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R.N. to M.S.N. Mobility Option
R.N. to M.S.N. Mobility Option
B492 R.N.-M.S.N. Transition I (4 cr.) This course is designed to provide students learning opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills fundamental to advanced nursing roles including, but not limited to, research consumer, communication facilitator, advocate of nursing practice, and teacher of patients, their families, and colleagues. This course is constructed in three distinct but related modules: Research, Interpersonal and Group Communication, and Roles. Although modules are independent of each other, information and skills students gain in one module will be used in application to others.
B490 R.N.-M.S.N. Transition II (4 cr.) Theories of community-based nursing and nursing leadership and management are analyzed in combination with related research and are applied to the nurse's evolving role in an era of health care reform. Learning opportunities emphasize the knowledge and skills needed to provide nursing care to client systems in the community. Future trends for nursing's leadership and management role are examined, with particular emphasis placed on the impact of health care reform.
D607 Nursing Theory II (3 cr.) P: N502. Focus is on the philosophical and ethical foundations of nursing science. Philosophical debates concerning science, knowledge development, theory construction, and values are used to enhance appreciation of advances in nursing knowledge. Theories, models, and conceptual frameworks are considered as guides to inquiry.
D730 Proseminar: State of Nursing Science I (3 cr.) Focus is on human behaviors related to health promotion, health protection, and factors that influence health-seeking behaviors in wellness and in acute and chronic illness. Provides an overview of the fields, while each student will critique and synthesize a specific topic relevant to his or her area of study.
D731 Proseminar: State of Nursing Science II (3 cr.) Focus is on the critical review of complex interactions of the environments and systems that influence health. Students will study selected environments and systems that influence health. Emphasis is on analysis of concepts, theories, and research related to factors that influence health.
N502 Nursing Theory I (3 cr.) Focus is on evaluating the factors and issues influencing the development of theory in nursing. Theoretical terminology and criteria for the evaluation of theories are examined. Linkages applied between theory, practice, and research are explored.
N530 Policy and Practice Perspectives in Advanced Nursing Practice (2 cr.) Introduction to policy development in health care and advanced nursing practice within the context of the larger society. Provides a basis for understanding political forces, including government, industry, and economic constraints, that shape nursing and health care delivery. Strategies by which nursing influences development of health policy through political involvement are considered.
N532 Advanced Nursing Practice Roles (2 cr.) Exploration of the components of the advanced practice role and how the organization influences and is influenced by the advanced practice nurse. Leadership, organizational and role theories are examined within the health care delivery systems. Introduces students to principles of resource allocation and analysis of cost effectiveness of outcomes in a variety of health care settings.
N534 Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Advanced Practice Nursing (2 cr.) Major ethical theories are introduced and the principles underlying ethical health care practice are analyzed. Students examine selected concepts and principles of ethics and law within a framework of ethical decision making for advanced nursing practice.
R500 Nursing Research Methods I (3 cr.) Provides a survey of research in nursing. Topics include critique of research literature, research designs, sampling, data collection and measurement strategies, relating research and theory, developing researchable problems, and utilizing theory.
R590 Nursing Study (1-3 cr.) P: R500 and R505. A guided experience in identifying a researchable nursing problem and in developing and implementing a research proposal.
R600 Nursing Research Methods II (3 cr.) P: R500. Focus is on in-depth analysis and decision strategies for selecting and evaluating appropriate research designs, sampling methods, data collection methods, measurement strategies, instrument development, and data analysis in the development of research investigations.
R699 Master's Thesis in Nursing (1-6 cr.) With approval of the thesis committee, students conduct an empirical study of a nursing problem.
R900 Continuation in Study or Thesis (1 cr.) Following enrollment in R590 Nursing Study (3 cr.) or R699 Master's Thesis in Nursing (6 cr.), the student must enroll every semester and first summer session in R900 (a pseudocourse) until the study or thesis has been completed.
C550 Pediatric Health Assessment (3 cr.) Enables students to learn psychomotor skills required for performing physical examinations. Provides theoretical basis to begin process of physical diagnoses of health and illness. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
C551 Health Maintenance of the Pediatric Client (5 cr.) P: C550. P or C: C553. Provides the basis for synthesizing health status information for nursing interventions aimed at encouraging children and families to assume responsibility for the prevention of illness and the promotion and maintenance of health. 10 clinical hrs/wk.
