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Health Sciences | HSC

Bo PobanzPictured | Bo Pobanz | Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences, Rehabilitation Science | South Bend, Indiana (hometown)
Honors Program 

Health Sciences | HSC

P Prerequisite | C Co-requisite | R Recommended
I Fall Semester | II Spring Semester | S Summer Session/s

  • HSC-A 291 Service Learning in Health Sciences I (1-6 cr.) P: Department consent. Under the advisement of a faculty member and supervision of an assigned specialist at the placement site, the student will work or otherwise actively participate in the related setting, toward the completion of objectives; primarily consisting of participation in volunteer activity at community sites. Community sites, service learning experiences, and involvement will vary between students. I, II, S
  • HSC-A 491 Service Learning in Health Sciences II (1-6 cr.) Under the advisement and supervision of a faculty member and community site, students will actively participate and collaborate with a community partner to define, describe, and complete an applicable project, which will benefit the student's portfolio and the community site. Students will participate at community sites and expand professional experiences. I, II, S
  • HSC-B 190 Human Behavior and Social Institutions (3 cr.) This course explores the processes of social interaction and emphasizes the techniques social scientists use to explain the causes and patterns of individual and institutional behavior. To understand themselves and their relationship to others in society, students need to develop insight into human nature and the nature of social institutions.
  • HSC-B 352 Health Systems Leadership and Performance Improvement (3 cr.) This course addresses the leadership of organizations that deliver healthcare services such as hospitals, nursing homes, multi-specialty clinics, and home health care agencies, with an emphasis on performance improvement in these organizations. Students will examine principles of effective management including organizational design, motivation, leadership, conflict management, teamwork, and strategic alliances.
  • HSC-B 399 Exploring International Health Care Systems-Sweden (3 cr.) Explores Sweden's health care system, which is ranked by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), as one of the best healthcare system in the world. In addition, the healthcare system in Sweden is often used as a model by other countries. This international health course offers opportunities to develop cross-cultural competencies for students with healthcare interest/experience. They will explore questions such as these: What makes Swedish healthcare system the best? and How much of that can be replicated in other parts of the world?
  • HSC-E 443 Public Health Education Methods (3 cr.) Offered online. This course examines the process and methods in health education and the principles used to facilitate health behavior change, which will enhance quality of life for families, individuals, and communities. II
  • HSC-F 366 Case Studies in Community Health (3 cr.) An overview of the nation's health and contributing factors to health and health care. II
  • HSC-H 101 Introduction to Health Sciences (1-3 cr.) A foundational overview of health science. Topics include the versatility of a health sciences degree, an overview of various professions within health care, health promotion, and health education with a focus on interprofessional education and practice. I, II
  • HSC-H 102 Lifetime Wellness for Health (2-3 cr.) This course will present current and relevant health and wellness information including practical strategies to apply positive behavior change to the areas of physical activity, nutrition, and stress management.  The course will be directed toward developing a balance between the demands of school, work, and social lives and understanding the subsequent influence of these behaviors have on the short- and long-term goals for wellness, academics, and future career. I, II, S
  • HSC-H 322 Epidemiology and Biostatistics (3 cr.) This course introduces the basic concepts of epidemiology and biostatistics as applied to public health. Epidemiology is known as the principal science of public health and is the study of the distribution and determinants of health conditions or events among populations. Emphasis is placed on the methods of epidemiological investigation, appropriate summaries and displays of data and the use of both descriptive and inferential statistical approaches to describe the health of populations. I, II, S
  • HSC-H 327 Introduction to Public and Community Health (1-3 cr.) A foundational overview of public and community health.  Includes polices and functions of governmental health organizations, prevention of diseases and injuries in the population, the basic health sciences (epidemiology, behavioral and social sciences, environmental health) and future directions of public and community health. I, II
  • HSC-H 331 Environmental Health (3 cr.) This course examines health issues, scientific understanding of causes, and possible future approaches to control of the major environmental health problems in industrialized and developing countries. II
  • HSC-H 350 Global Health Gender and Sexuality (3 cr.) This course examines the gendered dimensions of global health. It puts a specific emphasis on the power relations and ideologies that surround gender and sexuality and examines how they are linked with global health inequalities. This course focuses on contemporary issues: e.g. Zika and HIV/AIDS - through an interdisciplinary perspective.
