Geology | GEOL
P Prerequisite | C Co-requisite | R Recommended
I Fall Semester | II Spring Semester | S Summer Session/s
- GEOL-G 101 Introduction to Earth Science (3 cr.) Credit not given for both GEOL-G 101 and GEOL-G 111. Origin and classification of minerals and rocks. Gradation processes and landform evolution. Atmosphere and weather. Geologic time and earthy history. Earth resources.
- GEOL-G 103 Earth Science: Materials and Processes (3 cr.) Introduction to origin and classification of minerals and rocks. Relationships among rock types, rock structures, surficial geologic processes of running water, subsurface water, glaciation, wind, waves, tides and landform evolution. Geologic time. Internal process volcanism, plutonism. Plate tectonics.
- GEOL-G 104 Evolution of Earth (3 cr.) Earth's history interpreted through 4.5 billion years. Deductive approach to understanding the significance of rocks and fossils and reconstructing the plate-tectonic origin of mountains, continents, and ocean basins. A survey of events in earth's evolution relevant to contemporary environmental concerns. Two lectures and one laboratory each week.
- GEOL-G 111 Physical Geology (3 cr.) Credit not given for both GEOL-G 101 and GEOL-G 111. P: An ALEKS score of 31 or greater, or equivalent. Basic concepts of geology. Geological time, formation of rocks; erosion and landscape evolution. Interpretation of earth history from geological data. Saturday field trips. I
- GEOL-G 112 Historical Geology (3 cr.) P: An ALEKS score of 31 or greater, or equivalent. Principles of interpreting earth history from geological data. Geologic time, biological evolution, plate tectonics, and ancient environments. Two lectures and one laboratory per week. II
- GEOL-G 190 The Evolving Earth (3 cr.) Processes that have produced the Earth and are continuing to change it. Topics include origin and evolution of life, dynamic forces within the Earth (earthquakes and volcanism), geological sources of energy, and the effect of humans on the geologic environment. Occasional field trips.
- GEOL-G 210 Oceonography (3 cr.) P: An ALEKS score of 31 or greater, or equivalent. An introduction to the study of oceans and marine processes and the atmosphere. Emphasis on the morphology of the ocean floor, life in the ocean, oceanic circulation, sea-floor spreading, global climate, and solar-terrestrial relations. II (odd years)
- GEOL-G 219 Meteology (3 cr.) P: An ALEKS score of 31 or greater, or equivalent. Basic concepts of atmospheric dynamics and meteorology, with emphasis on developing an understanding of weather, climate, and forecasting. II (even years)
- GEOL-G 451 Principles of Hydrogeology (2-4 cr.) P: C106, M216, or consent of instructor. Physical and chemical properties of water; chemical equilibria and stable isotopes in groundwaters; acid drainage, landfills, and agricultural pollution; Darcy's Law, fluid potential, unsaturated flow; fluid and aquifer properties affecting groundwater flow; fluid mass-balance equation and its application; contaminant transport.
- GEOL-N 190 The Natural World (3 cr.) P: An ALEKS score of 31 or greater, or equivalent. Introduces students to the methods and logic of science, and helps them understand the importance of science to the development of civilization and the contemporary world. Provides a context within which to evaluate the important scientific and technological issues of modern society. Interdisciplinary elements. I, II, S
- GEOL-N 390 The Natural World (3 cr.) P: An ALEKS score of 31 or greater, or equivalent. Explores an important scientific or technological issue in modern society. Applies scientific methods and interdisciplinary perspectives in an examination of the subject. Investigates the broader implications and ethical dimensions of scientific research and technological advancement. I
- GEOL-T 106 Earth and Space Science for Elementary Teachers (4 cr.) P: MATH-T 101 and PHYS-T 105 or CHEM-T 105. Open only to elementary education majors. Principles of earth and space science. Laboratory, demonstration, and exploration enrich the course material and develop the expertise needed for success in the elementary school classroom. I, II