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Courses in the School of Medicine 2003-2005 Online Bulletin

School of Medicine
Academic Bulletin

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Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Chair: Professor Eble

C477 Introduction to Pathology (2 cr.) For Allied Health Science students and nurses. Lecture only. Review of fundamental principles of general and systemic pathology. Staff

X601 Introduction to Clinical Medicine II: The Clinical Encounter (398 hrs.) (21 cr.) An interdisciplinary course designed to introduce students to clinical medicine. Includes medical interviewing and physical examination skills learned at the bedside with direct patient contact. Clinical medicine is surveyed with emphasis on pathophysiology and diagnosis. Problem-solving skills are stressed, including synthesis and interpretation of medical data. Staff

C603 General Pathology (148 hrs.) (6 cr.) Introduction to mechanisms of disease through demonstrations, lectures, laboratory, and conferences; emphasis on basic concepts and principles of disease processes. Staff

C604 Systemic Pathology (88 hrs.) (4 cr.) Presentation of pathology by organ systems with emphasis on etiologic factors, evolution of lesions, pathologic physiology and clinical correlations. Staff

C899 Senior Elective in Pathology (hrs. and cr. arr.) A variety of electives are offered within the department. Specific information on each elective is available in the Senior Elective Program Course Listing, which is updated and published in February of each year. These electives are offered in the Medical Center facilities and in approved programs in clinics and hospitals throughout the state.

Graduate Courses and Electives

The courses listed below are primarily intended for students seeking the M.S. or Ph.D. degree in pathology, and for medical students seeking a combined M.D. and graduate degree. Complete program information is provided in the Graduate School Bulletin and/or departmental brochures.

C700 Clinical Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: B500 or B800 or equivalent. Methodology, instrumentation, and interpretation with clinical correlation of procedures in the clinical chemistry laboratory.

C701 Clinical Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: B500 or B800 or equivalent. Special clinical chemistry therapeutic drug monitoring and radioassay, radioimmunoassay, and enzyme immunoassay.

C800 Advanced Pathology (hrs. and cr. arr.) Subject material and hours arranged to conform to needs of students. Staff

C802 Advanced Morphologic Hematology (2 cr.) P: consent of instructor. A graduate-level course with emphasis on diagnostic morphologic hematology. This course covers several aspects of morphologic hematology including erythrokinetics, myeloid and erythroid morphology, leukemia classification, myelodysplastic syndromes, myeloproliferative disorders, and newer concepts in diagnostic hematology.

C803 Diagnostic Immunopathology (2 cr.) P: basic undergraduate immunology and permission of instructor. Emphasis on immunobiology and diagnostic immunopathology. This course covers several aspects of immunopathology including autoimmune disease, transplantation biology, immunodeficiency disorders, and use of molecular diagnostics.

C808 Graduate Seminar in Pathology (1 cr.) P: permission of instructor. Graduate-level seminar series with emphasis on experimental pathology. First-year graduate students present critical literature reviews of contemporary research topics. More advanced students present proposals and reports of their research.

C820 Advances in Diagnostic Microbiology (3 cr.) Discussions of infectious diseases and agents of infectious diseases including source, clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, epidemiology, treatment, and prevention and control, and the correlation of these subjects with laboratory diagnostic methods. Contemporary subjects will be emphasized.

C850 Cellular Structure of the Nervous System (3 cr.) Cellular structure and ultrastructure of the central nervous system in normal and experimental situations, including cell biology of neurons, astrocytes, oligodendroglia, brain macrophages, mast cells, brain vessels, and barriers. Organization of neural systems into global and point-to-point circuits; generative and regressive phenomena; and cerebral transplantation in neurodegenerative conditions.

C858 Experimental Pathology (5 cr.) Review and performance of selected experiments in pathology illustrating the types of pathologic processes. Staff

C859 Research in Pathology (cr. arr.) Supervised initiation of a research project in pathology. Counseling in the completion of a thesis. Staff

C862 Basic Pathologic Techniques (5 cr.) Methods of the histologic and chemical laboratories of pathology; principles of examination used in the usual procedures of surgical and autopsy pathology. Staff

C875 Biochemical Pathology (3 cr.) P: C603 or B800. A survey of biochemical pathology as demonstrated by recent advances in research in pathology. Selected topics for lecture and discussion will include aspects of tissue, cellular, subcellular, and molecular pathology. Staff

G556 Methods of Humane Animal Experimentation (1 cr.) The purpose of this course is to provide graduate students entering careers in life science disciplines with the opportunity to obtain training in the proper care and humane use of laboratory animals. Federal regulations and considerations in the selection of animal models will also be discussed.

G655 Research Communications Seminar (2 cr.) Study of the methodological and systematic treatments of scientific data required for effective communication through written primary and secondary research publications, oral presentations, abstracts, post presentations, and grant proposals.

G890 Methods in Molecular Biology and Pathology (3 cr.) P: G865 or J838, and consent of instructor. Basic principles and techniques in molecular biology and pathology. Particular emphasis will be on molecular techniques that can be used to study problems related to biochemistry and pathology.

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