C555 Advanced Nursing Care of Children and Families I (6 cr.) P: C550, C611. This course prepares advanced practice nurses for the specialized care of children and their families. Complex, unique, or challenging health issues are examined. Students develop skills in critical thinking, ethical decision making, and facilitating behavioral change to assume a leadership role in improving health outcomes. 15 non-lecture contact hours.
C556 Advanced Nursing Management of the Pediatric Client (2 cr.) P: C551; C: C553. Enables the student to use research data and theoretical knowledge in supporting advanced nursing practice in primary health care nursing.
C661 Psychosocial Assessment Strategies in Pediatrics and Women's Health Nursing (3 cr.) P: Statistics. Focuses on strategies to assess psychosocial health status. Assessment tools and conceptual frameworks will be analyzed. Purpose of assessment strategy, considerations for administration, technical evaluation, and implications for nursing practice will be discussed.
C666 Collaborative Clinical Practice in Pediatric Primary Health Care (5 cr.) Seminar provides students with the opportunity to present and discuss complex, multi-faceted clinical situations with faculty and peers. The clinical component provides students with the opportunity to develop advanced clinical skills in pediatric primary health care settings. Emphasis is on continuity and comprehensiveness of nursing interventions with pediatric clients. 25 clinical hrs./wk.
C670 Advanced Nursing Care of Children and Families II (3 cr.) P: C555. This course prepares advanced practice nurses to function effectively in leadership roles within multi-disciplinary health care systems/organizations specifically focused on children and their families. Critical issues that impact the practice environment are explored. Students develop skills in facilitating evidence-based practice for specific populations of children and their families. 10 non-lecture contact hours.
D610 Pain: Its Pathophysiology, Assessment, and Management (3 cr.) In-depth study of the theoretical concepts of pain. Theories are evaluated for their potential use in the delivery of nursing care. Emphasis is on the assessment and management of pain. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
D700 Nursing Research Seminar (2-3 cr.) This seminar for predoctoral/postdoctoral nursing students (a) provides an opportunity for career socialization, (b) facilitates achievement of individual research goals, and (c) enables students to experience the give and take of a writing work group.
D740 Legal and Ethical issues in Nursing Research (3 cr.) P: R500, N502, and N534. This course includes analysis of legal and moral theories and principles related to research in nursing and health care as a basis for analysis of moral/legal dilemmas in research. Students debate issues that create tension between the quest for knowledge and the moral and legal claims of society.
D741 The Legal/Ethical Issues for Nurses in Health Care Administration (3 cr.) P: R500, N502, and N534. This course provides a review of the basic tenets of ethics and law related to health care administration. The role of the nurse in health care administration is emphasized.
D742 Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing Education (3 cr.) P: R500, N502, and N534. This course deals with the application of ethics, social philosophy, and legal doctrines to problems of nursing education. It assists the learner to analyze and reflect on moral and legal issues relevant to educational practices.
D751 Nursing Seminar (3 cr.) P: D607 and R600. Provides opportunities for students to pursue in-depth study about phenomena of concern to nursing and to conduct nursing research. Each D751 course emphasizes the conduct of research in one of the following topic areas: health dynamics, self-care decision-making, stress and coping, pain, and vulnerability.
D752 Directed Study (3 cr.) P: D751. Students will continue study in a topic area covered in a D751 seminar by taking D752 Directed Study in the same area. In addition, a specific directed study (D752) on health promotion is offered, with the D751 topic areas of vulnerability and self-care decision making as prerequisites. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
F570 Assessment of Individuals, Families and Communities (3 cr.) This course enables students to develop advanced practice nursing skills in individual health assessment of infants, children, adults and aging people. In addition, students develop skills in family and community assessment.
F572 Primary Health Care of Children (2 cr. didactic, 1 cr. clinical for FNP majors) Enables students to develop a knowledge base for clinical decision making in assessment and provision of primary health care nursing for children and families. Topics include health promotion/maintenance, disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment of common acute and stable chronic illnesses in children. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
F574 Primary Health Care of Adults (2 cr. didactic, 1 cr. clinical for FNP majors) Enables students to develop a knowledge base for clinical decision-making in the assessment and management of primary health care for adults and families. Topics include health promotion/maintenance, disease prevention, and diagnosis and treatment of common acute and stable chronic illnesses in adults. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
F576 Primary Health Care of Women (2 cr. didactic, 1 cr. clinical for FNP majors) Enables students to develop a knowledge base for clinical decision making in the assessment and provision of primary health care for women and families. Topics include health promotion/maintenance, disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment of common acute and stable chronic illnesses in women. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
F578 Primary Health Care of FamiliesClinical (5 cr.) Enables the FNP student to develop a practice base for clinical decision making in the assessment and management of health care of families. The course includes identification of health needs, nursing interventions for the prevention of illness, and health promotion. 25 clinical hrs./wk.
