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![]() Kelley School of BusinessIndianapolis 2005-2007 Academic Bulletin |
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Graduate Programs
About the Graduate Programs
The school's graduate programs provide a diverse group of men and women with the skills, work ethic, vision, and innovative spirit needed to rise to positions of management leadership in a global business environment. The Kelley School of Business graduate programs are accredited by the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), an important certification of the quality of our program. The programs are weighted toward a comprehensive understanding of the business processes, its environments, competition, and rapid technological change. Graduates of IU's business programs should possess the following:
The Kelley School of Business recognizes that management policy and procedure are subject to change over time. The managerial methods of tomorrow may bear little resemblance to techniques in current use. For this reason, the graduate programs emphasize sound general principles and decision-making techniques that provide a base for continued learning rather than on business procedures that are subject to obsolescence.
Three overlapping goals dictate both the overall design of the Kelley School of Business Graduate Programs and their curriculum:
Admission Requirements and Procedures
Applicants with bachelor's degrees in any field are eligible for admission to the graduate programs. Admission is selective. The Admission Committee evaluates applicants' abilities to succeed academically and their potential to contribute to the program.
Academic Policies Governing Kelley School of Business Graduate Programs
Code of Ethics
Kelley School of Business graduate students are expected, in all activities and relationships connected with their academic program, to act in a professional manner. Indiana University regulations governing the actions and interactions of members of the university community are intended to enhance the values that must be maintained in the pursuit of university's purposes and goals of preserving, improving, increasing, transmitting, and applying knowledge. These values include freedom of inquiry, commitment to searching for the truth, the exercise of critical judgment, intellectual honesty, freedom for the open expression of ideas and opinions with limits that protect the rights of others, respect for the views and the dignity of other persons, and openness to constructive change.
The Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct defines student rights and responsibilities, including individual rights in the areas of freedom from unlawful sexual harassment, racial harassment, or harassment based on sexual orientation. This IU code exists as a guide for students, faculty, and staff and is available from the Kelley School of Business or online at life.iupui.edu/dos/code.htm.
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Indiana University, like all academic institutions, exists for the advancement of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the development of students, and the promotion of the general well-being of society. Free inquiry and free expression are indispensable to the attainment of these goals. Students are expected to responsibly exercise their freedom to learn and to respect the general conditions that maintain such freedom. The university has developed the following general regulations concerning student conduct that safeguard the right of every individual student to exercise fully the freedom to learn without interference.
The university may discipline a student for academic misconduct. Academic misconduct is defined as any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the institution and undermine the educational process. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating (including unauthorized cooperation or the use of unauthorized material in preparing an assignment to be graded); fabrication; plagiarism (representing another person's work, words, or ideas as your own); interference; changing a grade in connection with any assignment; gaining unauthorized access to an examination; submitting the same written work for credit in two separate courses without permission from both instructors; lying to instructors or school administrators; knowingly permitting copying; violation of course rules; facilitating academic dishonesty; and all other academic misconduct defined by the IU Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.
A faculty member who believes a student has engaged in any form of academic dishonesty shall initiate the following process: Hold an informal conversation (via phone, e-mail, or in-person) with the student to discuss the matter and include information on both the act and the information upon which the allegation is based. The student must be given an opportunity to respond to the allegation of misconduct.
If the faculty member concludes the student did commit the act of academic misconduct, the faculty member is authorized to impose an appropriate academic sanction. The faculty member is required to report the matter promptly in writing to the student, the dean, and the director of the student's program. The director is then required to share this information with the dean of students.
The student has the right to appeal the faculty member's decision that the student committed the act of misconduct, the faculty member's decision to impose a particular academic sanction, or the decision of the Dean of Students to impose an additional sanction. The appeal must be filed in writing within five days of receiving written notice of the sanction.
The university may also discipline a student for acts of personal misconduct occurring on university property, including falsifying emergency warnings; release of access codes for university resources; lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct; unauthorized entry; damage to university property belonging to others; sexual or racial harassment; verbal abuse; and all other acts of personal misconduct as defined by the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.
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The official grading system of the Kelley School of Business and the point values are:
No points are assigned for the following grade symbols: I (Incomplete), NC (No Credit), NR (No Report filed by the instructor), S/F (Satisfactory/Failure), or W (Withdrawn).
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A grade of Incomplete (I) indicates that a student's work is passing as of the end of the semester, but a relatively small part of the course has not been completed. In order to give a grade of I, the faculty member must agree with the request for an Incomplete. The faculty member must file an Incomplete Form, which states the reason for the incomplete, the requirements for completion, and the time at which the course is expected to be completed. Incompletes not removed within one year of assignment automatically convert to a grade of F.
There are times when the grade of W is an appropriate grade. The W indicates that the course has not been successfully completed, and therefore, the student may not be able to progress to the next semester's course work.
A grade of W is automatically assigned if withdrawal occurs during the first half of a given session. After that time, it is necessary to petition to withdraw. If the petition is granted, the student may withdraw, and a W will be assigned for the course.
The grade of W is not counted in the cumulative GPA. Similarly, the hours for which the student receives a W are not counted toward completion of the hours required to complete the graduate program in which the student is enrolled. Some graduate programs limit the number of Ws a student may receive. See the appropriate academic policies section for each program's policies.
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Kelley graduate students must compile a minimum cumulative grade point average in all Kelley School of Business course work to remain in good standing and to complete graduation requirements.
