Bachelor of Science in Business (Accounting)
Degree Map >>
Concentration Requirements
All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise designated.
Note :: Students must attain a grade of not less than C in each course.
Junior and Senior Years
- BUS-A 311 Intermediate Accounting I
- BUS-A 312 Intermediate Accounting II
- BUS-A 325 Cost Accounting
- BUS-A 328 Introduction to Taxation
- BUS-A 337 Accounting Information Systems
- BUS-A 424 Auditing and Assurance Services
- SPCH-S 223 Business and Professional Communication
Select two of the following:
- BUS-A 335 Accounting for Government and Not-For-Profit Entities
- BUS-A 339 Advanced Income Tax
- BUS-A 425 Contemporary Accounting Theory
Select one of the following with an accounting focus:
- BUS-F 302 Financial Decision Making
- BUS-B 399 Business and Society
- BUS-F 420 Equity and Fixed Income Investment
- BUS-K 301 Enterprise Resource Planning
- BUS-L 303 Commercial Law 2
- BUS-W 311 New Venture Creation
- BUS-X 481 Undergraduate Internship in Business and Economics
- BUS-X 482 Undergraduate Field Project in Business and Economics
See also
Photo credit :: Ken Teegardin via Flickr :: cc