G513 Physiology of Maternal-Child (1-2 cr.) In-depth study of biophysical and behavioral aspects of human development, while considering genetic, embryologic, and developmental physiological components. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.
G552 Advanced Nursing Care of Pregnant Women (6 cr.) P: Y550. Prepares nurse practitioners to deliver primary health care to pregnant women in ambulatory health care settings. The identification of health needs and nursing interventions for the prevention of illness and the promotion and maintenance of health are included. Emphasizes the independent and collaborative function of the nurse practitioner. 20 clinical hrs./wk.
G553 Women, Health, and Culture (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Focus on feminist and cultural theory and research, applicable to women and their families within the context of contemporary society and culture throughout the life span.
G555 Management of the Well Woman (5 cr.) Enables students to develop a knowledge base for clinical decision making in the management of primary health care for well women. Emphasis is directed toward clinical competency in the care of well women throughout their lives. Topics are directed toward gynecologic care. 20 clinical hrs./wk.
G558 Women, Health, and Society (3 cr.) P: G553 or consent of instructor. Overview of women's health concerns locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, and the impact of social systems on the well-being and health of women and their families. A variety of frameworks will be compared, contrasted, and synthesized in relation to women's health-related theory.
H537 Community Epidemiology (3 cr.) This research course presents methodological and analytical techniques to summarize health-related indicators in populations and provides opportunities to assess mainstream and multicultural populations through existing data sets. Epidemiologic techniques will form the basis for these population assessments.
H540 Community Assessment (3 cr.) This course focuses on concepts and methods for the assessment of a mainstream and multicultural community's strengths and needs. Students will collect and analyze secondary data for selected communities, analyze health indicators, conduct a community assessment, and delineate implications for advanced practice nursing.
H544 Community Development and Organization for Health (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to critically analyze ethical principles, theories, concepts, and research of community development and organization for health, and to consider their application in mainstream and multicultural communities. Students develop an evaluation research proposal to study the effects of community development efforts.
H546 Action Research and Community Health Policy (3 cr.) Analysis of action research as a method of scientific inquiry for social and policy change. Working with mainstream and multicultural community groups, students design and conduct action research projects. Based on research results, recommendations for social and policy change and further policy research are made.
H548 Community-Based Nursing Practicum (3-6 cr.) Students conduct a practicum experience in order to synthesize theory and research related to program development or evaluation of community-based intervention in selected settings such as home care, occupational health, schools, and community health centers. Mainstream and multicultural community experiences and activities are independently planned to meet student career goals. 15-30 clinical hrs./wk.
H630 Community Health Planning and Implementation (4 cr.) P: H540. Presentation of concepts, theories, and research related to community health planning, implementation, and evaluation. In conjunction with the community, students develop a health plan and evaluation aimed at ameliorating the health problem identified in H540. Aspects of the plan are implemented, and an appropriate community health-nursing role is identified. Seminar and community experience. 4 clinical hrs. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
H734 Advanced Model Building in Community Health Nursing and Health Policy (3-6 cr.) P: H733. Students will be directly involved in policy development and will evaluate models of policy making for community health nursing. Hypotheses related to the conceptual model will be tested in the policy setting using empirical data.
J595 Topical Seminar (2-4 cr.) Seminar topic to be announced each semester.
J690 Readings in Clinical Nursing (1-3 cr.) Topic arranged depending on the needs and interests of the student.
J692 Independent Study in Nursing (1-6 cr.) Individual assignments arranged.
L560 Case Management in Integrated Health Care Systems (3 cr.) Traces the evolution of case management models in human services, assesses recent scholarship on implementation and evaluation in various health care delivery settings, examines dynamics of case management role, and explores future models within systems of managed care.
L573 Organizational Behavior: Nursing (3 cr.) Introduction to administration of nursing by relating behavioral science and organizational and administrative theories to the delivery of health services, with an emphasis on organizational behavior.
L574 Administrative Management in Nursing (3 cr.) P: L573. Content derived from contemporary environmental, personnel, and organizational issues related to the administration of nursing services with emphasis on management principles and processes.
