Pictured | Xander Laughlin | Political Science, Psychology | Shipshewana, Indiana (hometown)
Exploratory Program
The Exploratory Program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) at IU South Bend is designed for students who begin their college education without a declared major. An Academic Advisor in the CLAS Advising Center will help students to actively explore and identify the major that best matches their career and life goals.
The courses recommended for the first year meet degree requirements for many majors and/or meet the campus-wide general education requirements at IU South Bend. Students are required to make regular advising apppointments with their Academic Advisor. Specific course requirements will ultimately be determined by the student's chosen area of study and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends that Exploratory students select a major within the first 45 credit hours to ensure that they are on track to graduate in a timely manner.
Photo credit | Peter Ringenberg