Kelley School of BusinessIndianapolis 2003-2005 Academic Bulletin |
Kelley Direct Online Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Courses
C521 Managing Accounting Information for Decision Making (3 cr.) P: A201. Provides a user-oriented understanding of how accounting information should be managed to ensure its availability on a timely and relevant basis for decision making. The first part of the course reviews financial accounting and reporting while the second part of the course focuses on cost-benefit analysis for evaluating the potential value-added results from planning, organizing and controlling a firm's accounting information. The use of cases, forum discussions, and computer support is extensive. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year One, Winter Quarter.
C550 Business Law (3 cr.) The objective is to provide the student of management with a basic knowledge of the American legal system, the legal process, and relevant substantive law which is necessary to making informed and effective business decisions. The law develops and evolves in response to changing social, economic, political, and technological forces, and business decisions often carry long-lasting as well as delayed effects. This course emphasizes the study of the law of torts, contracts, and product liability. It is hoped that consideration of a study of these legal principles will give prospective managers insight into the dynamics of the legal process to enable them to predict as soundly as possible the future legal environment in which their present decisions will bear fruit. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year Two, Winter Quarter.
C530 Economics for Managers (3 cr.) Economic decision making in the business firm, the strategic interaction of business firms in industries, the purchasing and consumption behavior of individual consumers and consumers as a group, and the influence of public policy on market outcomes. Development of a fluency with the language of economics and a strong "economic intuition," understanding of selected economics-based decision-making tools and the impact and interaction of the structure of an industry on competition, analysis of intra-industry rivalry, and improved understanding of public policy issues. Emphasis on the logical foundations of economic analysis and managerial decision making. Will promote understanding and application of various quantitative measures. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year One, Fall Quarter.
C540 Financial Management (3 cr.) Provides a working knowledge of the tools and analytical conventions used in the practice of corporate finance; establishes an understanding of the basic elements of financial theory to be used in application of analytical reasoning to business problems; and explores the interrelationship among corporate policies and decisions. Course work will include problem sets, study group preparation of executive summary memos and critiques, and use of PC spreadsheets to develop a planning model for a case focusing on funds requirement. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year One, Spring Quarter.
C541 Advanced Topics in Finance (3 cr.) Advanced study in finance. Topics can vary from year to year but often include capital structure theory, dividend policy, risk management, financial restructuring, current asset management, mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and international finance. For Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year Two, Spring Quarter.
C512/C514 Managing in a Team-Based Organization (1.5 cr.) In the search for sustained competitive advantage, firms have established "high-involvement" organizational structures and processes that draw heavily upon employee efforts, skills, and abilities to attain corporate objectives. In particular, managerial efforts have centered on the design, development, and administration of team-based initiatives. This course introduces students to key managerial practices and principles that help establish and maintain effective team-based organizations. Students learn how to manage team-based organizations designed to contribute to different types of performance objectives: cost reduction, quality improvement, new product development, mass customization, and process re-engineering. These lessons are applied to manufacturing, service, and not-for-profit organizations. Finally, the "basics" of team management are covered: to staff teams, facilitate team development, and lead teams for effective performance. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year One, Pre-Fall Intensive.
C511/C513 Organizational Development and Change (1.5 cr.) Today's business environment forces executives to use every tool at their disposal to create and maintain an effective and adaptable organization. A major source of effectiveness and adaptability is the way in which the company's efforts are organizedits systems, structures, management process, rewards, and strategies. The primary job of senior management today is to design, build, and operate organizations that function effectively. With these needs in mind, C511/C513 helps students to: (1) understand the basic components of the organization and how they interrelate as a system, (2) learn tools for diagnosing organizational performance problems, and (3) practice applying organization design concepts to solve performance problems. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year Two, Pre-Fall Intensive.
C561 The United States in a Global Economy (3 cr.) This course takes a macroeconomist's lens to the United States economy in a global context. After taking this course, you will be better able to understand U.S. and other industrial countries' economic performances, including the terminology and theories that are used to document and explain their long-term trends and cyclical ups and downs. That is, you should be able to better understand and evaluate articles you read in business periodicals like the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, The Economist and The Financial Times. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year Two, Fall Quarter.
C562 Developing Strategic Capabilities (3 cr.) This course offers an introduction to tools for strategic management. It provides an introductory review of the complexities involved in determining long-term strategies. Rather than assessing the firm's environment in terms of broadly defined opportunities and threats, we will examine the dynamics of the competitive environment, how both the pace and direction of industry change are influenced by the resources, capabilities, and competitive interaction of rivals. The course uses discussion forums, team projects, and an interactive simulation. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year Two, Winter Quarter.