  • HSC-H 402 Health Policy and Advocacy (3 cr.) Offered Online. This course provides an overview of policy decisions related to the organization, financing, and delivery of health care in the global community.  Social, ethical, cultural, economic, and political issues that affect the delivery of health services; including community, public and private, are critically analyzed.  National and international models for development of health policies and advocacy will be examined.  Roles of health care providers and consumers of health care services, as well as government and entrepreneurial interests are examined.  Emphasis is placed on the impact of policy decisions on health services focused on fitness, lifestyles, and information management. II
  • HSC-H 411 Psychosocial Behavior Modeling for Fitness and Health (3 cr.) Major concepts, theories, and applied approaches for promoting positive behaviors for a healthier life. I, II
  • HSC-H 412 Global Health (3 cr.) Offered online. This course examines major global health challenges, programs and policies. Students will be introduced to the world's vast diversity of determinants of health and disease. Students will analyze current and emerging global health priorities, including emerging infectious diseases, poverty, women's and child health, conflicts and emergencies, health inequity, and major global initiatives for disease prevention and health promotion. I
  • HSC-H 430 Environmental Health (1-6 cr.) This course examines health issues, scientific understanding of causes, and possible future approaches to control of the major environmental health problems in industrialized and developing countries.
  • HSC-H 434 Diversity and Cultural Competence (3 cr.) Diversity and Cultural Competence explores the interaction between culture, behavior, beliefs, and attitudes and health, education, and promotion to create a philosophy of cultural competence. I
  • HSC-H 477 Community Assessment and Program Planning (3 cr.) Equivalent DHYG-H 477. P: HSC-E 443 (Spring only). This course examines individual, group, and community needs assessment strategies and how these strategies are used in conjunction with theory to develop program goals and objectives that address public health concerns through health education and health promotion programs. I
  • HSC-H 478 Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs (3 cr.) P: HSC-H 477 (Recommended; not required). This course examines the evaluation of health promotion programs, health communication strategies, health status, and health behavior initiatives. Effective strategies for developing, implementing, and evaluating program goals, objectives, and outcomes will be examined. Students will have the opportunity to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate a health promotion program.
  • HSC-H 478 Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs (3 cr.) This course examines the evaluation of health promotion programs, health communication strategies, health status, and health behavior initiatives.  Effective strategies for developing, implementing, and evaluating program goals, objectives, and outcomes will be examined.  Students will have the opportunity to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate a health promotion program.
  • HSC-H 492 Research in Health Sciences (1-3 cr.) P: ENG-W 231 or ENG-W 270 and HSC-H 322. Research in health sciences introduces health science students to the basic concepts and techniques of data analysis and research needed in professional health care practice. I, II
  • HSC-H 499 Senior Seminar in Health Sciences (1-3 cr.) Should be taken semester prior to graduation. This course provides a format for the student to develop awareness of personal strengths and competencies as a health professional through development of a personal portfolio. I, II
  • HSC-K 205 Structural Kinesiology (3 cr.) P: PHSL-P 130. Structural Kinesiology provides an overview of the most essential aspects of human body structures, functions, and movement. This course will identify concepts concerning the interaction of biological and mechanical aspects of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular structures. Emphasis will be placed on practical application to the study and teaching of movement.
  • HSC-K 218 Individual Physical Activity and Exercise Instruction (1-6 cr.) P: PHSL-P 130 Recommended. To provide content knowledge and practical application of physical activity (PA) and exercise best practices for apparently healthy participants in preparation for one-on-one coaching and instruction of movement programs.
  • HSC-K 405 Exercise and Sport Psychology (3 cr.) P: Junior or senior class standing. An overview of the field, including psychological aspects of sport performance, coaching, and the relationship of exercise with mental health. Various theoretical orientations will be addressed with an emphasis on empirical research.
