IUPUI Campus Bulletin 2010-2012

Resources & Services


Dean of Students Office

Guided by a theoretical framework of student development, the mission of the Office of the Dean of Students is to support IUPUI’s educational mission and goals by maintaining a campus community conducive to a positive learning environment. The services offered are developed to protect the rights of all students to learn without interference, to provide interventions for resolving conflict, and to enable students to achieve success in their intellectual and personal development. The Dean of Students is the chief judicial officer for issues related to the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. For more information, contact the Office of Dean of Students in the Campus Center, Suite 350, call (317) 274-4431 or visit www.life.iupui.edu.
Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (SRRC)

The Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct is charged with working with the campus community to promote ethical behavior and civility. The mission of the Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct is to uphold campus policies by providing a disciplinary process that fosters both an educational experience and a safe and healthy environment. All students should be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct and can review an online copy at http://www.iupui.edu/code/.  For more information, contact the Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct in the Campus Center 350, call (317) 274-4431 or visit http://life.iupui.edu/rights/.

The Student Advocate

The Student Advocate helps students solve problems by offering objective consultation, promoting self advocacy, and providing information on campus and community resources.  For more information, contact the Student Advocate on the third floor of the Campus Center in Suite 350, call (317) 278-7594, email stuadvoc@iupui.edu, or visit http://life.iupui.edu/advocate.