Kelley School of BusinessIndianapolis 2005-2007 Academic Bulletin |
Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management (M.S.G.S.C.M.) Courses
Specialty Area Requirements (1.5 cr) E701 Supply Chain ManagementBusiness Process Design (1.5 cr.) Viewing a business operation as a process has become an important concept. Applying this concept has resulted in significant improvements in cost, productivity, and quality. This course will cover both manufacturing and administrative/service processes. Initially, the traditional or classical methods of process analysis will be described. Then current methods such as work-group analysis and cross-functional analysis will be covered. The next phase will be assessment and evaluation of processes. Techniques such as the rating method, performance evaluation, benchmarking, and the quality profile are described. Students will use state-of-the-art software designed specifically to support process engineering applications.
E730 Supply Chain Overview (3 cr.) The course provides an intensive overview of supply chain management including sourcing, manufacturing, distribution along with technologies, and quantitative models used in managing supply chain. The course is delivered during the initial residency part of the program.
E731 Supply Chain ManagementSourcing (3 cr.) This course concentrates on the important functions of working and managing the vendor base that supports the supply base. Students will learn about the design of cooperative arrangements between trading partners, as well as the new technologies like Internet reverse auctions and e-hubs that are being employed for e-procurement.
E732 Supply Chain Management System Distribution, Distribution Inventory Management (3 cr.) Supply chain management is a system approach to managing the entire flow of information, materials, and services from raw materials suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end-customer. Supply chain management is different from supply management. Supply chain management (SCM) emphasizes all aspects of delivering products to customers, whereas supply management emphasizes only the buyer-supplier relationship. SCM represents a philosophy of doing business that stresses processes and integration. This course will focus in two major areas related to supply chain management: (1) the design of the distribution system, and (2) the planning and control system used to manage the supply chain.
E733 Supply Chain ManagementEnterprise Planning (3 cr.) This course gives the student an in-depth understanding of the technologies that businesses use to better manage their supply chain operations. Key technologies covered are enterprise resource planning systems, customer relationship management, advanced planning systems, and data mining.
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