C560 Business Planning and Project Management (3 cr.) Students will work in project teams to address planning and implementation issues related to product management and new business development. Readings and other course materials will be assigned by the faculty instructor. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year One, Summer Quarter.
C563 Integrative Capstone Course (3 cr.) Business development and venturing is the vehicle for our integrative capstone courses. Employing the tools learned and practiced throughout their program, students will work in small teams to develop business plans for new businesses, or entrepreneurial activities within larger organizations. There is also a business computer simulation that is designed to integrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities learned in the program. Readings and other course materials will be assigned by the faculty instructor. For KD OnLine M.B.A. students enrolled in Year Two, Summer Quarter.
C570 Strategic Marketing Management (3 cr.) An introduction to the process of creating a market-driven organization. Specific topics include marketing strategy, market research and analysis, and the development of products and services, pricing, distribution and promotion. The course employs lecture, classroom discussion through threaded discussion forums, case analysis and field research projects. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year One, Winter Quarter.
C571 Advanced Topics in Marketing (3 cr.) This course is concerned with developing and executing marketing strategy in the context of a computer simulation. The MARKSTRAT simulation provides a competitive environment that reflects many of the characteristics of real-world business-to-business decision-making. The hands-on approach required by MARKSTRAT is superior to the traditional pedagogical tools of lectures, readings, and cases in terms of the emphasis on teamwork for the generation of marketing strategies and the achievement of objectives.
The course will provide a high-involvement learning experience that emphasizes:
Operations and Decision Technologies
C520 Decision Support Systems/Quantitative Analysis (3 cr.) In this course, we enhance the student's statistical and mathematical modeling skills covering the following topics: (1) probabilistic decision making, (2) regression analysis, (3) forecasting, (4) simulation with @RISK, (5) optimization modeling with the EXCEL Solver, (6) making decisions when multiple objectives are involved, and (7) using neural networks to improve forecasting. Applications from all major functional areas will be discussed. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year One, Fall Quarter.
C580 Operations Management (3 cr.) Surveys the management of operations in manufacturing and service firms. Diverse activities, such as determining the size and type of production process, purchasing the appropriate raw materials, planning and scheduling the flow of materials and the nature and content of inventories, assuring product quality, and deciding on the production hardware and how it gets used, comprise this function of the company. Managing operations well requires both strategic and tactical skills. The topics considered include process analysis, workforce issues, materials management, quality and productivity, technology, and strategic planning, together with relevant analytical techniques. The course makes considerable use of business cases. Most classes will be spent discussing the cases assigned. For each case, students will be asked to review actual company situations and apply technical and managerial skills to recommending courses of action. Most cases will be taken from manufacturing, but some will be service-oriented. Several of the cases will focus on international companies or issues. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year One, Spring Quarter.
C522 Information Technology for Managers (3 cr.) Study of information systems management issues including enterprise support applications, systems acquisition and implementation practices, facilitating end-user support and telework and e-business opportunities. Readings and case analysis and one team project. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year Two, Fall Quarter.
C564 Global Electronic Commerce (3 cr.) Web-based course with CD-ROM access required. This course explores the meaning of "electronic commerce" and how organizations use it to conduct business more profitably. We will also examine key industries and technologies that currently shape the form that electronic commerce is taking in the U.S. Finally, we will examine cultural and societal factors that influence consumer response to electronic commerce. For KD Online M.B.A. students enrolled in Year Two, Summer Quarter.
C565 Thinking Strategically: Game Theory and Business Strategy (3 cr.) Game Theory has traditionally been a tool of economists, but its use in management situations has been growing rapidly in recent years. This trend is sure to continue. Managerial decisions are not static and cannot be made in isolation. Instead, a manager must account for the reactions of rival firms, subordinates, and superiors to directives and proposals. Game theory is a tool to use to examine these interactions.
The course extends the analysis of game theory and business strategy begun in the Managerial Economics portion of the Core. The ultimate aim of the course is to strengthen the ability to think strategically in business situations, rather than to teach facts or theories. To achieve this aim, we will iterate between theory and practice. We will use both formal case studies and real-world examples to sharpen our strategic thinking skills.
C525 Advanced Quantitative Methods (3 cr.) We will build on quantitative methods covered in C520 and cover cool functions and tricks, more solver models, and more Monte Carlo models. Grading is based on weekly homework assignments (3-5 problems) that may be done in teams of up to four people and two exams. Homework is 30 percent of the grade, and each exam is 35 percent of the grade.
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