L575 Corporate and Public Policy for Nursing Executives (3 cr.) This course is designed to prepare nurse administrators for active policy-making participation in health care organizations, professional associations, and governmental agencies. The focus of the course is on managerial decisions and on building coalitions for policy at the organizational, local, regional, national and international levels.
L579 Nursing Administration Practicum (3-6 cr.) P: L574 and V610. A practicum experience designed for synthesis of theory and practice. Agency observation and activities are independently planned. Includes group seminars. 15 clinical hrs./wk.
L650 Data Analysis for Clinical & Administrative Decision Making (3 cr.) Focuses on understanding, manipulating, and analyzing quantitative data in nursing and health care. Includes use of computer-based systems for data management and statistical analysis. Students learn application and interpretation of multivariate statistical models for decision making.
L671 Financial Management: Nursing (3 cr.) Designed to acquaint nurses with budget preparation and fiscal management of a nursing unit or division. Methods of obtaining personnel input, estimating costs, and cost justification are analyzed in depth.
L773 Marketing Strategies for Nursing (3 cr.) P: D606. Theories related to marketing models in nursing are studied as they relate to the entire set of exchange relationships. Practice in using a theory or model is provided.
L774 Theory Development in Nursing Administration (3 cr.) P: D606. Selected administrative models and theories are critiqued relative to their application for nursing administration. Practice in the specific critique of one theory or model is provided.
L775 Organizational Theories in Nursing (3 cr.) P: D606. An analysis of existing organizational theory for the purpose of identifying, extending, or modifying theory for application in the nursing service or education sectors.
L776 Leadership in Nursing (3 cr.) P: D606. A study of selected role, leadership, system, social exchange, and organizational theories and their related research to form a base for differentiation and integration of administrative roles in academic nursing administration.
M552 Science of Nursing Diagnosis and Treatment (3 cr., 2 didactic, 1 clinical) P: 10 credits of core. Focuses on nursing's unique contribution to client/patient care and on scientific basis for nursing practice. Critical thinking skills in diagnosis and treatment are emphasized. Clinical experience includes design, implementation, and evaluation of innovations for treating pain. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
M554 Functional Enhancement (3 cr., 2 didactic, 1 clinical) P: M552. Focus is on assessments and diagnoses of impairments contributing to functional disabilities and the critique of current therapeutics to remediate or prevent impairments. Innovative theory/research-based therapeutics to enhance physical and cognitive functioning will be examined. Clinical experiences include the design, implementation, and evaluation of innovations. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
M556 Symptom Management (3 cr., 2 didactic, 1 clinical) P: M552. Focus is on application of science to practices that facilitate self-management (nurse management when necessary) of illness-related symptoms. Clinical experiences include assessments and diagnoses of non-disease-based etiologies that contribute to symptoms, design, implementation, and evaluation of nursing therapeutics to facilitate symptom prevention or reduction. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
M559 Stress and Coping: Counseling to Promote Function (3 cr.) P: M552. Theories and research relevant to stress and stress management are explored with emphasis on the attainment of situational stress counseling skills to promote optimal functioning. Students are required to provide direct care to patients/clients who have a known or predicted biodissonance and to utilize the nursing process in clinical application of appropriate theory and research. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
M560 Enhancing Health Behaviors Through Psycho-Educational Intervention (3 cr.) P or C: M559. Focus is on application of science to design, implement, and evaluate psycho-educational interventions to influence health care decisions and behaviors. Clinical experience includes development, implementation, and evaluation of a patient/family psycho-educational program. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
M561 Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing of Adults (3 cr.) P: M559; P or C: M560. Offers graduate students the opportunity to synthesize theories and experiences pertinent to role development/modification and socialization in advanced practice roles in the nursing care of adults. 10 clinical hrs./wk.
M562 Advanced Concepts in Critical Care (3 cr.) P: 15 credits of major. Seminars and clinical experience focus on application of science to nursing practices to enhance cost-effective clinical outcomes of critically ill adults who are sensitive to nursing therapeutics. 5 clinical hours./wk.
P510 Psychopharmacology (3 cr.) Considers indications, therapeutic uses, neurophysiological mechanisms of action, and side effects of the major classifications of psychotropic drugs. Relevant research is examined as is clinical application pertinent to current psychiatric mental health practice, including therapeutic management, psychodynamics, and combination of drugs with other treatment modalities.
