(All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise designated.)
Indiana University does not offer a degree in pharmacy; however, a student may complete prepharmacy requirements at IU South Bend prior to applying for admission to the Purdue University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences or any other pharmacy school.
A student may be admitted to the Purdue University School of Pharmacy upon completion of the following courses, with or without a bachelor’s degree:
Biological Sciences (31 cr.)
- BIOL-L 101 Introduction to Biological Sciences 1 (5 cr.)
- BIOL-L 102 Introduction to Biological Sciences 2 (5 cr.)
- BIOL-L 211 Molecular Biology
- BIOL-L 321 Principles of Immunology
- MICR-M 310 Microbiology
- MICR-M 315 Microbiology Laboratory (2 cr.)
- PHSL-P 261 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (5 cr.)
- PHSL-P 262 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 (5 cr.)
Chemistry (23 cr.)
- CHEM-C 105 Principles of Chemistry I
- CHEM-C 106 Principles of Chemistry II
- CHEM-C 125 Experimental Chemistry I (2 cr.)
- CHEM-C 126 Experimental Chemistry II (2 cr.)
- CHEM-C 341 Organic Chemistry Lectures 1
- CHEM-C 342 Organic Chemistry Lectures 2
- CHEM-C 343 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1 (2 cr.)
- CHEM-C 344 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2 (2 cr.)
- CHEM-C 484 Biomolecules and Catabolism
Economics (3 cr.)
Select one of the following:
- ECON-E 103 Introduction to Microeconomics
- ECON-E 104 Introduction to Macroeconomics
English (6 cr.)
- ENG-W 131 Reading, Writing, and Inquiry I
- ENG-W 231 Professional Writing Skills
Mathematics (13 cr.)
- MATH-M 215 Calculus I (5 cr.)
- MATH-M 216 Calculus II (5 cr.)
Select one of the following:
- BIOL-L 220 Biostatistics
- MATH-K 300 Statistical Techniques for Health Professions
- MATH-K 310 Statistical Techniques
Physics (5 cr.)
Select one of the following:
- PHYS-P 201 General Physics 1 (5 cr.)
- PHYS-P 221 Physics 1 (5 cr.)
All required prepharmacy courses must have letter grades; no courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis are accepted. Students interested in prepharmacy coursework at IU South Bend should contact the advisor Ann Grens, biological sciences, soon after admission to IU South Bend to discuss an appropriate degree program. Send e-mail to agrens@iusb.edu or call (574) 520-4426.
Purdue University School of Pharmacy and Pharmacal Sciences sets admission and degree requirements. Students seeking admission should contact:
Office of Student Services :: Robert E. Heine Pharmacy Building :: Purdue University :: 575 Stadium Mall Drive :: West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2091
Additional information about pharmacy school can be obtained from:
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy :: 1426 Prince Street :: Alexandria, Virginia 23314-2815
Photo credit :: Jeremy Brooks via Flickr :: cc