Courses not approved as a part of the student's curriculum will not be included in calculation of the plan of study grade point average. Beginning with the August 2000 semester, the targeted distribution of grades for each course is:
The following policies apply:
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Kelley graduate programs have residence requirements that are unique to each program. Please see the appropriate Academic Policies section for each program's policies.
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Transfer of Credit from Another Institution
Transfer of credit may be requested for courses taken outside of the Kelley School of Business. Credit for courses is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Credit for elective courses will normally be granted if all of the following conditions are met:
To request transfer of academic credit, a Kelley graduate student must (1) complete a Request for Transfer Credit form, (2) attach a course description and syllabus, and (3) file the form and documentation with the appropriate academic program office. The request is forwarded to the appropriate department for a decision. The student will be notified in writing of the decision; this takes a minimum of two weeks.
Approval for transfer credit is conditional upon receipt, by the recorder in the Graduate Office, of an official copy of the transcript. Grades received on courses granted transfer credits are not included in the computation of the Indiana University GPA.
With the exception of requests resulting from a job transfer, course work taken at another institution while a candidate as an active student in a Kelley program is NOT eligible for transfer credit. It is recommended that academic advising and approval from the Kelley School of Business be obtained before enrollment in course work at another institution.
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Kelley School of Business Student Resources
E-mail Accounts
University Information Technology Services (UITS) issues network IDs that give students access to campus e-mail, modem connections, and the Internet. A student obtains a UITS network ID upon admission to the university.
For problems with an assigned network ID, e-mail support@iupui.edu or contact the UITS Support Center at (317) 274-HELP. Kelley Direct Programs students should contact the Kelley Direct Help Desk toll free at 1-877-785-4713 or kdhelp@iupui.edu.
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Kelley School of Business Faculty
The faculty of the Kelley School of Business is responsible for all curriculum requirements and policies for the graduate programs. Faculty offices are located on the fourth floor of the Business/SPEA Building. Support staff for the faculty are also located on the fourth floor. For security purposes, access to the fourth floor is restricted to normal business hours, which are 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. unless you have made special arrangements with a particular faculty member. To contact a faculty member by phone, please call (317) 274-2265. Faculty members may also be contacted via e-mail.
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Beta Gamma Sigma is the national scholastic honor society in the field of business and administration recognized by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The purpose of Beta Gamma Sigma is to encourage and reward scholarship and accomplishment among students of business and administration, to promote the advancement of education in the art and science of business, and to foster integrity in the conduct of business operations.
Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest scholastic honor a student in business administration can earn, and new members initiated from among the master's degree students must rank in the upper 20 percent of those receiving the degree during the same academic year.
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Kelley School of Business Student Resources for On-Campus Students
Evening M.B.A. Student Advisory Board (SAB)
Evening M.B.A. Student Advisory Board (SAB)
SAB members meet monthly after class. They are elected from each cohort to represent the student body to the Kelley School faculty and advise the faculty in curricular policy matters. They are also responsible for Teaching Excellence Awards, cookie breaks, representing the student body to the Kelley School faculty, advising the faculty on curricular and policy matters, and various other student activities. Look for them on the second floor during "cookie breaks." Your participation in this student group is strongly encouraged.
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All M.P.A. students are automatically members of the M.P.A. Student Association (MPASA). MPASA is operated by M.P.A. students who volunteer to serve on a steering committee and other standing and special event committees.
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The Graduate Student Lounge is located in BS 3007 of the Kelley School of Business. The lounge remains open to student traffic as long as the building is open. The bulletin board in the lounge carries notices of campus activities and extracurricular events that may be of interest to all graduate students. Student mailboxes are located in the lounge.
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Evening M.B.A. and M.P.A. Student Mailboxes
Individual hanging files serve as mailboxes for all current graduate students and are located in the Graduate Student Lounge, BS 3007. The mailboxes are arranged in alphabetical order by cohort group. Although much of the communication to graduate students occurs on the e-mail system, candidates are encouraged to check their mailboxes on a regular basis. These mailboxes are used by the Graduate Office, the faculty, and other graduate students as a means of sharing information related to academic matters.
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University Resources for Graduate Students
Adaptive Educational Services
The university recognizes the needs of students with disabilities. Support services such as note takers, tutors, and readers are available for eligible students.
For further information, contact the Office of Adaptive Educational Services, Cavanaugh Hall 001E, 425 University Blvd.; telephone (317) 274-3241. The office is open Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If necessary, special arrangements can be made for evening appointments.
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As part of its academic mission, Indiana University makes available career counseling and placement services for its students.
Evening M.B.A. students in their final year have the option of joining the Bloomington Graduate Career Service Center for a fee. Participation in the GCSC at Bloomington requires commitment and advance planning on the part of the student member. For information, call (812) 856-5052 or visit the GCSC Web site at gcs.indiana.edu.
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The Schedule of Classes is available online at onestart.iu.edu and mailed to all currently enrolled students, usually in October for the spring term, and in March for the summer and fall terms. This publication will serve as the student's reference for questions on fee payment and sponsorship, parking services, identification cards, hours of campus service units, residency, telephone numbers, and so on.
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The IUPUI University Library is located adjacent to the Business/SPEA Building at 755 W. Michigan Street. Library hours for fall and spring terms are:
Students can access the IUPUI University Library on the Web at www.ulib.iupui.edu.
For questions about circulation policies and for general library information, please call (317) 274-8278.
For reference assistance, call (317) 274-0469.
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