  • HSC-L 230 Health Care Delivery Systems (3 cr.) Students examine health care delivery systems, leadership, health policy, regulation and economics. Students explore quality practices of health care organizations. Students analyze the impact of informatics on health care and nursing including the electronic health record, information technology in healthcare, and information literacy.
  • HSC-L 320 Health Care Delivery Systems (3 cr.) Equivalent BUS-H 320. Offered Online. Students examine the history of the health care delivery system, including America's beliefs and values that shaped the health care system of today. In addition, students explore the impact of cost, quality and access on health, wellness, and the delivery of patient care. Students analyze the impact of regulations, economics, leadership and informatics on the health care delivery system and professional providers of care. Finally, students explore America's health care policy, health care in other countries and future trends. I, II, S
  • HSC-M 192 Health Revenue Management and Reimbursement (3 cr.) This course addresses key concepts in healthcare system revenue management and health insurance reimbursement. Topics include insurance plans, medical necessity, claims processing, accounts receivable, charge master, DRGs, APCs, edits, auditing, and review. ICD and CPT coding as they relate to the billing function will be reviewed. This course precedes specific billing courses in ICD-10 and CPT coding. It is a requirement for the Health Systems Leadership tracks and covers learning objectives necessary for certification through the AAPC in CPC.
  • HSC-M 200 Database Design for Health Information Management (3 cr.) An introduction to database design with an emphasis on managing data in the health information environment. Topics include using a relational database system to create tables and relationships, perform normalization, and generate user forms and reports. Students conduct a large group project. Additional Information: The course uses MySQL as the relational database management system (RDBMS) to analyze EHR data and create reports using SQL. Complex SQL tasks like Triggers, Procedures, Transactions, and Locks are not covered. Open to nonmajors. No prior HIM knowledge assumed.
  • HSC-M 270 Foundations and Principles of Health Information Management (3 cr.) This course will focus on human resources management in a Health information Department. Employee scheduling, work flow processes and work design will be discussed. Other issues discussed include employee education and training, employee retention, productivity standards, management of departmental contracts, and day-to-day activities that make-up a Health Information Department.
  • HSC-M 301 Electronic Records I (3 cr.) Record organization for the health care industry; systems and processes for collecting, maintaining, and disseminating health-related information. Topics include healthcare patient records, electronic health records (EHRs), data collection standards, as well as the legal aspects of health information, coding and reimbursement.  Students will receive information about the health information profession, the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), and state and local organizations. Students will also gain an understanding of the AHIMA Code of Ethics.
  • HSC-M 302 Electronic Records II (3 cr.) This online course offered through IUPUI will cover the health record content and format for ancillary health care settings including, but not limited to, regulatory and accreditation requirements, storage and retention needs, privacy and security requirements, classification systems, reimbursement and compliance issues, data collection and reporting and quality issues. The course is intended to provide topics required to successfully pass the national registry exam.
  • HSC-M 355 ICD Coding (3 cr.) This online course taught through IUPUI will focus on fundamental introductory lessons surrounding the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Both diagnosis and procedure coding will be studied using ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS classification systems. ICD-9-CM classification system will also be reviewed. Students will learn the use of accurate coding guidelines and with this knowledge, how to apply appropriate diagnosis and procedure codes to medical documentation. Ethical coding guidelines will be studied and reviewed.
  • HSC-M 358 CPT Coding (3 cr.) This course offered online through IUPUI will focus on Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Coding. Sequencing of procedures as they relate to correct coding guidelines will be included. Study of Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) will also be included.
  • HSC-M 361 Release of Healthcare Information (3 cr.) This 8 week course will outline the requirements associated with confidentiality and privacy of health information. This course will focus on Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) [code sets and transactions] privacy. This course provides a foundation for the security and privacy concerns important to the healthcare billing and coding professional.