P515 Psychiatric/Mental Health Assessment in Advanced Psychiatric Nursing (3 cr.) Methods and skills for completing a comprehensive mental health assessment are emphasized. Content includes criteria for DSM, psychiatric nursing diagnosis, ICD, and functional abilities, developmental status, and cultural influences. Students become familiar with standardized assessment tools commonly used in psychiatric/ mental health settings. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
P551 Advanced Practice in Child/Adolescent Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing (3 cr.) Treatment theories and research related to children/ adolescents and their families are examined to foster development of the advanced practice role. Sociopolitical issues in child/adolescent psychiatric nursing are examined. Students develop advanced practice skills in child/ adolescent psychiatric/mental health nursing issues in a clinical practicum. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
P558 Advanced Practice in Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing (3 cr.) Students examine treatment theories and research related to mental illness in adults to foster the development of advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Sociopolitical issues related to advanced practice in Adult Psychiatric Nursing are examined. Clinical experience is formed on the development of advanced practice skills. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
P651 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing with Families (3 cr.) Theoretical formulations and research related to developmental and functional processes in families are examined for their relevance in designing and implementing nursing interventions. Biopsychosocial formulations are used to understand the reciprocity of individual and family function and dysfunction. Learning experiences include analysis of family therapy simulations and a family therapy practicum. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
P654 Group Interventions in Advanced Psychiatric Nursing (3 cr.) The student will demonstrate an understanding of group treatment as a therapeutic modality in the advanced practice of psychiatric/mental health nursing. Various models of group intervention are analyzed to determine their relevance for meeting specialized needs of clients across the life span. Practicum required. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
P668 Consultation and Community Mental Health (3 cr.) Students examine and evaluate models for mental health consultation and community mental health interventions. Students will analyze and differentiate various strategies for mental health interventions that involve at-risk populations in a multicultural society. Contemporary mental health policy issues related to advanced practice nursing are discussed. Students complete a consultation project. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
P671 Advanced Clinical Practice in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing I (3 cr.) Students engage in advanced psychiatric nursing practice with selected populations. Students further define and expand their practice of psychiatric/ mental health nursing based on the integration of theory, research, self-evaluation, and clinical supervision. A variety of approaches and issues of service delivery are explored. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
P672 Advanced Clinical Practice in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing II (3 cr.) In this practicum, students expand their practice to indirect care responsibilities, including clinical supervision, evaluation of treatment environments, program development, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Students examine social, legal, economic, and ethical issues to develop goals for future professional development and contributions to nursing. 10 clinical hrs./wk.
P850 Internship: Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing (6 cr.) P: completion of major and minor area of study in Doctor of Nursing Science program. The internship is the last course in the Doctor of Nursing Science program in psychiatric/mental health nursing. Students take on an extensive clinical research experience related to the development of the knowledge and skills necessary for conducting clinical research and for implementing and evaluating prevention and intervention programs. 30 clinical hrs./wk.
R505 Measurement and Data Analysis (3 cr.) Principles and applications of scientific measurement, data summarization, inferential statistics, and practical derivations of the general linear model. Considers the research purpose and the phenomenon under study as determinants of measurement techniques and data analysis.
R601 Instrument Development for Health Behavior I (2 cr.) P: R600. The purpose of this course is to provide an opportunity for the student to gain expertise in developing an instrument to measure health behavior. Content focuses on theoretical foundations of measurement, item construction, questionnaire design, and content analysis.
R602 Instrument Development for Health Behavior II (2 cr.) P: R601. The purpose of this course is to provide an opportunity for the student to develop expertise in the testing of an instrument to measure health behavior. Content focuses on data collection, item analysis, validity and reliability assessment, and manuscript preparation to report psychometric properties.
R610 Qualitative Methods for Nursing Research (3 cr.) Seminar on the use of qualitative methods in scientific inquiry in nursing. Content includes the role of theory in inquiry, types of qualitative methods, ethical considerations, evaluation of trustworthiness of data, and research design.
R800 Dissertation Seminar (3 cr.) In collaboration with the student's dissertation chair, dissertation development is facilitated. The seminar is a forum for students to explore with their peers research problem development, theoretical foundations, methodology, and data analysis to launch their dissertation research. Format and procedures for progression in the dissertation process are also discussed.
R899 Dissertation in Nursing (1-8 cr.) Research project is conceptualized, conducted, and written.
S674 Management of the Acutely Ill Adult 1 (6 cr.) This course focuses on assessment, diagnosis, and collaborative management of adults who are acutely/critically ill or are experiencing exacerbation of a chronic health problem. Clinical focus is on the role of the acute care nurse practitioner working with a multidisciplinary team to facilitate and accelerate the patient's return to optimal health. 15 clinical hrs./wk.
