Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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B.F.A. in Design/Technical

Pictured :: Patrick Watterson :: Theatre :: La Porte, Indiana (hometown)
(Theatre and Dance production of A Christmas Carol)

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Concentration in Design/Technical

Degree Map >>

About the Bachelor of Fine Arts, Concentration in Design/Technical

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree in Design/Technical Theatre is designed to prepare students for the professional theatre or additional training at the graduate level. It features an intense focus on a selected area of concentration (Costume Design, Lighting Design, Scene Design, Scenic Technology or Costume Technology)) and extensive production experience designed to promote excellence.

Degree Requirements (125 cr.)

All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise designated.

  • 125 credit hours
  • At least 30 credit hours must be at the 300- or 400-level
  • Successful participation in major season productions each semester as directed by the area coordinator of theatre and dance

General Education Curriculum (36 cr.)

See General-Education for a detailed description of the IU South Bend campuswide general-education requirements, including lists of approved courses.

All courses certified as meeting the campuswide general-education requirements are designated in the Schedule of Classes.

Fundamental Literacies (16 cr.)
  • Writing :: ENG-W 131 Reading, Writing, and Inquiry I (with a grade of C or higher)
  • Critical Thinking :: Select from approved course list
  • Oral Communication :: SPCH-S 121 Public Speaking (with a grade of C or higher)
  • Quantitative Reasoning :: Select from approved course list (Level 4 equivalency or above)
  • Information Literacy :: COAS-Q 110 Introduction to Information Literacy (1 cr.)
  • Computer Literacy :: Successful accomplishment of computer literacy placement exam (0 cr.); OR
    Computer Literacy course (counts as 3 credit elective)
  • Visual Literacy :: THTR-T 228 Design for the Theatre

Common Core Courses (12 cr.)

Complete one course from each of the following four areas, as designated in the Schedule of Classes. At least one of the areas must be completed at the 300-level.

  • The Natural World :: Select from approved course list
  • Human Behavior and Social Institutions :: Select from approved course list
  • Literary and Intellectual Traditions :: THTR-T 190 Literary and Intellectual Traditions
  • Art, Aesthetics, and Creativity :: THTR-A 190 Art, Aesthetics, and Creativity; OR
    THTR-A 399 Art, Aesthetics, and Creativity

Contemporary Social Values (8 cr.)

Complete one course from each of the following three areas, as designated in the Schedule of Classes.

Theatre Electives (9 cr.)

Electives (7 cr.)

Note :: If student takes the Computer Literacy class above (Fundamental Literacy), only 4 credits of electives are required

Major Requirements (75 cr.)
Theatre Core (31 cr.)
  • THTR-T 120 Acting I: Fundamentals of Acting
  • THTR-T 225 Stagecraft 1
  • THTR-T 230 Costume Design and Technology I
  • THTR-T 340 Directing I: Fundamentals of Directing
  • THTR-T 341 Theatre Production I (1 cr.)
  • THTR-T 342 Theatre Production II (1 cr.)
  • THTR-T 343 Theatre Production III (1 cr.)
  • THTR-T 405 Stage Management
  • THTR-T 470 History of the Theatre 1
  • THTR-T 471 History of the Theatre 2
  • THTR-T 483 Topics in theatre and Drama
  • THTR-T 485 Capstone Project (1 cr.)
    Note ::
    Musical Theatre Recital based on final semester of Applied Voice

Select one of the following

  • THTR-T 326 Introduction to Scenic Design
  • THTR-T 335 Stage Lighting Design
  • THTR-T 433 Costume Design II

Design Technical Concentration (36 cr.)
  • FINA-F 100 Fundamental Studio-Drawing
  • THTR-T 327 Period Styles
  • THTR-T 330 Rendering
  • THTR-T 332 Scene Painting
  • THTR-T 392 Theatre Internship
  • THTR-T 427 Design Studio (four semesters, junior standing)
  • THTR-T 430 Costume Technology II

Select two of the following

  • THTR-T 326 Introduction to Scenic Design
  • THTR-T 335 Stage Lighting Design
  • THTR-T 433 Costume Design II

Select Specialty (6 cr.)
Costume Design (6 cr.)
  • THTR-T 290 History and Design of Stage Makeup
  • THTR-T 434 Historic Costumes for the Stage

Lighting Design (6 cr.)
  • THTR-T 438 Advanced Stage Lighting Design
  • THTR-T 439 Technical Drawing (pending final approval)

Scene Design (6 cr.)
  • THTR-T 426 Fundamentals of Scenic Design
  • THTR-T 439 Technical Drawing (pending final approval)

Costume Technology (6 cr.)
  • THTR-T 290 History and Design of Stage Makeup
  • THTR-T 433 Costume Design II

  • Satisfactory participation in productions each B.F.A. semester
  • Minimum 30 credits at the 300-level or greater

Photo courtesy of the Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

Click here for the PDF version. Please be aware that the PDF is formated from the webpages; some pages may be out of order.