  • HSC-M 420 Designing Health Information Systems (3 cr.) This course covers some of the unique opportunities and challenges for managing information technology (IT) in a healthcare environment. With an in depth review of the tools and techniques that are in practice today and how practice is changing in the wake of healthcare policy change. It is a requirement for the Health Systems Leadership track.
  • HSC-N 201 Introduction to Nutrition (3 cr.) N201 is offered as an introductory course in human nutrition for students outside of majors in nutrition or dietetics, but interested in learning about the role of food and nutrients in health and wellness. It is developed for entry level students.
  • HSC-N 331 Life Cycle Nutrition (3 cr.) P: HPER-N 220. Examines overall nutrition of life cycle: pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adults, and the elderly. Focuses on nutritional status and nutrient requirements as well as physiological changes in body function for all ages. Discusses special nutrition problems in each stage and contemporary nutritional issues.
  • HSC-N 378 Global Nutrition (3 cr.) This course is an introduction to community and global principles and practice of public health nutrition. It provides an international perspective to public health nutrition. II
  • HSC-N 390 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (3 cr.) Equivalent: DHYG-N 390. Explores an important scientific or technological issue in modern society.  Applies scientific methods and interdisciplinary perspectives in an examination of the subject.  Investigates the broader implication and ethical dimensions of scientific research and technological advancement.
  • HSC-N 422 Exercise and Nutrition (3 cr.) P: HSC-H 102 or HPER-N 220. Explores the biochemical and physiological rationale for nutrient intake for health, physical fitness, and athletic performance. Specific attention will be given to the role of nutrients in metabolism, analyzing energy needs, fluid balance, diet trends and fads, and the nutritional needs of varying fitness levels and types of exercise. I
  • HSC-P 110 Survey of Communication Disorders (3 cr.) Introduction to behavioral and social aspects of communication disorders. Includes a broad overview of human communication, with emphasis on development, adult functions, and cultural differences, in addition to disorders. Also examines general approaches to rehabilitation of the communicatively handicapped and current controversies. I, II
  • HSC-P 111 Phonetics for Speech and Hearing Sciences (3 cr.) Scientific study of speech production, based on the International Phonetic Alphabet. Exercises in transcription. I
  • HSC-P 210 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism (3 cr.) An introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the speech and swallowing mechanism. It will focus on four subdivisions of the human body: neurological, respiratory, laryngeal, and supralaryngeal with regard to its contribution to speech production as well as how the subsystems work together to produce speech .
  • HSC-P 233 Language Development (3 cr.) Covers typical speech and language development in children from birth through adolescence. Provides students with information regarding the phonological, morphological, semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic processes of normal speech and language development. Also explores specific acquisition sequences and the impact of social and cultural influences on communication development.
  • HSC-P 275 Introduction to Audiology and Aural Rehabilitation (3-4 cr.) Examines human hearing and communication, including the physics of sound, auditory anatomy and physiology, and auditory perception; diagnostic audiology, including hearing assessment and screening; rehabilitative audiology, including an overview of hearing aids, cochlear implants, and educational issues for children with hearing loss.
  • HSC-S 311 Strength and Conditioning Methods (3 cr.) P: HSC-K 218. This course focuses on the principles of physical conditioning, with emphasis on teaching and assessing correct technique in all areas of physical fitness, specifically focusing on resistance training. This course focuses on progressive resistance exercise and its application in physical conditioning. Topics covered will include basic muscle physiology, kinesiology, musculoskeletal adaptation to resistance exercise, modes of training, muscle-specific exercises, and exercise technique. I
  • HSC-S 374 Exercise EKG and Health Risk Appraisal (3 cr.) P: A and P recommended Jr or Sr status. This course will introduce the basic concepts, theory, and interpretation of electrocardiograms (ECG/EKG). The use of EKG results in fitness programs that deal with healthy people and with cardiac rehabilitation patients will be discussed. Additionally, the pathophysiology of common heart conditions, the exercise related limitations of individuals with cardiovascular disease, increased age, and other health related risks will also be reviewed.
