Certificates in Computer Science

computer science booksCertificate in Computer Applications

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  • The student must complete the following courses at IU South Bend with a grade of C– or higher. At least 16 of the 19 credits must be taken at IU South Bend.
  • In addition, the student may be required to take additional courses to remedy deficiencies in their background.

Requirements (19 cr.)

All classes are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise designated.

  • CSCI-A 106 Introduction to Computing
  • CSCI-A 107 Advanced Microcomputing (4 cr.)
  • CSCI-A 150 Introduction to Operating Systems (1 cr.)
  • CSCI-A 201 Introduction to Programming (4 cr.)
  • CSCI-A  338 Network Technologies and Systems Administration (4 cr.)
  • CSCI-A 340 An Introduction to Web Programming

Certificate in Computer Programming

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  • The certificate consists of 14 credit hours. The student must complete the following courses at IU South Bend with a grade of C– or higher.
  • In addition, the student must take and pass ENG-W 130 Principles of Composition with a grade of C or higher, or else must score at a level that would permit them to take ENG-W 131 Elementary Composition 1 on the IU South Bend English placement examination.

Requirements (14 cr.)

All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise designated.

  • CSCI-C 101 Computer Programming I (4 cr.)
  • CSCI-C 151 Multiuser Operating Systems (2 cr.)
  • CSCI-C 201 Computer Programming II (4 cr.)
  • CSCI-C 243 Introduction to Data Structures (4 cr.)

Certificate in Advanced Computer Programming

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  • The certificate consists of 25 credit hours. Complete the following seven courses with a grade of C– or higher; at least six of these courses must be taken at IU South Bend.
  • In addition, the student must take and pass ENG-W 130 Principles of Composition with a grade of C or higher, or else must score at a level that would permit them to take ENG-W 131 Elementary Composition 1 on the IU South Bend English placement examination. A student who has earned the Certificate in Computer Programming may afterwards take the remaining courses required to earn the Certificate in Advanced Computer Programming.

Requirements (25 cr.)

All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise designated.

  • CSCI-C 101 Computer Programming I (4 cr.)
  • CSCI-C 151 Multiuser Operating Systems (2 cr.)
  • CSCI-C 201 Computer Programming II (4 cr.)
  • CSCI-C 243 Introduction to Data Structures     (4 cr.)
  • CSCI-C 308 System Analysis and Design (4 cr.)
  • CSCI-C 335 Computer Structures (4 cr.)
  • One additional computer science courses above the level of CSCI-C 243 Introduction to Data Structures

Certificate in Technology for Administration

  • A bachelor’s degree is required to enroll in this program. The student must complete the following courses at IU South Bend with a grade of B or higher.
  • In addition, students may be required to take additional courses to remedy deficiencies in their background.

Requirements (14 cr.)

All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise designated.

  • CSCI-A 505 Object-Oriented Programming (4 cr.)
  • CSCI-A 510 Database Management Systems
  • CSCI-A 515 Telecommunications and Computer Networking (4 cr.)
  • One course in website development, approved by the department

Academic Bulletins

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