLS-Y 488 Study Abroad in Political Science
  • POLS Y490 Senior Seminar in Political Science
  • REL-R 152 Jews, Christians, Muslims
  • REL-R 153 Religions of Asia
  • REL-R 210 Introdution to the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
  • REL-R 220 Introdution to the New Testament
  • REL-R 257 Introdution to Islam
  • REL-R 300 Studies in Religion
  • REL-R 354 Buddhism Sociology
  • SOC-S 362 World Societies and Cultures
  • SOCS-395 Selected Topics in Sociology
  • SOC-S 410 Advanced Topics in Social Organization
  • SOC-S 460 Topics in Non-Western Cultures
  • SOC-S 468 Research Problems in Sociology
  • SOC-S 495 Individual Readings/Research in Sociology
  • SPAN-S 275 Hispanic Culture and Conversation
  • SPAN-S 290 Topics in Hispanic Culture
  • SPAN-S 301 The Hispanic World 1
  • SPAN-S 302 The Hispanic World 2
  • SPAN-S 303 The Hispanic World
  • SPAN-S 305 Masterpieces of Spanish Literature
  • SPAN-S 317 Spanish Conversation and Diction
  • SPAN-S 325 Spanish for Teachers
  • SPAN-S 363 Introdution to Hispanic Culture
  • SPAN-S 399 Reading for Honors
  • SPAN-S 4XX All 400–level SPAN courses
  • SPAN-T 190 Literary and Intellectual Traditions
  • SPAN-T 390 Literary and Intellectual Traditions
  • SUST-S 360 Topics in Sustainability Studies
  • SUST-S 361 Sustainabiility Abroad
  • SUST-S 495 Directed Readings in Sustainability
  • SUST-S 496 Research in Sustainability
  • TEL-T 380 Latin American Cinema
  • THTR-D 111 Introdution to Latin Dance
  • THTR-D 130 Flamenco I
  • THTR-D 135 African Dance 1
  • THTR-D 150 Middle Eastern Dance I
  • THTR-D 230 Flamenco Dance II
  • THTR-D 250 Middle Eastern Dance 2
  • THTR-T 320 Acting III: Shakespeare
  • THTR-T 327 Period Styles
  • THTR-T 420 Acting IV: Realism
  • THTR-T 423 Acting V: Period Comedy
  • THTR-T 434 Historic Costumes for Stage
  • THTR-T 470 History of the Theatre 1
  • THTR-T 471 History of the Theatre 2
  • THTR-T 483 Topics in Theatre and Drama
  • THTR-T 485 Capstone Project
  • THTR-T 490 Independent Study in Theatre and Drama
  • WGS-B 260 Women, Men, and Society in Modern Europe
  • WGS-B 342 Women in Medieval Society
  • WGS-L 207 Women and Literature
  • WGS-P 394 Feminist Philosophy
  • WGS-W 301 International Perspectives on Women
  • WGS-W 350 Global Health, Gender, and Sexuality

 If you wish to earn an International Studies minor, contact the director of international programs.

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

2023-2024 Campus Bulletin
2022-2023 Campus Bulletin
2021-2022 Campus Bulletin
2020-2021 Campus Bulletin
2019-2020 Campus Bulletin
2018-2019 Campus Bulletin
2017-2018 Campus Bulletin
2016-2017 Campus Bulletin
2015-2016 Campus Bulletin
2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

Please be aware that the PDF is formatted from the webpages; some pages may be out of order.