  • HSC-S 391 Biomechanics (1-6 cr.) Recommended for students seeking ACSM cert or grad school. P: Jr/Sr standing; HSC-S 311 recommended. An introduction to the mechanics of human motion. Includes linear and angular kinematics and kinetics in the context of human motion; mechanics of fluids; mechanics of muscles; analysis of selected sports activities. II
  • HSC-S 409 Physiology of Exercise (3 cr.) This course focuses on the principles of physical conditioning, with emphasis on both the physiology of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Exercise physiology evaluates the acute responses and chronic adaptations of the body to the stresses of exercise. This course emphasizes skills necessary for certification by the ACSM EP-C.
  • HSC-S 416 Sports Management and Marketing (3 cr.) P: Junior or Senior level. This course discusses business management principles and operational guidelines to the fitness practitioner.  Topics include facility management, organizational program operation, member service, health and safety facility standards, finance maintenance, evaluation and planning processes, strategic planning, and facility design. Development of effective marketing campaigns and effective communication techniques will also be covered. II
  • HSC-S 419 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription (3 cr.) P: HSC-S 311. This is a lecture and laboratory course designed to provide students with a basic understanding of laboratory and field assessment techniques used in exercise physiology and fitness/wellness facilities. This course will emphasize performance of fitness assessments, interpretation of the assessments, and exercise program design principles for cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, body composition, balance, and flexibility. I
  • HSC-S 420 Exercise for Special Populations (3 cr.) C: HSC-S 419 / Junior/Senior status. The course is designed to be a culminating experience for the fitness specialist student to demonstrate practical application of the theory, techniques and skills of safe, effective, efficient exercise leadership and program design in a variety of supervised settings with both apparently healthy and special populations. This course serves as a foundation for becoming a qualified candidate for the nationally recognized ACSM Exercise Physiologist Certification (EP-C). II
  • HSC-W 210 Current Issues in Health Care (1-3 cr.) This course is designed to expose students to a variety of issues relevant to healthcare and promotions of healthy lifestyles. This course is aimed at examining current issues that affect health of individuals, USA population and global populations. Emphasis will be placed on life-style behaviors contributing to health, wellness, and disease prevention. This course will have different topics and issues depending on the climate of health care, various governmental policies and global events.
  • HSC-W 211 Orientation to Health and Rehabilitation Professions (1-6 cr.) The major purpose of this course is to provide students with information to assist them in becoming acquainted with selected undergraduate and graduate health and rehabilitation science disciplines. Students will obtain information to develop realistic educational and career goals.
  • HSC-W 314 Ethics and Health Professionals (3 cr.) Offered Online. Current trends in the ethical conduct and issues that concern health professionals and spheres of the contemporary health care arena are analyzed through the use of case studies, articles, and video presentations. I, II, S
  • HSC-W 480 Independent Study in Health Sciences (1-6 cr.) P: Department consent required. The purpose of this course is to give students the opportunity to do independent study and research in their area of interest. No formal lecture.
  • HSC-P 323 Articulation and Phonological Disorders (3 cr.) P: HSC-P 111 and HSC-P 233. Students learn the nature, assessment and treatment of articulation and phonological disorders which includes the causes of articulation and phonological disorders. Students will differentiate the characteristics of these disorders, learn about evidence-based assessment and treatment and explore the social and cultural differences within these disorders.
  • HSC-P 324 Childhood Language Disorders (3 cr.) P: HSC-P 323. Students learn about the nature, assessment and treatment of language disorders in children. Students review the development and neuroanatomy/physiology of language, learn how to differentiate between the various types of language disorders, plan appropriate evidence-based assessment and treatment and explore the social and cultural differences within these disorders.

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

2024-2025 Campus Bulletin
2023-2024 Campus Bulletin
2022-2023 Campus Bulletin
2021-2022 Campus Bulletin
2020-2021 Campus Bulletin
2019-2020 Campus Bulletin
2018-2019 Campus Bulletin
2017-2018 Campus Bulletin
2016-2017 Campus Bulletin
2015-2016 Campus Bulletin
2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

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