Minor in Religious Studies
- A grade of C– or higher is required in each of the courses that count toward the minor. A CGPA of at least 2.0 is required for the minor.
- These courses are not offered every academic year. The minor is an interdisciplinary program administered by the Religious Studies Committee. Students must have a faculty advisor (typically the chair of the Religious Studies Committee) approved by the committee.
Minor Requirements (15 cr.)
All courses are 3 cr. hours unless otherwise designated.
One (1) course on religion in general, for example:
- PHIL-P 371 Philosophy of Religion
- REL-R 160 Introduction to Religion in America
One course on the Judeo-Christian tradition, for example:
- PHIL-P 202 Medieval to Modern Philosophy
- REL-R 152 Jews, Christians, and Muslims
- REL-R 210 Introduction to the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
- REL-R 220 Introduction to the New Testament
One course on non-Western religion, for example:
- PHIL-P 283 Non-Western Philosophy
- PHIL-P 374 Early Chinese Philosophy
- REL-R 153 Religions of Asia
Two additional courses focusing on religion, to be chosen either from the above groups or from courses such as:
- HPSC-X 336 Religion and Science
- PHIL-P 342 Problems of Ethics
- PHIL-P 381 Religion and Human Experience
- REL-R 335 Religion in the United States, 1600-1850
- REL-R 336 Religion in the United States, 1850-Present
- PSY-P 365 Psychology of Religion
- SOC-S 313 Religion and Society