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Economics | ECON

Madylin BauerPictured | Madylin Bauer | Bachelor of Science in Business, Economics / Minor in Finance | South Bend, Indiana (hometown)
Club Affiiation | Mental Health Club; The Everyday Club at IU South Bend

Economics | ECON

P Prerequisite | C Co-requisite | R Recommended
I Fall Semester | II Spring Semester | S Summer Session/s

  • ECON-E 103 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.) Scarcity, opportunity cost, competitive and non-competitive market pricing, and interdependence as an analytical core.  Individual sections apply this core to a variety of current economic policy problems such as poverty, pollution, excise taxes, rent controls, and farm subsidies. I, II, S
  • ECON-E 104 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 cr.) Measuring and explaining aggregate economic performance, money, monetary policy, and fiscal policy as an analytical core.  Individual sections apply this core to a variety of current economic policy problems such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. I, II, S
  • ECON-E 200 Fundamentals of Economics and an Overview (3-4 cr.)
  • ECON-E 201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.) An analysis of evolution of market structure using the analytical concepts of supply and demand, opportunity cost, and marginal analysis. Applications include a variety of concurrent microeconomic issues.
  • ECON-E 202 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 cr.) An introduction to macroeconomics which studies the economy as a whole; the level of output, prices and employment, how they are measured and how they can be changed; money and banking; international trade; and economic growth.
  • ECON-E 270 Introduction to Statistical Theory in Economics and Business (3 cr.) Credit not given for both ECON-E 270 and MATH-K 310. P: BUS-K 201 and MATH-M 118. This course reviews basic concepts of probability and statistics, using them to study the properties of statistical samples, summary statistics for those samples and their use to test statistical hypotheses.  It also studies basic statistical decision theory and the use of statistical techniques to study relationships between variables: regression and correlation analysis, analysis of variance. I, II, S
  • ECON-E 304 Survey of Labor Economics (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103 or ECON-S 103. This course studies the operation of the market for labor, including how wage rates are determined, how the level of employment is determined, and how and why wage rates and employment levels differ across different industries and different types of jobs.  Other important topics include the role of labor unions, and the role of the government in taxing or subsidizing labor and in regulating labor market practices (including imposing minimum wages).  The course also studies wage contracting behavior and why it may cause wage rates to be relatively inflexible over time. I
  • ECON-E 305 Money and Banking (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103 or ECON-S 103, ECON-E 104 or ECON-S 104. This course studies money, banks, financial markets and government monetary and financial policy.  Monetary topics include the role of money in the economy, different types of money, the measurement of the money supply, the nature of monetary institutions and the conduct and impact of monetary policy.  Other important topics are the special monetary and financial role of banks and the nature and goals of bank regulation.  On the finance side, the main focus is the organization of financial markets, the determination of interest rates and bond prices, and the nature and purpose of government regulation of the financial system. II
  • ECON-E 306 Undergraduate Seminar in Economics (3 cr.) Online Collaborative Degree. P: Check schedule of classes. Discussion and analysis of contemporary economic problems and policies. Different topics may be offered each semester. Papers and other written and oral assignments required.
  • ECON-E 308 Survey of Public Finance (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103 or ECON-S 103; and ECON-E 104 or ECON-S 104. Analysis of the impact of government activity upon the economy. Topics include: economic functions of government, public decision making, federal budget process, principles of taxation, and major United States taxes. I
  • ECON-E 315 Collective Bargaining: Practices and Problems (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 304 or consent of instructor. Collective bargaining in contemporary economy; economic, social, and legal problems involved in negotiating; administration of collective bargaining agreement through grievance procedure and arbitration.
  • ECON-E 321 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103 or ECON-S 103. This course studies basic topics from Introduction to Microeconomics (E201) more thoroughly and in a more rigorous way.  A key topic is consumer theory, which helps economists understand and try to predict how consumers allocate their incomes over different goods and services - including in situations where the consequences of different decisions are uncertain and/or depend on the action of others (game theory).  Another common topic is the theory of the firm, which is the theory of how firms operating in different types of market environments - competition, monopoly, oligopoly, etc. - make decisions about production,  employment, purchases of other inputs, investment in plant and equipment, etc. I
  • ECON-E 322 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 104 or ECON-S 104. National income accounting; theory of income, employment, and price level. Countercyclical and other public policy measures. II
