Administrative Leadership | IU South Bend

- Susan Lee, J.D., Director, Affirmative Action and Campus Diversity

- Vicki Bloom, M.S.L.S., Dean, Library Services, Franklin D. Schurz Library
- Linda Chen, Ph.D., Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Michelle Bakerson, Ph.D., Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Marvin V. Curtis, Ed.D., Dean, Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts
- Robert H. Ducoffe, Ph.D., Dean, Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics
- Marvin Lynn, Ph.D., Dean, School of Education
- Mario Ortiz, Ph.D., Dean, College of Health Sciences
- Elizabeth E. Dunn, Ph.D., Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Timothy P. Ryan, B.S., Director, Extended Learning Services
- Carol Massat, Ph.D., Director, Master of Social Work Program
- Marsha Heck, Ed.D., Director, General Studies
- Biniam Tesfamariam, Ph.D., Institutional Research and Effectiveness Officer

- Sara J. Ermeti, M.S.A., Director, Human Resources
- Martin L. Gersey, M.P.A., Director, Safety and Security
- Linda S. Lucas, B.S., Bursar
- Kathleen Pizaña, B.B.A., Director, Accounting Services
- Michael A. Prater, B.S., Director, Facilities Management

- Gary Browning, B.G.S., Director, Web Services
- Bruce Bryner, B.G.S., Lead Security Analyst
- Beverly J. Church, Senior Director, User Support and Information Technologies Communications
- Phillip M. Mikulak, B.A., B.S., Director, Systems Support
- James Yocom, B.A.S., Director, Instructional Media Services

- Kenneth W. Baierl Jr., M.L.S., Director, Marketing and Communications
- Dina S. Harris, M. Ed., Director, Development
- Anne D. McGraw, B.A., Major Gifts Manager
- Jeanie Metzger, B.S., Director, Alumni Affairs

- Cathy M. Buckman, M.S., Assistant Vice Chancellor, Enrollment Services; and Interim Director, Financial Aid
- Scott D. Strittmatter, Director, Student Life
- Gary S. Demski, M.S., Executive Director, Athletics and Activities
- Rick C. Dennie, M.P.A., Director, Student Support
- James J. Hasse, Ph.D., Director, Disabled Student Services
- James R. Hurst, Ph.D., Director, Student Counseling Center
- Director, Career Services
- Jeff M. Johnston, M.P.A., Registrar
- Director, Housing and Residence Life
- Constance O. Peterson-Miller, M.L.S., Director, Admissions and International Student Services
- Director, Judicial Affairs
- Karen L. White, M.S., Associate Vice Chancellor, Student Services