Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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Purdue University College of Technology | Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions | MET

  • MET 10200 Production Design and Specification (3 cr.) P: CGT 11000 and MET 16200.
    The design, evaluation, and documentation of engineering specifications required for manufacturability and assembly are introduced. Emphasis is on CAD-based detail assemblies, design layouts, equipment installations, and related industrial practices.
  • MET 11100 Applied Statics (3 cr.) P: MA 15800, MET 16200.
    Force systems, resultants and equilibrium, trusses, frames, beams, and shear and moments in beams are studied.
  • MET 14300 Materials and Processes (3 cr.)
    An overview of structures, properties, and applications of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites commonly used in industry is presented. Problem solving skills are developed in the areas of materials selection, evaluation, measurement, and testing.
  • MET 14400 Materials and Processes II (3 cr.)
    Basic casting, forming, and joining processes are surveyed. This course emphasizes the selection and application of various processes.
  • MET 21100 Applied Strength of Materials (4 cr.) P: MET 11100, MET 16200, and MA 16010. The principles of strength. stiffness, and stability are introduced and applied primarily to mechanical components.
  • MET 21300 Dynamics (3 cr.) P: MET 11100 or MA 16010.
    Kinematics and kinetics principles of rigid-body dynamics are introduced. Emphasis is on the analysis of bodies in plane motion.
  • MET 21400 Machine Elements (3 cr.) P: MET 21100, MET 21300.
    The methods developed in statics, dynamics, and strength of materials are applied to the selection of basic machine components. The fundamental principles required for the selection of individual elements that compose a machine are developed. Selected course topics are included as computer exercises.
  • MET 22000 Heat and Power (3 cr.) P: MA 16010; MET 16200; PHYS-P 201 or PHYS-P 221.
    Heat and Power is an introduction to the principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer. Basic thermodynamic processes are used to evaluate the performance of energy-based systems such as internal combustion engines, power plants, and refrigeration equipment.
  • MET 23000 Fluid Power (3 cr.) P: MET 11100; PHYS-P 201 or PHYS-P 221; MET 16200, MA 16010.
    This course consists of the study of compressible and incompressible fluid statics and dynamics, as applied to hydraulic and pneumatic pumps, motors, transmissions, and controls.
  • MET 24500 Manufacturing Systems (3 cr.) P: MET 14300, MA 15800.
    This course surveys the manufacturing processes and tools commonly used to convert cast, forged, molded, and wrought materials into finished products. It includes the basic mechanisms of material removal, measurement, quality control, assembly processes, safety, process planning, and automated manufacturing.
  • MET 28400 Introduction to Industrial Controls (3 cr.) P: ECET 22400.
    This course examines the concepts, devices, and common practices associated with modern industrial control systems. Common industrial control devices are studied. Students learn how to wire, program, and troubleshoot programmable logic controller (PLC) based control systems. PLC applications focus on interfacing and controlling a variety of electromechanical devices such as motors and pneumatic actuators. Industrial safety practices and procedures are emphasized throughout the course.
  • MET 30200 CAD in the Enterprise (3 cr.) P: MET 10200.
    Theory and practice of management, use and integration of computer-aided design systems, and related engineering tools and practices are studied as they are applied in the industrial enterprise. Emphasis is on course projects.
  • MET 31100 Experimental Strength of Materials (3 cr.) P: MA 16020, MET 21400, ECET 22400 and MET 28400.
    Selected advanced topics from the areas of mechanics of materials, structures, stress analysis, and strain measurements are considered. Basic electronic strain gage circuits and instrumentation are presented, with emphasis on transducer applications.
  • MET 31300 Applied Fluid Mechanics (3 cr.) P: MA 16020.
    The fundamental principles of fluid mechanics are developed, including properties of fluid, pressure, hydrostatics, dynamics of fluid flow, friction losses, and sizing of pipes. Emphasis is on problem solving.
  • MET 32000 Applied Thermodynamics (3 cr.) P: MA 16010.
    Following a review of fundamental concepts, advanced power and refrigeration cycles are analyzed. Applications such as gas mixtures, air-vapor mixtures, and chemical reactions of combustion processes are presented.
  • MET 32900 Applied Heat Transfer (3 cr.) P: Physics 222.
    An applied approach to the introduction of basic vocabulary and concepts related to the steady state transfer (i.e. conduction, convection, radiation) will be covered. Additional topics will include heat exchangers, boilers and solar energy.
  • MET 33400 Advanced Fluid Power (3 cr.) P: MET 23000.
    Hydraulic and pneumatic circuits and their steady state and time variant behavior as it affects the selection and design of components and systems used in fluid power transmission and motion control are studied. Emphasis is placed on industrial and mobile applications, but the principles also apply to aerospace, marine, and other fluid power systems.
  • MET 34600 Advanced Materials in Manufacturing (3 cr.) P: MET 24500, CHEM-C 101 and CHEM-C 121.
    Metals, polymers, ceramic, and composite materials are studied. Crystal structure, molecular behavior, and the effects of various processes on material properties are considered.  Course emphasizes the development and control of material properties to meet engineering requirements and specifications.
  • MET 40000 Mechanical Design (3 cr.) P: MET 10200, MET 21400, MET 24500, or MET 28400.
    Theory and practice in mechanical design are presented.  Modern design methodologies will be studied. The integrative methods discussed in this course reflect the current industry trend to perform product design and development in cross-functional teams. Emphasis is on multiple open-ended projects.
  • MET 41100 Introduction to the Finite Element Method (3 cr.) P: MET 21100, MET 21300, & PHYS-P 221 or PHYS-P 201.
    The finite element method is introduced, with emphasis on modeling and interpretation of results. Linear static problems are solved using commercial FEA software, and FEA results are verified through laboratory tests and/or theoretical calculations. Topics include trusses, frames, plane stress/strain, torsion, 3D structures, buckling, and natural frequency/mode shape analyses.
  • MET 45100 Manufacturing Quality Control (3 cr.) P: STAT 30100 or MATH-K 310.
    Quality control practices used in manufacturing industries; management, statistical control charts, reliability, sampling plans, economics, computer methods, and test equipment are presented and applied. Credit will not be granted for both MET 45100 and MFET 45100.

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