Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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Critical Checkpoints

statue on campus of IU South BendMonitoring Progress of Students at Critical Checkpoints

In addition to reviewing grades and cumulative grade point averages, candidate progress is monitored carefully at three critical checkpoints. At these checkpoints candidates are required to submit designated artifacts, aligned with state and national standards, in an Oncourse pseudo course. These artifacts are reviewed by faculty to determine if the candidate is meeting the standards or making progress toward meeting the standards. If the artifact provides evidence that the candidate is meeting the standards a grade of S is assigned for the pseudo course. If the artifact does not meet the standards, the candidate is contacted and a remedial plan is developed. In such cases, the candidate may receive a grade of R or I. If after participation in the remedial plan, the candidate’s artifacts still do not provide evidence of meeting standards or making progress toward meeting standards, a grade of F is assigned for the pseudo course. These pseudo courses are 0 credit hour courses so an F grade would not alter a cumulative grade point average, but pseudo course grades appear on candidates’ transcripts.

Critical Checkpoints for Candidates Seeking a Master of Science Degree and/or Initial Licensure

Checkpoint One—All Graduate Candidates

Entry into specific program. Candidates in all graduate programs must submit required admissions materials. Once all materials are submitted, they are reviewed by department heads, and admission decisions are communicated to students.

Checkpoint Two—Elementary Candidates in Master of Science Degree Programs
  • GPA check.
  • EDUC-P 507 Assessment in Schools artifact/case study on assessing student learning. Analysis of student learning and reflection from entries.
Checkpoint Two—Secondary Candidates in Master of Science Degree Programs
  • GPA check
  • Artifact of student learning from EDUC-P 507 Assessment in the Schools
Checkpoint Two—Secondary Education Candidates also Earning Initial License

In addition to the requirements listed above for secondary candidates in Master of Science degree programs, candidates must submit the following at the end of the semester they take their 400-level special methods class.

  • A series of lesson plans, assessments, and other components as assigned in the 400-level special methods class
  • Classroom management artifact
  • Passing Praxis II® scores
Checkpoint Two—Special Education Candidates in Master of Science Degree Programs
  • GPA check   
  • Lesson plans from EDUC-K 523 Inclusive Strategies for Exceptional Students in the Elementary Classroom or EDUC-K 524 Integration of Students with Exceptional Learning Needs
  • Pre/post analysis of teaching project from EDUC-P 519 Psycho-Educational Assessment of Exceptional Children
  • Classroom management plan from EDUC-K 553 Classroom Management and Behavior Support
Checkpoint Two—Special Education Candidates also Earning Initial License
  • Lesson plans from EDUC-K 523 Inclusive Strategies for Exceptional Students in the Elementary Classroom or EDUC-K 524 Integration of Students with Exceptional Learning Needs
  • Pre/post analysis of teaching project from EDUC-P 519 Psycho-Educational Assessment of Exceptional Children
  • Classroom management plan from EDUC-K 553 Classroom Management and Behavior Support
Checkpoint Three—Elementary Candidates in Master of Science Degree Programs
  • GPA check
  • Classroom based entry with accompanying student work
  • Final exit project from EDUC-E 591 Research Project in Elementary Education
Checkpoint Three—Secondary Candidates in Master of Science Degree Programs
  • GPA check
  • Portfolio from EDUC-C 511 Capstone Seminar or EDUC-S 591 Research Project in Secondary Education
Checkpoint Three—Secondary Education Candidates also Earning Initial License
  • In addition to the requirements listed above for Master of Science degree candidates in secondary education earning an initial teaching license must also submit Student teaching evaluation forms
  • Artifact from EDUC-M 420 Student Teaching Seminar: Understanding Schools
Checkpoint Three—Special Education Candidates in Master of Science Degree Programs
  • GPA check
  • Final project from EDUC-Y 511 Action Research II: Independent Study
Checkpoint Three—Special Education Candidates also Earning Initial License
  • EDUC-K 588 Supervised Teaching in Special Education student teaching evaluation forms
  • Praxis II® scores
  • Special education portfolio

Monitoring student progress at critical checkpoints—T2T Elementary and Secondary

In addition to reviewing grades and cumulative grade point averages, candidate progress is monitored carefully at three critical checkpoints. At these checkpoints candidates are required to submit designated artifacts, aligned with state and national standards, in an Oncourse pseudo course. These artifacts are reviewed by faculty to determine if the candidate is meeting the standards or making progress toward meeting the standards. If the artifact provides evidence that the candidate is meeting the standards a grade of S is assigned for the pseudo course. If the artifact does not meet the standards, the candidate is contacted and a remedial plan is developed. In such cases, the candidate may receive a grade of R or I. If after participation in the remedial plan, the candidate’s artifacts still do not provide evidence of meeting standards or making progress toward meeting standards, a grade of F is assigned for the pseudo course. These pseudo courses are 0 credit hour courses so an F grade would not alter a cumulative grade point average, but pseudo course grades appear on candidates’ transcripts.

Checkpoint One—Elementary and Secondary—Entry into Specific T2T Program

Candidates must submit required admissions materials. Once all materials are submitted, they are reviewed by department heads and admission decisions are communicated to students.

Checkpoint Two—Elementary Transition to Teaching—At End of Spring Semester Before Student Teaching the Following Fall Semester
  • GPA check
  • Series of lesson plans and other artifacts from fall semester methods classes
  • Final evaluations from field experience
Checkpoint Two—Secondary Transition to Teaching—At End of Fall Semester Before Student Teaching
  • GPA check
  • Series of lesson plans and other artifacts from fall semester 400-level methods class
  • Classroom management artifact
Checkpoint Three—Elementary Transition to Teaching—At End of Student Teaching
  • GPA check
  • Artifact on student learning with all required components
  • Student teaching evaluations
  • Passing Praxis II® Scores
Checkpoint Three—Secondary Transition to Teaching—At End of Student Teaching
  • GPA check
  • Artifact on student learning with all required components
  • Student teaching evaluations
  • Passing Praxis II® scores

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

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