Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

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Purdue Polytechnic South Bend | Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions | ECET

  • ECET 17700 DAQ and Systems Control (3 cr.) P: ENGT 18000 and ENGT 18100.
    Fundamental electrical parameters and measurement techniques are Introductionduced. These are then applied to implementing power interfaces, actuators and sensors. Modules that provide signal conditioning, data conversion, filtering and controllers are evaluated. A full, closed loop control system is built and evaluated.
  • ECET 17900 Circuit Analysis (3 cr.) P: ENGT 18000 and ENGT 18100 and CNIT 10500.
    This course Introductionduces computing systems and defines the major classes of computing devices. Sequential and concurrent operations, along with logic and control structures, are covered. Knowledge of fundamental computing principles is discovered. Common software tools are used to create, test, and debug systems. Systems are constructed from standard blocks with a focus on subsystem operation and performance, troubleshooting/debugging and testing. Common applications of embedded systems are Introductionduced.
  • ECET 22400 Electronic Systems (3 cr.) Students may not receive credit for both ECET 22400 and 21400. P: MA 15800.
    This course is a survey of key electrical and electronics systems, their basic performance and applications. DC fundamentals include sources, resistance, Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Laws with simple circuits. AC systems include transformers and reactive elements, power production and distribution, filtering, motors and relays. Computer systems are presented with a microprocessor and provide the ability to write and read both digital and analog data. Analog systems include diodes, transistors, IC amplifiers, and analog-digital and digital to analog conversions. The semester closes by combining all of the topics presented in the control of motor speed.
  • ECET 22700 DC and Pulse Electronics (3 cr.) P: ECET 17700 and MA 16010.
    Capacitors, inductors, oscillators, rectifiers, bipolar and MOSFET power switches, switching power supplies, half-and full-H bridges, switching audio power amplifiers, op amp differential, composite and single supply operation, and linear regulators are studied. Computer-aided analysis of circuits is utilized.
  • ECET 22900 Concurrent Digital Systems (3 cr.) P: ENGT 18000 and ENGT 18100.
    This course establishes a foundation for concurrent digital systems. Common methods of describing digital circuit operation are studied along with the techniques for translation between any two methods. Basic building blocks of digital systems are defined and applied. Analysis techniques for combinational and sequential logic circuits or subsystems are covered. Computer-based development tools, programmable logic devices, and technical reference sources are used to build, test, and evaluate digital systems.
  • ECET 27000 Electronics Prototype Development (3 cr.) P: ECET 17900, ECET 22700, ECET 22900.
    This course Introductionduces project planning and basic concepts in electronic design automation (EDA). The student develops a portion of an electronic system using EDA, design for testing (DFT), surface mount technology (SMT), design for manufacturability (DFM), and component characteristic selection techniques. New construction and testing techniques are Introductionduced.
  • ECET 27400 Wireless Communication (3 cr.) P: ECET 22700, ECET 27000, Physics I.
    The theory and techniques of wirelessly sending information (voice, music, data) from one location to another is studies from a systems point of view. This includes a signal analysis, modulation techniques, transmitters, receivers, low noise amplifiers, and filters in the RF frequency spectrum. In addition, special topics of current interest are Introductionduced. This course incorporated a student-based communication design and analysis laboratory.
  • ECET 27700 AC and Power Electronics (3 cr.) P: ECET 17700.
    AC Circuits including the j operator, phasors, reactance and impedance are studies. Circuit laws, network theorems, and the application of circuit analysis techniques to amplifiers used in power electronics, including power MOS devices, thyristors, and other appropriate applications. Computer-aided analysis of circuits is used. Course offered on a rotational basis.
  • ECET 27900 Embedded Digital Systems (3 cr.) P: ECET 17900.
    A course emphasizing the advanced applications of embedded digital systems. Topics include embedded system architecture, use of advanced programmable counter/timer arrays, analog interfaces, serial communication, and interrupts. Course offered on a rotational basis.
