School of Medicine 2003-2005 Academic Bulletin |
Department of Urology
Chair: Professor Koch
L700 Urology Clerkship (2 cr.) Student is considered a member of the urologic team and assigned individual cases as primary responsibility. Student will become familiar with the entire clinical service through daily rounds, clinics, surgery, staff rounds, and weekly conferences. Koch and Staff
L720 Dispensary and Bedside Clinic (Wishard Memorial Hospital, Veterans Hospitals, and Medical Center Hospitals) (14 hrs.) The bedside and clinical experience in above-named hospitals; active participation in diagnosis and management of clinical patients, both adult and pediatric. Koch and Staff
L803 Clerkship in Urology (168 hrs.) (3 cr.) Given as part of the senior clerkship in the surgical specialties. Koch and Staff
L804 Research in Urology (hrs. and cr. arr.) Kaefer and Staff
L810 Hospital Clinic: Adult and Pediatric Urology (Wishard Memorial Hospital, Veterans Hospitals, and Medical Center Hospitals) (45 hrs.) (2 cr.) Senior participation in bedside and clinical management of urologic disease in above-named hospitals. Koch and Staff
L897 Senior Elective in Urology (hrs. and cr. arr.) A variety of electives are offered within the department. Specific information on each elective is available in the Senior Elective Program Course Listing, which is updated and published in February of each year. These electives are offered in the Medical Center facilities and in approved programs in clinics and hospitals throughout the state.
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