Computer and Information Science
The department offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science, a Master of Science (M.S.) in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, minors in Computer Science and Computer Applications, and certificates in Computer Programming, Advanced Computer Programming, Computer Applications, and Technology Administration. In collaboration with other departments, the department also offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Informatics, and minors in Informatics and Cognitive Science. Computer and Information Sciences also provides support to the Master of Science in Management of Information Technology offered by the Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics.
The Bachelor of Science degree in computer science follows the guidelines set out by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the leading professional computing societies. Students in this degree program complete a core curriculum that builds an overall understanding of computers, computing environments, and theoretical issues. The degree prepares students to enter challenging computing careers in the workplace or to embark on postgraduate programs in computing.
The Bachelor of Science in Informatics and the minor in informatics are offered jointly with a number of other departments at IU South Bend. A complete description of this program can be found on the Informatics campus bulletin site.
The Master of Science in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science is offered jointly with the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Students in the program take advanced courses in both computer science and applied mathematics, with emphasis on real-world problems and applications.
Scheduling of Computer Science Courses
To help students make long-range curriculum plans, the department attempts to offer courses in a predictable fashion.
Any student who intends to major or minor in computer science or obtain a departmental certificate should contact the chair of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences as soon as possible to arrange for academic advising.
Placement Examination
Students planning to enroll in CSCI-C 101 Computer Programming I must place at Level 3 of the mathematics placement examination before registering for the course. The examination tests mathematics skills (arithmetic, algebra, and trigonometry) which students entering the computing curriculum are generally expected to have mastered in their precollege studies. Students who place lower than Level 3 on the examination must complete appropriate preparatory mathematics courses.
To assist the computer science advisors in determining the proper starting point, computer science students are encouraged to complete the computer science placement examination.
The minor in Cognitive Science is offered jointly with the departments of mathematical sciences, philosophy, and psychology. A complete description of this program begins on the Cognitive Science campus bulletin website.
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