  • ECET 30201 Introduction to Industrial Controls (3 cr.) P: ECET 17700 or 22400
    This course examines the concepts, devices and common practices associated with control systems with a primary focus on industrial implementations.  Additionally, the course provides a hierarchical examination of the implantation of control theory.  Programmable logic controllers serve as the primary platform for presenting applications in interfacing and control of electromechanical and pneumatic devices.  Electrical industrial safety standards are presented and emphasized throughout the course.
  • ECET 32300 Introductionduction to Electrical Vehical Systems (3 cr.) P: ECET 17700 and PHYS-P 221 or PHYS-P 201.
    A course on the simple modeling and simulation of the power grid systems, power flow analysis, and advanced meter infrastructure (AMI). The fundamentals learned in this course will be useful in the study of the effects of distributed energy resources and storage in Smart Grid environment.
  • ECET 32700 Instrumentation and DAQ Design (3 cr.) P: ECET 17700, MA 16010, and PHYS-P 221 or PHYS-P 201.
    This first course in industrial controls is applications oriented and includes on-off type open- and closed-loop control systems, and analog-based systems. Major topics include relay and programmable controller-based systems.
  • ECET 32900 Adv. Embedded Digital Systems (3 cr.) P: ECET 27900.
    A course emphasizing the use of embedded real-time operating systems (RTOS). Students complete systems-level projects using an RTOS. Course offered on a rotational basis.
  • ECET 33300 Power Electronics in Energy Systems (3 cr.) P: ECET 37600 and ECET 22700. A study of fundamentals and applications of switch-mode DC-DC and DC-AC power electronic converters. The emphasis is given to hardware development aspects. Students will learn how to safely work with high power and high voltage circuits.
  • ECET 33700 Analog Signal Processing (3 cr.) P: ECET 27700, MA 16010.
    This advanced course in analog circuit analysis stresses network theorems and solutions of time and frequency domain problems. Transform circuit and signal analyses, using Laplace and Fourier techniques, are applied in active filter design. Software tools are employed to solve mathematical problems. Course offered on a rotational basis.
  • ECET 33900 Analog Signal Processing (3 cr.) P: ECET 27900, MA 16020.
    The course Introductionduces students to the fundamental principles associated with processing discrete time signals. The architecture, instruction set and hardware and software development tools associated with a fixed point general purpose VLSI digital signal processor are examined. Some common real-time applications are implemented such as digital filters and DFT-based spectral estimation on a typical fixed point digital signal processor. Course offered on a rotational basis.
  • ECET 34900 Advanced Digital Systems (3 cr.) P: ECET 17900 and ECET 22900.
    This course investigates complex digital systems that are implemented with field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) using concurrent and sequential digital design techniques. Applications will include interfacing with analog signals and memory systems. Course offered on a rotational basis. Course offered on a rotational basis.
  • ECET 36400 Fundamentals of Electromagnetics (3 cr.) P: ECET 27700, MA 16020, Physics II.
    This course Introductionduces the fundamentals of electromagnetics in both theory and application. Wave propagation, transmission lines, port parameters, antenna theory, and antenna design are studied. Other topics include Maxwell’s equations, propagation losses, RF signal measurement, impedance matching, and Smith chart applications. Course offered on a rotational basis.
  • ECET 37201 Process Control (3 cr.)
    A study of the basic elements of closed-loop analog and digital systems. Topics include characteristics of heat, servo motion, and process tank components and systems.  Also covered are closed-loop tuning, troubleshooting, documentation, diagram standards and performance specifications. Several sensor types and interpretation of their static and dynamic specifications are included. Commercial controllers employed include analog, embedded microprocessor and PLC based systems. Software is used to model components and analyze open and closed-loop systems.
  • ECET 37600 Modern Energy Systems (3 cr.) P: ENGT 18000 and 18100 or ECET 22400
    Students may not receive credit for both ECET 27300 and 37600. This course is an Introductionduction to modern energy system technologies. Topics include energy conversion fundamentals, efficiency, and renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar, and geothermal. Other topics include central and distributed generation, and power plant fundamentals.