  • ECON-E 323 Urban Economics (3 cr.) Online Collaborative Degree. P: Check schedule of classes. Introduction to basic concepts and techniques of urban economic analysis to facilitate understanding of urban problems; urban growth and structure, poverty, housing, transportation, and public provision of urban services.
  • ECON-E 333 International Economics (3 cr.) Online Collaborative Degree. P: Check schedule of classes. Survey of international economics. Basis for and effects of international trade, commercial policy and effects of trade restrictions, balance of payments and exchange rate adjustment, international monetary systems, fixed vs. flexible exchange rates.
  • ECON-E 337 Economic Development (3 cr.) Characteristics of economically underdeveloped countries. Obstacles to sustained growth; planning and other policies for stimulating growth; examination of development problems and experience in particular countries.
  • ECON-E 338 Business and Economics Applications of Geographical Information Systems (3 cr.) The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has become a standard feature among government and corporate agencies either for resource management or planning.  In the corporate world, GIS is heavily used in locating businesses or retail outlets, food industries, transportation network and etc., this course, students will be exposed to various applications of GIS with a primary focus on business and economic issues.  This course does not cover GIS programming and development of application programs.
  • ECON-E 344 Health Economics (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 321, R: ECON-E 270 or equivalent is strongly recommended. Systematic introduction to health economics and economics of health care, emphasis on basic economic concepts, such as supply and demand, production of health, information economics, choice under uncertainty, health insurance markets, Medicare and Medicaid, managed care, government intervention and regulation.  Survey course with some topics in some depth.
  • ECON-E 350 Money and Banking (3 cr.) Monetary and banking system of the U.S. The supply and control of money. The impact of money on the U.S. economy. Topics in the application of Federal Reserve monetary policy. Analytical treatment of the Federal Reserve system and the commercial banking industry.
  • ECON-E 363 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (3 cr.) Online Collaborative Degree. P: Check schedule of classes. Basic theory and policy of such topics as pollution, resource depletion, environmental risk and resource conservation. Issues covered include limits to growth, quality of life and the appropriate roles for the private market and federal control.
  • ECON-E 371 Introduction to Applied Econometrics (3 cr.) Online Collaborative Degree. P: Check schedule of classes. An introduction to the theory and application of least-squares regression in empirical economics. Review of bivariate and multivariate regression models, hypothesis testing, and confidence intervals.  Special topics include model specification, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, dummy variables, interactions, and various sources of estimation bias. Students will learn to work with both cross-sectional and time-series datasets, and analyze the data using an econometrics software package.
  • ECON-E 375 Introduction to Mathematical Economics (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103, ECON-E 104, MATH-E 118 and MATH-E 119. Optimization problems, which are common in economic analysis, are most often formulated using mathematics.  Calculus is very useful for solving mathematical optimization problems,  and graphs are often used to illustrate them. This course combines calculus, linear algebra, graphs and verbal/written descriptions to explain mathematical optimization theory and its economic applications.
  • ECON-E 430 International Economics (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 103 or ECON-S 103, ECON-E 104 or ECON-S 104. Gains from trade, relation between factor rentals and goods prices, distributional effects of trade, tariff policy and quantitative interferences, trade problems of developing countries, discrimination and customs unions, balance-of-payments adjustment via prices and incomes, exchange rate policy, role of international reserves. II
  • ECON-E 470 Introduction to Econometrics (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 270 or MATH-K 310. Applications of regression analysis to economic and business data. Estimation and hypothesis testing of the classical regression model. Heteroscedasticity, collinearity, errors in observation, functional forms and autoregressive models. Estimation of simultaneous equation models. I (even years)
  • ECON-E 490 Advanced Undergraduate Seminar in Economics (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 321, ECON-E 322, ECON-E 470 or consent of instructor. Advanced intensive study of a topic area in economics. Topics will vary. May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 9 credit hours. II
  • ECON-S 103 Introduction to Microeconomics-Honors (3 cr.) P: Consent of the honors program director or instructor. Introductory microeconomics course for students admitted to honors program. I
  • ECON-S 104 Introduction to Macroeconomics-Honors (3 cr.) P: Consent of the honors program director or instructor. Designed for freshmen students for superior ability. Covers same core material as E104. Small sections. II

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2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

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