S675 Management of the Acutely Ill Adult 2 (6 cr.) P: S674. This course focuses on assessment, diagnosis, and collaborative management of adults who are acutely/critically ill or are experiencing exacerbation of a chronic health problem. Clinical focus is on the role of the acute care nurse practitioner working with a multidisciplinary team to facilitate and accelerate the patient's return to optimal health. 15 clinical hrs./wk.
S676 Management of the Acutely Ill Adult 3 (6 cr.) P: S674 and S675. This course focuses on assessment, diagnosis, and collaborative management of adults who are acutely/critically ill or experiencing exacerbation of a chronic health problem. Clinical focus is on the role of the acute care nurse practitioner working with a multidisciplinary team to facilitate/accelerate the patient's return to optimal health. 15 clinical hrs./wk.
T615 Nursing Curriculum (3 cr.) Focus is on the process of curriculum development within a conceptual framework. Emphasis is also directed toward current nursing curriculum issues.
T617 Evaluation in Nursing (3 cr.) Focus is on the integration of the concepts and processes of evaluation and evaluation-attending activities into a nursing education framework.
T619 Computer Technologies (3 cr.) Provides nurse educators with an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills for using computer technologies to support the teaching-learning process. Emphasis is given to theoretical frameworks that guide the selection, use, and integration of computer technologies in nursing education programs.
T670 Teaching of Nursing (3-6 cr.) P: Master of Science in Nursing or equivalent, and consent of instructor. Focus is on seminar and guided experiences in teaching of nursing, including planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating classroom and clinical instruction. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
W540 Writing for Professional Nursing Publication (3 cr.) This 3-credit course is for graduate students wanting to learn how to write for nursing publication. The course is co-taught by editors of nursing journals. Students will submit a draft of an article and receive editorial review.
Y512 Advanced Concepts in Gerontology (3 cr.) P: Introductory/survey course in gerontology and consent of instructor. Enables students to synthesize theoretical and practical concepts from different disciplines to meet the primary health care needs of elderly adult clients and their families.
Y515 Pathophysiology (4 cr.) Provides advanced knowledge of Pathophysiology as the foundation for nursing management in the health care of adults.
Y535 Dynamics of Family Health Care (3 cr.) Provides students with opportunities to study families within the community context. Consideration is given to theories of family functioning and roles in family health care, using family assessment tools and other nursing intervention strategies.
Y550 Physical Health Assessment (3 cr.) Enables students to learn psychomotor skills required for performing physical examinations. This course also provides the theoretical basis to begin the process of physical diagnoses of health and illness. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
Y552 Health Maintenance for Adults (5 cr.) Provides the basis for synthesizing health status information for nursing interventions aimed at helping adults and families to assume responsibility for the prevention of illness and the promotion and maintenance of health. 15 clinical hrs./wk.
Y554 Advanced Nursing ManagementAdult (2 cr.) Enables the student to use nursing research data and theoretical knowledge to support advanced nursing practice in primary health care nursing.
Y555 Collaborative Clinical Practice in Primary Health Care Nursing (4 cr.) Provides opportunities for students to develop advanced clinical practice in primary health care nursing. Seminar provides for the analysis of nursing management through care presentations. 20 clinical hrs./wk.
Y556 Advanced Nursing Management of the Oncology Client (4 cr.) P: Y515, Y550, Y552, Y562, or consent of instructor. Provides the nurse practitioner concentrating in oncology with an overview of advanced nursing management for adults with cancer. Students will learn how to facilitate patient transition through screening and detection, diagnosis, acute care, rehabilitation, and the terminal phase. 5 clinical hrs./wk.
Y562 Pathophysiology of Cancer (2 cr.) P: Y515, Y550, or consent of instructor. A pathophysiological approach to nursing care of clients with localized or invasive cancer.
Y565 Interdisciplinary Practicum in Gerontology (3 cr.) P: Introductory/survey course in gerontology, Y512, and consent of instructor. Provides the student, as an advanced practitioner and interdisciplinary team member, with the opportunity to participate in the creation or change of health policies and/or programs affecting elderly people. Consists of a seminar and a practicum. 10 clinical hrs./wk.
Y612 Pharmacology for Nurse Practitioners (3 cr.) This course provides a basis for understanding the use of pharmacotherapeutic agents for clients across the life span. The course builds upon the pharmacologic knowledge base acquired at the baccalaureate level in nursing.
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