Pictured :: Prof. Andrew Schnabel with officers of the IU South Bend chapter of the Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society
Biological Sciences
Andrew Schnabel, Ph.D. :: Chair
Northside Hall 137 :: (574) 520-4233 :: biology.iusb.edu
Professors :: Bushnell, Schnabel (Chair)
Associate Professors :: T. Clark, Grens, Marr, McLister, K. Mecklenburg, Nair, Qian
Assistant Professor :: Wilkes
Senior Lecturer :: S. Cook, Oldenburg
Faculty Emeriti :: Chowattukunnel, Duff, Pike, Riemenschneider, Savage
Laboratory Supervisor :: Franz
Laboratory Assistant :: Lora
Academic Advisors :: Bushnell, T. Clark, Grens, Marr, McLister, K. Mecklenburg, Nair, Qian, Schnabel, Wilkes
Undergraduate Degrees Offered
Minor Offered
Course Descriptions
Biology BIOL :: Microbiology MICR :: Physiology PHSL
Photo credit :: Christina Fites