European Studies
Julio Hernando, Ph.D. :: Coordinator
(574) 520-4861 :: (574) 520-4231 ::
Coordinators :: Hernando
Faculty Advisors :: Barrau, Chaney, Hernando, Karakatsanis, Magnan-Park, Parker, Zwicker
About European Studies
This interdisciplinary minor provides IU South Bend students interested in Europe and European languages with an opportunity to focus their studies and to earn formal degree recognition for their interests. It combines the social sciences, humanities and arts to create an interdisciplinary approach to help students better understand Europe. Evidence of such focused international study is increasingly sought after by employers and graduate and professional schools.
The minor consists of 15 credit hours in at least three different disciplines: two core courses; one study abroad/or independent study project; and at least second-year competency in a European language other than English.
Since the European Studies minor is a university-wide venture, it is administered by the Office of International Programs. Interested students should contact the director of international programs, who can direct students to a member of the European Studies faculty for advising.