  • ECET 38001 Global Professional Issues in ET (3 cr.)
    This course addresses professional ethics, legal issues, professional development, technology transfer, and corporate culture as they relate to EET graduates and our global society. Information relating to personal job and career choices, resumes, and interviews are included.
  • ECET 38600 Building Electric Code and Standard Practices (3 cr.) P: ECET 37600 and ECET 27700.
    A course in the design of building wiring, machine wiring and electrical control systems using relevant codes and standards to layout commercial and industrial facilities and manufacturing processes.
  • ECET 38800 Analog IC Applications (3 cr.) P: ECET 33700-may be taken concurrently.
    This course is a study of the applications of analog integrated circuits. Topics include linear amplifiers, IC specifications, linear regulators, waveform generation, linear and switched-capacitor active filters, and nonlinear circuit applications. Computer aided analysis of these circuits is also presented.
  • ECET 42301 Electric Vehicle Integration and Fabrication (3 cr.) P: ECET 32300 and ECET 37300.
    This course requires students to develop a detailed design, develop a time/action plan, perform research on existing electronic vehicle systems, develop a procurement plan for electronic vehicle components, design and fabricate custom electric vehicle components, and construct an electric vehicle. The completed electric vehicle is extensively tested for safety, performance, and energy efficiency.
  • ECET 42800 Audio Electronics—Sel. Topics (3 cr.) P: ECET 33700, ECET 33900.
    Define, implement, and evaluate the performance of the electronic elements in a professional audio system such as preamplifiers, signal encoding and transmission, data storage, signal reception and decoding, mixers, post processors, and power amplifiers. Both analog and digital signal processing may be implemented in each of the electronic elements. Course offered on a rotational basis.
  • ECET 43000 Product/Program Management (3 cr.) P: ECET 27000, TECH 32000, and 9 cr. hrs. of ECET 300-level or higher courses.
    This course deals with the planning of electrical and electronic products and projects. Research methods are studied to support new product development including customer needs and the development of engineering requirements. Formal techniques such as functional decomposition, top-down and bottom-up design techniques are studied. Planning and design alternatives to meet cost, performance, and user-interface foals are emphasized. Technical topics are revisited with emphasis on new applications. The various types and levels of new product system tests are studied. New product planning, scheduling, and management techniques are studied, along with the usage of software tools for project scheduling and management. Creativity is stressed, and the different approaches taken by the designers are compared and discussed.
  • ECET 43600 Electric Power Distribution and Smart Control (3 cr.) P: ECET 37600 and ECET 27700.
    A course on the simple modeling and simulation of the power grid systems, power flow analysis, and advanced meter infrastructure (AMI). The fundamentals learned in this course will be useful in the study of the effects of distributed energy resources and storage in Smart Grid environment.
  • ECET 43900 Advanced Digital Signal Processing (3 cr.) P: ECET 33900.
    The course builds on the basic principles and applications of Digital Signal Processing with a view to implementing advanced DSP techniques. These techniques are chosen to form some of the building blocks that are used in specialization areas such as the biomedical, communications and energy management fields.
  • ECET 44400 Wireless Systems: Design/Measurement (3 cr.) P: ECET 27400, ECET 36400.
    In this course wireless RF signals and microwave circuit designs are studied. Topics include signal analysis, RF signal measurement, microstrip design and analysis, Smith chart applications, RF circuit design, s-parameters, power dividers and couplers, filter design, and advanced RF PCB layout. Course offered on a rotational basis.
  • ECET 46000 Project Design and Development (3 cr.) P: ECET 43000.
    An extensive individual or small group design project is carried out with guidance from a faculty advisor. This course includes determining customer requirements, considering design alternatives, prototyping, project integration, and testing. The project is completed as a robust prototype. The course concludes with a formal written report and a presentation of the project to faculty and invited industrial guests.

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